Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 46-60.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2023.6.14
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CHEN Rubiao1(), WANG Yuman1,*(), HUANG Zhengliang2, LI Weiling3, YAN Wei2, LIANG Feng1, GUO Wei2
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CHEN Rubiao, WANG Yuman, HUANG Zhengliang, LI Weiling, YAN Wei, LIANG Feng, GUO Wei. Fracture pore characteristics and gas accumulation model of marine shales in the northwestern Ordos Basin: A case study of the Ordovician Wulalike Formation[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2024, 31(5): 46-60.
Fig.2 Composite colomn diagram for the Wulalike Formation in Well L105 in northwestern Ordos Basin. Adapted from [12]. The tri-mineral brittleness index refers to the percentage of quartz, dolomite, and pyrite in the total mineral content of rock.
Fig.3 Lithofacies division of the Wulalike Formation in the Majiatan-Dashuikeng Block. Adapted from [13]. Marine shale lithofacies types: ① siliceous shale; ② argillaceous shale; ③ calcareous shale;④ argillaceous-siliceous mixed shale; ⑤ argillaceous-calcareous mixed shale;⑥ calcareous-siliceous mixed shale; ⑦ chert; ⑧ claystone; ⑨ limestone (dolomite).
气藏类型 | 裂缝孔隙度/% | 对应划分方案 | 实例 |
基质孔隙型页岩气聚集 | <0.2 | 连续型页岩气聚集[ | 长宁、威远、昭通、泸州、正安[龙马溪组,测试产量(2~4)×104 m3/d]、彭水、Barnett等气田 |
裂缝型页岩气聚集 | >0.5 | 构造型页岩气聚集[ | 涪陵、Woodford、Marcellus、Haynesville、马家滩-上海庙(O2w,忠平1井初试产量26.48×104 m3/d) |
混合型页岩气聚集 | 0.2~0.5 | 铁克苏庙(O2w,棋探10井初试产量10.19×104 m3/d) |
Table 1 Classification criteria for shale gas accumulation types. Modified after [13⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓-20].
气藏类型 | 裂缝孔隙度/% | 对应划分方案 | 实例 |
基质孔隙型页岩气聚集 | <0.2 | 连续型页岩气聚集[ | 长宁、威远、昭通、泸州、正安[龙马溪组,测试产量(2~4)×104 m3/d]、彭水、Barnett等气田 |
裂缝型页岩气聚集 | >0.5 | 构造型页岩气聚集[ | 涪陵、Woodford、Marcellus、Haynesville、马家滩-上海庙(O2w,忠平1井初试产量26.48×104 m3/d) |
混合型页岩气聚集 | 0.2~0.5 | 铁克苏庙(O2w,棋探10井初试产量10.19×104 m3/d) |
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