

    2008, Volume 15 Issue 6
    20 June 2008
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    On the connotation and methodology of environmentalbiological mineralogy.
    LI Qing-Rong HU Gong SHEN Dun-Feng LI Guo-Wu ZHANG Xiu-Bao
    2008, 15(6): 1-10. 
    Abstract ( 1704 )   PDF (1394KB) ( 997 )  

     Environmentalbiological mineralogy is an interdisciplinary branch related with mineralogy, environmental science and life science. It is the extension of genetic mineralogy into the domain of life, being an important part of the systematic science of the earth. The main research field of environmentalbiological mineralogy includes the following aspects: the mineralogical expression of life origin and the function of minerals in the emergence of life; the biological diversity and relationship between the organisms and minerals under extreme environment; the mineral composition in organisms and the function, macroand microcrystal forms and selfassembled hierarchical structures of biominerals; the nucleation, growth and selfassemble processes for biomineral and the organic controlling; the environmental typomorphism of biominerals;the processes, mechanism and resourcesenvironment effect of biomineralization; the function, process and mechanism of minerals in life activities and their development and utilization. Biominerals have their own characteristics, and the selection of biominerals for environmental study should comply with the following four principles: “runthrough”, “sensitive”, with “periodic zone structure” and enough samples for “statistical”analysis. The environmental factors leading to the variation of mineralogical features should be recognized by using such methods as “correlation analysis”, “factor analysis” and “clustering analysis”. In environmental study, not only the frequently used genetic mineralogical theories and methods (such as the thermoluminescence technique),but also those of the other disciplines (especially life science, such as the computed tomography) can be utilized for developing the new biomineral environment indexes.

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    An overview of focuses of research on otolith element characteristics and general testing methods
    GAO Yong-Hua LI Qing-Rong LIN Dong-Ni JIAO Chi FENG Qiang-Ling
    2008, 15(6): 11-17. 
    Abstract ( 1772 )   PDF (1019KB) ( 842 )  

    Otolith is calcareous concretions in fish inner earsIts composition and structure are very stableIts accretional growth follows a circadian rhythm that is physiologically controlled and influenced by environmental conditionsOtolith acts as biological archives providing the basis for the reconstruction of individual life traits and environmental parametersThe paper focuses on fish otolith trace elements and their isotopes, general testing methods and the prospect and problems of its application in environmental detection in recent 20 years, hoping that it could provide researchers with some thoughts and could expand its potential application in environmental science.

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    The influential factors of strontium and barium enrichment in otolith and their response to the environment.
    LUO Jun-Yan LI Qing-Rong SHEN Dun-Feng
    2008, 15(6): 18-24. 
    Abstract ( 1277 )   PDF (800KB) ( 703 )  

    Strontium and barium in otoliths are mainly from ambient water where fish survives. These two elements precipitate into otoliths crystal lattice or interstitial to substitute for calcium (Ca2+) in vaterite or aragonite. The precipitation of otoliths is controlled not only by biological regulatory, but also influenced by environmental factors, such as: element concentration, salinity, temperature of ambient water, food intake, etc. So there is a response relationship between element partition coefficient and ambient environment. The element concentration of ambient waters is the most significant one among all above mentioned environmental factors. In general, the element concentration in the otoliths is positively correlated to those in the ambient waters. When multielements coexist in the ambient waters, there exist synergism and antagonism between some ions, for example, synergism between strontium and barium, and antagonism between calcium and strontium or zinc. There is no simple correlation between element partition coefficient and salinity or temperature; for some certain species and specific range of values, there exist some good correlations. Based on the specificspecies situation and selecting those elements that are affected greatly by environmental factors than by biological regulatory, such as Sr, Zn, Pb, Mn, Ba, Fe, Li, Ni, Cd, etc., we could use the response relationship to monitor the ecological environment and to manage fishery.

