Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2022, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 252-264.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2022.8.8
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GUAN Shuwei1(), LIANG Han2, JIANG Hua1, FU Xiaodong3,4, GU Mingfeng3,4, LEI Ming5, CHEN Tao4,5, YANG Rongjun4,5
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GUAN Shuwei, LIANG Han, JIANG Hua, FU Xiaodong, GU Mingfeng, LEI Ming, CHEN Tao, YANG Rongjun. Characteristics and evolution of the main strike-slip fault belts of the central Sichuan Basin, southwestern China, and associated structures[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2022, 29(6): 252-264.
Fig.5 (a) Coherence attribute of the bottom of the Xujiahe Formation, and (b) en echelon faults controlled by left simple shear in the Moxi and Gaoshiti structural belts (see Fig.2a for location of the structural belts)
Fig.6 (a) Coherence slices of supra-, intra-, and sub-salt sequences in the northern slop area (location see Fig.2a), (b) en echelon folds in salt bed controlled by left simple shear, and (c) structural characteristics in seismic section
Fig.7 Uninterpreted (a) and interpreted (b) seismic sections across the NE-trending extensional faults in the Moxi strike-slip fault belt (see Fig.4a for section locations)
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