Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2023, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 142-151.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2022.10.14
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SHI Juye1(), JIN Zhijun2,3,*(
), LIU Quanyou2,3, FAN Tailiang1, GAO Zhiqian1, WANG Hongyu1
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SHI Juye, JIN Zhijun, LIU Quanyou, FAN Tailiang, GAO Zhiqian, WANG Hongyu. Application of astronomical cycles in shale oil exploration and in high-precision stratigraphic isochronous comparison of organic-rich fine-grain sedimentary rocks[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2023, 30(4): 142-151.
Fig.2 Comparison of well logs from the upper 4th Chun member (Es4cu) of the Shahejie Formation in the Dongying sag (the shaded part is the section in Fig.5)
Fig.3 Well log spectral analysis results for well Fanye-1. (A) Stratigraphic column, GR curve and orbital cycles. Astronomical timescale adapted from [18]. Spectral filter factors were 0.025±0.015 (long eccentricity) and 0.26±0.05 (obliquity). (B) 2π MTM power spectrum for the GR curve. (C) Evolutive FFT spectrum for the GR curve.
Fig.4 Correlation of eccentricity cycles in well logs from section Es4cu in the Dongying sag. Red lines indicate high-production shale oil formations.
Fig.5 Correlation of obliquity cycles in well logs from section Es4cu in the Dongying sag. Spectral filter factors for obliquity were 0.29±0.05 (Fan120), 0.26±0.05 (Fanye1) and 0.43±0.05 (Liang758).
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