Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 387-396.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2024.2.7

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Effects of algae-derived organic matter source on sediment mineralization in the karst reservoir

HUANG Siyu1,2(), PU Junbing3,*(), PAN Moucheng4, LI Jianhong4, ZHANG Tao3   

  1. 1. College of Environment and Resources, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China
    2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Environmental Processes and Remediation in Ecologically Fragile Regions, Guilin 541006, China
    3. Chongqing Key Laboratory of Carbon Cycle and Carbon Regulation of Mountain Ecosystem, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China
    4. MNR and Guangxi Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics, Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Guilin 541004, China
  • Received:2023-11-02 Revised:2024-01-29 Online:2024-09-25 Published:2024-10-11


In the karst reservoir, there are a lot of $\mathrm{HCO}_{3}^{-}$ in the water column, which can promote algae to function of biological carbon pump and lead the algae organic matter to be deposited under the water column. Meanwhile, algae organic matter is mineralized on the sediment suffer in order to affect the organic matter burial, carbon cycle of karst aquatic environment. To study effect and of algae-derived organic matter source on sediment mineralization, we selected the Dalongdong Reservoir as the object and analyzed carbon cycle stability of karst reservoir aquatic environment. The results revealed that: organic carbon in the surface sediment come from the algae source (20.9%-65%) and soil source (11.8%-53.4%), which organic carbon of algae source was mainly deposited on the downstream and soil source' was on the upstream. The potential mineralization on the upstream was higher than that on the downstream, because the mineralization process of organic carbon was influenced by organic source difference, especially algae-source; with biological carbon pumping effect and inorganic carbon protection, potential burial volume in the surface sediment of karst reservoir was higher than that in the karst soil, which showed that sediment structure in the karst reservoir was stable.

Key words: karst reservoir, algae-derived organic matter, mineralization process, inorganic carbon effect, carbon pool stability

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