Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 313-331.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2024.9.5
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GU Yu1,2(), WU Jun1,2,*(), FAN Tailiang1,2, LÜ Junling1,2
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GU Yu, WU Jun, FAN Tailiang, LÜ Junling. Lithological associations, deformation characteristics of the Lower-Middle Cambrian and their influence on oil and gas migration in the North-central Tarim Basin[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2024, 31(5): 313-331.
Fig.3 Cumulative thickness statistics of different lithological types of the Lower-Middle Cambrian in the Wells TS5、TC1、LT1 and ZS1, North-central Tarim Basin
岩性组合类型 | 岩石类型 | 地震响应特征 |
上下分段型 | 上部为白云岩类,以白云岩和灰质白云岩为主;下部为含泥白云岩类,主要由泥质白云岩和含泥白云岩组成 | 上部振幅较弱、较低频率、连续性中-差和亚平行反射;下部振幅较强、连续性中-好和平行反射 |
对称型 | 中部为白云岩类,上下部为含膏岩类或含泥白云岩类,主要为膏质白云岩、泥质白云岩和含泥白云岩 | 整体表现为“强夹弱”的特征,即上部和下部为中-强振幅、连续性较好的反射特征夹中部的弱振幅、连续性中等的反射特征 |
互层型 | 含膏岩类与白云岩类频繁互层,呈现“薄层多段”特征 | 整体表现为振幅较强、较高频率和连续性好 |
Table 1 Response characteristics of three types of lithological associations corresponding to seismic in the North-central Tarim Basin
岩性组合类型 | 岩石类型 | 地震响应特征 |
上下分段型 | 上部为白云岩类,以白云岩和灰质白云岩为主;下部为含泥白云岩类,主要由泥质白云岩和含泥白云岩组成 | 上部振幅较弱、较低频率、连续性中-差和亚平行反射;下部振幅较强、连续性中-好和平行反射 |
对称型 | 中部为白云岩类,上下部为含膏岩类或含泥白云岩类,主要为膏质白云岩、泥质白云岩和含泥白云岩 | 整体表现为“强夹弱”的特征,即上部和下部为中-强振幅、连续性较好的反射特征夹中部的弱振幅、连续性中等的反射特征 |
互层型 | 含膏岩类与白云岩类频繁互层,呈现“薄层多段”特征 | 整体表现为振幅较强、较高频率和连续性好 |
Fig.7 Lithological associations and their corresponding seismic features in the North Tarim Basin, Central Tarim Basin and Shunbei block. The profile positions are shown in Fig.1.
Fig.8 Seismic reflection characteristics of different lithological associations of the Lower-Middle Cambrian in the North-central Tarim Basin. The profile positions are shown in Fig. 1.
Fig.11 Deformations under different stress segments of three lithological associations in the Lower-Middle Cambrian (blue circles on seismic profiles) and their corresponding geological models (yellow boxes) in the Shunbei block,Northern-central Tarim Basin
Fig.12 Distribution of stratum deformation degree under different stress segments for three lithological associations in the Northern section of Shunbei No.5 fault
Fig.13 Relationship between strata deformation with different stress segments and their productions of oil and gas in the Northern section of Shunbei No.5 fault
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