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    Tentative application of computed tomography to the study of carp otoliths and their responses to environmental variations.
    YAN Li-Na LI Qing-Rong-Luo-Jun-Yan DU Feng-Qin MA Guo-Lin WANG Yu-Li WANG Wu
    2008, 15(6): 25-31. 
    Abstract ( 1597 )   PDF (789KB) ( 871 )  

    As the carrier of biomineral aragonite, fish otoliths memorize various messages of environment through the fishs lifeIn the past three decades, quite a few achievements have been made in the studies of fish otoliths, but no advances in researches using medical instruments have been reportedThe authors tentatively apply Xray computed tomography (CT) to the studies of the internal structure of wild carp otoliths, with the CT value determined by variations in the sample density and element compositionThe wild carps were collected respectively from Baiyangdian Shallow Lake in Hebei province and Miyun Reservoir in Beijing metropolis, whose water environments are quite differentThe former has suffered serious pollution and eutrophication whereas the latter has nearly experienced no pollutionThe primary result indicates that difference exists in CT values of otoliths for the carps from the abovementioned two watersWith studies indepth, it is possible that Xray computed tomography could be served as a useful tool in the study of fish otoliths, and the CT values can be taken as typomorphic parameters to distinguish the waters with different degree of pollution.

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    The minerals in the human body.
    QIN Shan LU An-Fu WANG Chang-Qiu
    2008, 15(6): 32-39. 
    Abstract ( 1335 )   PDF (870KB) ( 814 )  

    The study of the minerals produced by the human body and their healthy effects is very fascinating in the field of biomineralization. In this review, we introduce firstly the basic concepts and processes related to biomineral and biomineralization, and then give a short summary about the characteristics and species of biominerals and their position in the mineral classification. Furthermore, we focus on the species and the position of biominerals occurred inside the human body, and give a detailed description of the minerals produced by the human body in which the pathological or physiological signals may or may not be embedded.

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    Reconstruction of sea surface temperature of paleaoocean using biomineral of fossil foraminifer in the carbonate basement of the ferromanganese crust.
    TONG Jing-Gui LI Qing-Rong FANG Nian-Jiao CHU Feng-You WANG Ji-Zhong ZHOU Hua-Wu
    2008, 15(6): 40-43. 
    Abstract ( 1476 )   PDF (647KB) ( 736 )  

    Reconstruction of past sea surface temperatures(SST)is essential for understanding processes that control climate change throughout the Earths history. The Mg/Ca ratio of the foraminifer is a reliable sea water temperature proxy and is a good tool to reconstruct the SST of palaeoocean. The foraminifer samples were collected from the carbonate basement of a ferromanganese crust from a Magellan seamount in the West Pacific and their age was 091 Ma±. Eight of them were examined by LAICPMS for their Mg/Ca ratios. The average of their Mg/Ca ratio was 384±036(mmol/mol). Based on the linear fitting(T(℃)=2898 Mg/Ca(mmol/mol)+1376), the SST of the area around the Magellan Seamounts around 091 Ma ago was given at 249+11/-10 ℃.

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    A study of the psammoma body mineralization in meningioma.
    YANG Re-Chen WANG Chang-Qiu LU An-Fu LIU Jian-Yang ZHANG Bei
    2008, 15(6): 44-53. 
    Abstract ( 1378 )   PDF (3267KB) ( 674 )  

    The psammoma body mineralization in meningioma is a common type of mineralizationThe analysis of the mineral composition may provide some support information in finding the reason of happening and developing of the diseaseThis paper focuses on the concentric layered structure mineralization in meningiomas, using mineralogical methods, such as HRSEM, ESEM, EDAX, EPMA, HRTEM, XRD and FTIR to systematically investigate the mineral composition, structure and shape of the minerals in psammoma bodies in meningiomasWe have devised a method for preparing the silicon wafer sheet which was used for the ESEM insitu observations and analysisIn this study, we first got the ESEM and HRTEM images of the initial mineralization phase of meningiomasThese images showed that in the early stage of psammoma body mineralization in meningiomas, many mineralized balls composed of octocaphosphate were precipitated on the collagen fibersThese balls continued to grow and aggregate, and were gradually hydrolyzed to become the dahlliteThe continued development of mineralization resulted in the mineralized collagen fibersThe study revealed that the concentric layered structure of the psammoma bodies in meningiomas is formed by the spiral arrangement of the mineralized collagen fibers on which the mineralized grains precipitated.

