Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 28-45.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2023.12.27
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ZHANG Yanbin1(), ZHAI Mingguo1,2,*(
), ZHOU Yanyan1,2, ZHOU Ligang1
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ZHANG Yanbin, ZHAI Mingguo, ZHOU Yanyan, ZHOU Ligang. The continental lower crust[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2024, 31(1): 28-45.
Fig.9 p-T conditions during post-metamorphic uplift, Bamble, Norway. Modified after [60]. 1-10: ‘representative isochores’; a to g: estimates from mineral assemblages; a to c: prehnite-pumpelleyite; d to g: peak metamorphic associations. Shaded square at the lower left corner of c: ‘preferred’ for anatexis in Songe amphibolite; Doted line: modeled uplift path; A to E: successive fluid regimes during post-metamorphic uplift.
Fig.10 Phase diagrams for H2O and CO2. Adapted from [61]. × marks the critical conditions of these materials. The short-dashed lines indicate the temperatures below which the “dense” supercritical H2O and CO2 exist.
Fig.11 REE patterns of argillaceous granulite (Khondalite) and anatectic granite (a, adapted from [74] ) and p-T conditions for partial melting of mafic granulite under different depth ranges (b, adapted from [75])
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