地学前缘 ›› 2023, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 262-281.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2022.12.20
所属专题: 印度-欧亚大陆碰撞及其远程效应
• “印度-欧亚大陆碰撞及其远程效应”专栏之七 • 上一篇 下一篇
吴 晨(1988—), 男, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事构造地质学研究。E-mail: wuchen@itpcas.ac.cn
WU Chen1(), CHEN Xuanhua2, DING Lin1
吴晨, 陈宣华, 丁林. 祁连造山带构造演化与新生代变形历史[J]. 地学前缘, 2023, 30(3): 262-281.
WU Chen, CHEN Xuanhua, DING Lin. Tectonic evolution and Cenozoic deformation history of the Qilian orogen[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2023, 30(3): 262-281.
图1 青藏高原地区特提斯造山系统的构造分带图(a)和北祁连洋俯冲极性的构造模型图(b)(a据文献[21]修改)
Fig.1 (a) Tectonic map of the Tethyan orogenic system (modified after [21]), and (b) end-member models for subduction of the North Qilian ocean
图2 祁连造山带及周缘断裂构造、岩浆分布和构造分区简图(据文献[28]修改) SQLOB—南祁连造山带;CQLB—中祁连地块;NQLOB—北祁连造山带;ATF—阿尔金断裂;KLF—昆仑断裂;NQDF—柴达木盆地北缘断裂;SDNF—党河南山南缘断裂;TDF—土尔根达坂断裂;NZF—北宗务隆山断裂;SQHF—青海南山断裂;SCQLF—中祁连南缘断裂;NCQLF—中祁连北缘断裂;SYNF—野牛沟南缘断裂;CMF—昌马—俄博断裂;NQLF—北祁连北缘断裂;HYF—海原断裂;TJF—天景山断裂;WQF—温泉断裂;RYF—日月山断裂;GHF—共和断裂;LSF—龙首山断裂;JTF—金塔断裂;AYF—阿拉善右旗断裂;YBF—雅布赖断裂;EGF—恩格尔乌苏南缘断裂;SYEF—银额盆地南缘断裂;STOM—肃南—老虎山蛇绿混杂岩带;NQLOM—熬油沟—玉石沟蛇绿混杂岩带;DH-LJOM—党河南山—拉脊山—永靖蛇绿混杂岩带;ZWLOM—宗务隆蛇绿混杂岩带;NQDOM—柴北缘蛇绿混杂岩块。
Fig.2 Sketch map of the Qilian orogen and adjacent areas, showing the regional fault system, magmatism and tectonic division. Modified after [28].
图3 祁连造山带大地电磁测深反演剖面的构造解释(据文献[28]修改) a—浅层反演剖面的构造解释;b—共轭梯度法中-深层反演剖面;c—中-深层反演剖面的构造解释。 断裂名称:NQDF—柴达木盆地北缘断裂;NZF—北宗务隆山断裂;NTJF—天峻盆地北缘断裂;SCQLF—中祁连南缘断裂;NMLF—木里盆地北缘断裂;NCQLF—中祁连北缘断裂;SYNF—野牛沟南缘断裂;CMF-昌马—俄博断裂;NQLF—祁连山北缘断裂;YN—榆木山逆冲推覆构造;NYMF—榆木山北缘断裂;LSF—龙首山断裂;JTF—金塔断裂;SYEF—银额盆地南缘断裂。Gr—花岗岩;HCL—壳内和上地幔低阻(高导)层。
Fig.3 Structural geological explanation of magnetotelluric sounding profile in the Qilian orogen. Modified after [28].
图4 北祁连造山带、中祁连地块和南祁连造山带构造-地层图(据文献[36]修改)
Fig.4 Lithostratigraphy of the North Qilian orogen, Central Qilian block, and South Qilian orogen of northern Tibet. Modified after [36].
图6 青藏高原北缘构造热年代学数据与断裂构造关系图(始新世—渐新世时期(a)和中新世以来(b))(据文献[131,152]修改)
Fig.6 Tectonic thermochronological data and faults in the northern Tibetan Plateau. (a) In the Eocene-Oligocene; (b) since the Miocene. Modified after [131,152].
图7 青藏高原北缘两阶段盆-山演化(a,b)与祁连山地区断裂响应(c,d)模式图(据文献[57,131,134,152]修改)
Fig.7 Two-stage basin-mountain evolution model for the northern Tibetan Plateau. Modified after [57,131,134,152].
图8 东昆仑转换挤压系统的构造模式图(a)和大型走滑断裂系陆内生长模式图(b)(a据文献[57]修改)
Fig.8 (a) Structural model for the Eastern Kunlun transpressional system (modified after [57]), and (b) intracontinental growth model for a large-scale strike-slip fault system
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