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    Kazue Tazaki Issei Morii
    2008, 15(6): 54-65. 
    Abstract ( 1417 )   PDF (2332KB) ( 591 )  

    Environmental changes recorded in the shell nacre of Sinohyliopsis schlegeli were observed with elemental factors of characteristic water and nutrition for eight months in a cultivated drainage pond at Kanazawa University, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Tetracycline as an indicator was injected into the shell nacre once every month from May to November in 2007. Water qualities such as the pH, redox potential, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration, and water temperature were measured periodically, and the suspended solids in the water were removed by filtration for optical microscopy, Xray fluorescence analysis, and scanning electron microscopyenergy dispersive Xray (SEMEDX) observations. Xray fluorescence chemical analysis of shell nacre indicated layers with strong tetracycline accumulation corresponding to high concentrations of Si, Mn, Fe, and Sr ions. The redox potential and dissolved oxygen concentration measurements supported the existence of layers in the nacre. The suspended materials in the drainage pond water comprised mainly of Si, Mn, and Fe elements, which were the same elements involved in microbial immobilization in the shell nacre during the summer of 2007. SEMEDX analyses confirmed that the ions originated from diatoms, Siderocapsa sp. and Gallionella ferruginea in the stomach. There was little microbial immobilization of the ions in winter. The results suggested elemental immobilization in the layered shell nacre and indicated that Sinohyliopsis schlegeli fed on the ions, to grow the nacre during summer. Sinohyliopsis schlegeli with these biogenic oxides might contribute to the scavenging of heavy metals in natural water.

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    Advances in the study of biological genesis of manganese oxide minerals and their characteristics.
    LIU Fan FENG Xiong-Han CHEN Xiu-Hua QIU Guo-Gong TAN Wen-Feng HE Ji-Zheng
    2008, 15(6): 66-73. 
    Abstract ( 2279 )   PDF (964KB) ( 1631 )  

    Manganese oxide minerals in soils are the products of the weathering of primary mineral and the process of soil formationAs one family of most active minerals in reactions, they play a crucial role in the biological geochemical cycling of many elements through impacting these elements speciation, transport and conversion in natural environmentsConsequently, the formation mechanism and environmental behaviors of manganese oxide minerals are one of the hot topics in the fields of soil science, sedimentology, oceanography and material scienceIt has been indicated in literatures that the genesis of manganese oxide in the environment is closely related to the microbiological process, and microbial mediated oxidation of aqueous Mn(II) can greatly accelerate the rate of oxidation up to five orders of magnitude faster than surfacecatalyzed reactionsMicroorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, that participate in oxidation of Mn(II) are widespread in natureAll of the known typical Mn(II) oxidizing bacteria belong to the Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria branches of the Domain BacteriaThey enzymatically catalyze the oxidation of Mn(II) by a kind of putative multicopper oxidase in extracellular polymeric substances The bacterial oxidation of Mn(II) to Mn(IV) proceeds as  two sequential quick oneelectron transfer processes with the occurrence of an intermediate of  soluble transient Mn(III)The initial biogenic manganese oxide is a kind of phyllomanganate mineral, similar to δMnO2 or acid birnessite, with low degree of crystallanity, small particle size, high oxidation state of Mn and high proportion of octahedral vacancy sitesTherefore, it exhibits a more active surface reactivity such as adsorption and redox reactionsThe relationship of  microbially mediated oxidation of Mn(II) and  the formed Mn(III) intermediates to the global geochemical cycling of liferelated elements such as C, N and S is needed of us to pay attention to in the future.

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    Biogenic iron oxyhydrosulfate and iron oxyhydroxide occurring in acid mine drainage and  their environmental engineering implications
    ZHOU Li-Xiang
    2008, 15(6): 74-82. 
    Abstract ( 1632 )   PDF (1068KB) ( 895 )  

    Acid mine drainage (AMD) generated through the oxidation of pyrite facilitated by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans has a lower pH and contains relatively high contents of heavy metals as well as Fe and SO2-4. Iron oxyhydrosulfate and iron oxyhydroxide, commonly found in acid mine drainage (AMD) and in waters polluted by AMD, play important roles in the attenuation or scavenging of toxic elements. These ferric iron precipitates include jarosite, schwertmannite, goethite, ferrihydrite, etc. In the light of the formation process of biogenic ferric iron oxyhydrosulfate in AMD and its role in scavenging of Fe, SO2-4 and toxic metals, the biogenic minerals could be considered an effective adsorbent for arsenic removal of Ascontaminated groundwater because biogenic ferric iron oxyhydrosulfate especially schwertmannite is of extreme high adsorption capacity for As(III) up to 120 mg/g. For enforced AMD treatment, the ferrous iron biooxidation and ferric iron oxyhydrosulfate formation process by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans could be introduced into a conventional lime neutralization active treatment system to form a twostep treatment approach including enforced biooxidation and biogenic minerals formationlime neutralization, which will reduce drastically the amount of lime needed and improve the separation of precipitate and the purification of water. In addition, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidansloaded biological permeable reaction barrier (bioPRB), in which ferrous iron oxidation and secondary biogenic minerals formation will be able to occur, is designed and applied to AMD passive treatment system with limestone drains to constitute a new treatment model. This can increase the longevity of limestone drains in treating acid mine drainage containing high concentrations of iron and heavy metal. Among others, the advantages of secondary biogenic mineras formation applied in the treatment for AMD or Ascontanminated groundwater are also discussed. Furthermore, the future research topics are proposed.

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    Formation and stabilization of amorphous calcium carbonate modified by phosphatidylcholine.
    NI Jie ZHOU Gen-Dao
    2008, 15(6): 83-89. 
    Abstract ( 1301 )   PDF (1350KB) ( 746 )  

    Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) is highly unstable under the ambient conditions. However, studies on marine ascidian skeletons have revealed that ACC as a transient precursor to crystalline CaCO3 can stably exist for long time in organisms, and the stable ACC is usually membraneembedded. In this paper, phosphatidylcholine (PC) as the main component of biomembrane was used as mineralization additives to biomimic calcium carbonate mineralization. The mineralized products were characterized by Xray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), and filedemission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) techniques. As a result, we found that PC indeed facilitates the formation and stabilization of ACC at the air/solution interface. Therefore, our experimental results may provide a further insight into formation and stabilization of biogenic ACC.

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    Progress in the study of the weathering of carbonate rock by microbes
    LIAN Bin CHEN Ye SHU Li-Jun YANG Rui-Dong
    2008, 15(6): 90-99. 
    Abstract ( 1689 )   PDF (2350KB) ( 1971 )  

    The interaction between microorganisms and minerals can facilitate the process of exogenic biogeochemical reaction, which is one of the important research contents in exogenic geochemistryMicrobes and their geological effects were summarized, and a variety of microbial weathering phenomena toward carbonate rocks, especially on different microcosmic scales, were analyzedThe products and mechanisms of weathering of carbonate rocks by microbes were also expoundedThe authors put forward four microbial weathering mechanisms of carbonate rocks: (1)microorganisms grow on rock surface or in crevices, which will result in biocorrosion, bioerosion, and boring, and will accelerate rock decomposition and weathering; (2)boring meshes produced by microbial colony could increase the efficient superficial area of chemical denudation of rocks, and could lead to the intensification of rock surface weathering to promote mechanical erosion, and the microbial destruction and loosing of cementation structure of rock particles would also accelerate the decomposition of mineral particles; (3)rock weathering can be intensified by the effects of microbial waterkeeping, acidification of organic acids secreted by microorganisms and the release of CO2 induced by microbial respiration onto rock surface; (4)microorganisms uptake nutrition from rock surface to produce complicated organic ligands and promote the release of mineral elements in the growing process of microorganismsFinally, how to carry on the studies of the microbial weathering of carbonate rocks was proposedThe authors suggest to comprehensively exploit local lowgrade mineral resources which contain potassium and phosphate and to accelerate soil formation and evolution in karst regions by using microbial technology.

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    Effects of microbemineral contacting on the dissolution of metal sulfides: a preliminary study on chalcopyrite dissolution mediated by Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans.
    SU Gui-Zhen LIU Jian-Jun LIU Xian-Cai LI Juan HAN Xiao-Dong WANG Rui-Yong WANG Ru-Cheng
    2008, 15(6): 100-106. 
    Abstract ( 2568 )   PDF (1317KB) ( 825 )  

    In the hypergenesis processes, the presence of Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans can effectively promote the dissolution of chalcopyrite. Previous studies indicate that the dissolution mechanisms of chalcopyrite include direct and indirect mechanism. However, the contribution of each mechanism to the mineral dissolution is still in controversy. By the employment of microfiltration membrane to segregate minerals from bacteria, this study simulated and compared the dissolution behaviors of chalcopyrite in the conditions of indirect and direct contact with Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans. The variations of Cu2+ concentrations of the solution of both experiments were analyzed by using inductively coupled plasmaatomic emission spectrometry (ICPAES), and the surface morphology of chalcopyrite and secondary precipitation were observed by using scanning electron microscope (SEM). This study indicates that Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans can clearly promote the dissolution of chalcopyrite through either mechanisms, and that the effect of direct mechanism on the dissolution is more efficient than that of indirect one.

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    The extracellular secretion of Bacillus mucilaginosus and its capability of releasing potassium from potassiumbearing minerals
    DU Xie ZHOU Xue-Ying LIAN Bin
    2008, 15(6): 107-111. 
    Abstract ( 1424 )   PDF (720KB) ( 683 )  

    In this paper, we have studied the content of the capsular polysaccharides of Bacillus mucilaginosus KO1 and the capability of the bacterial potassiumreleasing from Kfeldspar and biotite in the medium containing nitrogen or free of nitrogenThe results show that though the strain is growing slower in the nitrogenfree medium than in the nitrogencontaining medium, the content of capsular polysaccharides produced by the strain in the nitrogenfree medium is higher than those in the nitrogencontaining mediumThe capsular polysaccharides produced by the strain in the culture which contains different mineral powders will reach the highest content on the third or the fourth day in its growing periodThe strains capability of releasing potassium from kfeldspar and biotite in the nitrogencontaining medium is higher than that in the nitrogenfree medium because in the nitrogenfree medium, the strain and its production of glucoprotein are less than those in the nitrogencontaining mediumWe propose that the protein secreted by the bacterial may play an important role in the process of potassiumreleasing from potassiumbearing minerals

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    Phosphorus treated coal combustion products (CCPbottom ash) as an agricultural source of phosphorus.
    SHEN Dun-Feng M.A.Powell D.B.Hayden
    2008, 15(6): 112-117. 
    Abstract ( 1510 )   PDF (1062KB) ( 618 )  

    Coal combustion products (CCP or “ash”) have been shown to be beneficial for improving soil quality and increasing vegetative yields. Because of their structure with more holes, they are also potential carriers of plant nutrients. The bottom ash from the Lambton Generating Station, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada were treated for 66 hours in 010 mol/L phosphorus solutions prepared from NaH2PO4, which resulted in the ash adsorbing 784×10-6 of phosphorus. The  ash was mixed with quartz sand and/or non Ploaded ash from the same source to provide a set of growth media that contained 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the recommended dose of phosphorus (50×10-6) for maize. The biomass yields on the 26th, 34th and 46th day after the planting were compared with those obtained by use of growth media with nondoped ash and with 0200 standard Pfertilizer. The results showed that in general, the growth media containing 25% to 100% of the recommended phosphorus dose performed as well as or better than the growth media with standard Pfertilizer did. On the 46th day after the planting, the shoot fresh weight for the 50%, 75% and 100% doped media increased 39.46%, 42.73% and 4613%, respectively, compared to the trials with Pfertilizer. Shoot dry weight increased 2971%, 1339% and 2887%, respectively, compared to the trials with Pfertilizer. Also, root fresh and dry weight increased 1662% and 1403% in average. This results implied that the coal ash is a better carrier for phosphorus, and the Ploaded ash can be a good additive for improving sand soil.

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    Zhao Donggao Zhou Meifu
    2008, 15(6): 118-123. 
    Abstract ( 1364 )   PDF (764KB) ( 678 )  

    An iron fragment was embedded accidentally in a human body and remained inside for nearly 16 years. The fragment underwent significant morphological and chemical changes. The surface of the fragment developed a botryoidal or oolitic form. The fragment was altered to iron oxides and hydroxides and Ca phosphates (likely apatite). