Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2020, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 133-153.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.12.3
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SHU Jinfu
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SHU Jinfu. Space, Earth, ocean: mineralogical studies under extreme conditions[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2020, 27(3): 133-153.
Fig.3 (Left) Core-mantle boundary (CMB). (Right) Low and ultra-low velocity zones (LVZ, ULVZ), where Fe-rich post-perovskite (ppv) FexMg1-xSiO3 with CaIrO3 structure can have Fe concentration as high as x=0.8, which may explain the presence of LVZ and ULVZ in the D″ layer.
Fig.4 The crystal structure of Wüstite FeO, showing progressive transformations under increasing p-T. From left: cubic NaCl (Bl) structure at room temperature and lower pressure; rhombohedral structure at high p-T; highly distorted rhombohedral and NiAs (B8 or α-B8) structures at p> 90 GPa.
Fig.6 Crystal structures and spectrometric analysis of chromites. (a) FeCr2O4 structure;(b) Structure of high p-T FeCr2O4 (CF) from hemingite; (c) Structure of high p-T FeCr2O4 (CT) from Xieite;(d) Electron back scattering pattern; (e) X-ray diffraction patterns; and (f) Raman spectra.
Fig.7 (a) Kimberlitic diamond single crystal with graphite single crystal inclusion from Shandong, China. (b) Venezuela kimberlitic diamond with coesite inclusions.
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