Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 103-116.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2024.6.29

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Three-dimensional modeling of multiscale fractures in Chang 7 shale oil reservoir in Qingcheng oilfield, Ordos Basin

LIU Yanxiang1,2,3(), LÜ Wenya2,3,*(), ZENG Lianbo2,3, LI Ruiqi4, DONG Shaoqun2,5, WANG Zhaosheng1, LI Yanlu2,3,6, WANG Leifei6, JI Chunqiu2,3   

  1. 1. Liaoning Key Laboratory of Green Development of Mineral Resources, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China
    2. National Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China
    3. College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China
    4. Research Institute of Exploration and Development, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Branch Company, Xi’an 710018, China
    5. College of Science, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China
    6. Longdong Oil and Gas Development Company of Changqing Oilfield, PetroChina, Qingyang 745000, China
  • Received:2023-11-15 Revised:2024-05-06 Online:2024-09-25 Published:2024-10-11


Shale oil reservoirs generally develop multiscale natural fractures which are the main reservoir storage spaces and seepage channels. The development of multiscale natural fractures restricts efficient reservoir exploration and development. In this article, taking Chang 7 shale oil reservoir in Qingcheng oilfield, Ordos Basin as an example, combined with field surface outcrop, core, thin section, well log, and seismic data, the characteristics of multiscale fracture development are clarified on the basis of fracture classification; a multiscale fracture modeling method is developed. A three-dimensional discrete network model of multiscale fractures in well X in typical drilling area is established. Based on ant-tracking seismic attributes after stacking, the distribution characteristics of macroscale fractures are clarified, and a geological model of macroscale fractures is established using deterministic methods. Through geomechanical analysis, combined with fracture interpretation results from conventional well logging, intensity constraint models for mesosccale/small-scale fracture developments are established. Using the intensity constratint models, combined with relavant fracture parameters, geological models of mesoscale and small-scale fractures are established, respectively, using random modeling technique. Finally, fracture network models of all scales are fused to form a multiscale fracture network model, and an equivalent fracture attribute model is established. It was found that macroscale fractures of Chang 71 in area X are developed in the northeast while mesoscale and small-scale fractures are developed mostly in the west, southwest, and northeast of the study area. The established multiscale fracture model is consistent with the pattern of fracture development in single well and actual production performance data, thereby providing a geological basis for increasing shale oil and gas storage and production in well X drilling area in Qingcheng oilfield.

Key words: shale oil reservoir, multi-scale fracture, developmental characteristics, 3D discrete network model, Qingcheng oilfield, Ordos Basin

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