Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2023, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 128-142.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2022.8.29

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Formation and distribution potential of global shale oil and the developments of continental shale oil theory and technology in China

ZOU Caineng1(), MA Feng1(), PAN Songqi1(), ZHANG Xinshun1, WU Songtao1, FU Guoyou2, WANG Hongjun1, YANG Zhi1   

  1. 1. Petrochina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083, China
    2. Technology Administration Department, PetroChina Company Limited, Beijing 100007, China
  • Received:2022-07-07 Revised:2022-08-05 Online:2023-01-25 Published:2022-10-20


The global unconventional shale formations contain rich oil and gas resources, and worldwide there are four major shale formations namely Upper Jurassic, Oligocene-Miocene, Cretaceous and Upper Devonian formations of the Laurasia and Tethys tectonic domains. In this study, the relationship between production and Ro value of typical North America shale oil is identified by cross-analysis, and a Ro value of 0.7% is proposed dividing the low-maturity and medium-high maturity shale oil. In addition, systematic evaluation is performed on low and high maturity shale oil from 157 shale formations in 116 basins around the world, which involves 251.2 billion tons of technically recoverable resources distributed mainly in North America, South America, North Africa and Russia, where the dominant strata are Miocene formations of foreland basins, Paleozoic formations of cratonic basins, and Mesozoic formations of rift basins and passive continental margin basins. Affected by marine transgression since the Phanerozoic marine shale oil is enriched in stable craton and foreland basins with large-scale stable distribution and moderate maturity; whilst due to greenhouse effect continental shale oil developed mainly in depression and fault-depression basins, where micro and nano inorganic pores and micro laminate fractures serve as the main channels for hydrocarbon migration/accumulation characterized by rapid sedimentary transformation and local enrichment in “sweet spots”. China’s petroleum industry is undergoing a transition from “continental shale oil generation” to “continental shale oil production”, with the initial developments of the geological theory on “in-source exploration” of oil/gas source rocks and the technical system for ‘high-efficiency exploration and low-cost development’ of continental shale oil, seeking major breakthroughs in continental shale oil development in China. Future research should focus on the basic applied theories and key technologies, geology-engineering integration, and “full life cycle” management, aiming to accelerate industrial development of “artificially fractured reservoirs” of medium-high maturity shale oil, enhance technical research and industrial testing on in-situ thermal conversion of low-maturity shale oil, promote “continental shale oil revolution” in China, and solidify resource foundation achieved by stabilizing oil production while increasing gas production.

Key words: global, shale oil, medium-high maturity shale oil, low-maturity shale oil, resource evaluation, unconventional oil and gas

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