Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 103-116.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2024.6.29
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LIU Yanxiang1,2,3(), LÜ Wenya2,3,*(), ZENG Lianbo2,3, LI Ruiqi4, DONG Shaoqun2,5, WANG Zhaosheng1, LI Yanlu2,3,6, WANG Leifei6, JI Chunqiu2,3
CLC Number:
LIU Yanxiang, LÜ Wenya, ZENG Lianbo, LI Ruiqi, DONG Shaoqun, WANG Zhaosheng, LI Yanlu, WANG Leifei, JI Chunqiu. Three-dimensional modeling of multiscale fractures in Chang 7 shale oil reservoir in Qingcheng oilfield, Ordos Basin[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2024, 31(5): 103-116.
裂缝类型 | 裂缝走向/(°) | 走向占比/% | 裂缝倾角/(°) | 裂缝长度/m | 裂缝开度/μm | ||
中尺度裂缝 | 235 | 20 | 80 | 均值 | 17.9 | 均值 | 142 |
105 | 52 | 80 | 最大值 | 50.5 | 最大值 | 204 | |
150 | 12 | 80 | 最小值 | 10.1 | 最小值 | 70 | |
195 | 16 | 80 | 方差 | 64.1 | 方差 | 1 937 | |
小尺度裂缝 | 235 | 20 | 80 | 均值 | 4.4 | 均值 | 81 |
105 | 44 | 80 | 最大值 | 9.9 | 最大值 | 114 | |
150 | 19 | 80 | 最小值 | 1.1 | 最小值 | 42 | |
195 | 17 | 80 | 方差 | 4.4 | 方差 | 451 |
Table 1 Modeling parameters for mesoscale/small-scale fractures in the study area
裂缝类型 | 裂缝走向/(°) | 走向占比/% | 裂缝倾角/(°) | 裂缝长度/m | 裂缝开度/μm | ||
中尺度裂缝 | 235 | 20 | 80 | 均值 | 17.9 | 均值 | 142 |
105 | 52 | 80 | 最大值 | 50.5 | 最大值 | 204 | |
150 | 12 | 80 | 最小值 | 10.1 | 最小值 | 70 | |
195 | 16 | 80 | 方差 | 64.1 | 方差 | 1 937 | |
小尺度裂缝 | 235 | 20 | 80 | 均值 | 4.4 | 均值 | 81 |
105 | 44 | 80 | 最大值 | 9.9 | 最大值 | 114 | |
150 | 19 | 80 | 最小值 | 1.1 | 最小值 | 42 | |
195 | 17 | 80 | 方差 | 4.4 | 方差 | 451 |
Fig.10 Crossplot showing the relationship between the average fracture equivalent permeability value and the average daily liquid production in the early development stage of well Chang 71
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