Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2022, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 216-228.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2021.9.15
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SUN Zhiwen1,2(), JIA Yonggang1,2,*(), QUAN Yongzheng1,2,*(), GUO Xiujun1,2, LIU Tao1,2, MENG Qingsheng1,2, SUN Zhongqiang1,2, LI Kai1,2, FAN Zhihan1,2, CHEN Tian1,2, TANG Haoru1,2
JIA Yonggang,QUAN Yongzheng
CLC Number:
SUN Zhiwen, JIA Yonggang, QUAN Yongzheng, GUO Xiujun, LIU Tao, MENG Qingsheng, SUN Zhongqiang, LI Kai, FAN Zhihan, CHEN Tian, TANG Haoru. Development and application of long-term in situ monitoring system for complex deep-sea engineering geology[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2022, 29(5): 216-228.
接收通道 | 声速/(m·s-1) | 方差值 | ||
最小值 | 最大值 | 平均值 | ||
CH1 | 1 516 | 1 560 | 1 533 | 145 |
CH2 | 1 561 | 1 614 | 1 586 | 404 |
CH3 | 1 567 | 1 598 | 1 587 | 51 |
CH4 | 1 656 | 1 830 | 1 784 | 1 253 |
CH5 | 1 607 | 1 803 | 1 735 | 1 052 |
CH6 | 1 641 | 1 897 | 1 831 | 2 108 |
Table 1 Summary of six channel sound velocity of seafloor sediments
接收通道 | 声速/(m·s-1) | 方差值 | ||
最小值 | 最大值 | 平均值 | ||
CH1 | 1 516 | 1 560 | 1 533 | 145 |
CH2 | 1 561 | 1 614 | 1 586 | 404 |
CH3 | 1 567 | 1 598 | 1 587 | 51 |
CH4 | 1 656 | 1 830 | 1 784 | 1 253 |
CH5 | 1 607 | 1 803 | 1 735 | 1 052 |
CH6 | 1 641 | 1 897 | 1 831 | 2 108 |
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