Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 313-331.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2024.9.5

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Lithological associations, deformation characteristics of the Lower-Middle Cambrian and their influence on oil and gas migration in the North-central Tarim Basin

GU Yu1,2(), WU Jun1,2,*(), FAN Tailiang1,2, LÜ Junling1,2   

  1. 1. School of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Marine Reservoir Evolution and Hydrocarbon Enrichment Mechanism (Ministry of Education), China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2024-06-17 Revised:2024-08-13 Online:2024-09-25 Published:2024-10-11


Exploration and production practices in the North-central Tarim Basin have revealed that the distribution of oil and gas is strictly controlled by faults, with significant variability in oil and gas between different fault segments. Fault zones played an important role in their vertical migration. Therefore, revealing lithological associations of the Lower-Middle Cambrian in the North-central regions of this basin is of great significance for determining strata deformation and clarifying factors affecting migration efficiency of oil and gas. This study was based on cores, drilling/logging, 3D seismic and production dynamic datum from this study area. Firstly, the lithological types and associations analysis were carried out. Subsequently, the seismic response characteristics of lithological associations was clarified through well-seismic calibration and regional seismic profile tracking. Finally, the deformation characteristics of target layers under fault movements was identified, and lithological associations and their deformation influences on oil and gas migration was revealed. The results can be obtained as follows: (1) The lithological types consist of dolomites, gypsum-bearing rocks and argillaceous dolomites, which are classified into three types of lithological associations according to their stacking patterns: upper and lower segmented, symmetrical and interbedded types. (2) There are significant differences in seismic reflection characteristics among lithological associations. The upper and lower segmented lithological associations are corresponded to the weak amplitude reflection at the upper part, the strong amplitude reflection and sheet parallel to sub-parallel reflection at the lower part. The symmetric lithological associations show that the seismic reflections with medium-strong amplitude and good continuity are interspersed with sheet-parallel reflections of weak amplitude and medium continuity. The interbedded lithological associations are characterized by strong amplitude, high frequency and good continuity in seismic reflection. (3) Under different stress segmentation effects, the deformation characteristics of target layers are divided into three types: thickness reduction, thickness increase, and thickness stability. The combinations of lithological associations and deformation characteristics jointly controls the oil and gas migration. There are significant differences in the stacking styles of lithological associations in the east part and west part of the Shunbei block. The west part of this study block is a symmetrical stacking, while the east part is characterized by segmented to symmetrical stacking type. The thinning of the target layer thickness is conducive to the passage of oil and gas. The symmetrical lithological association has a higher degree of deformation and fragmentation at the interface and inside the formation, which is conducive to the oil and gas migration, the upper and lower segmented lithological associations are more favorable in tension sections.

Key words: strike-slip fault, migration of oil and gas, lithological associations, the Lower- Middle Cambrian, North-central Tarim Basin

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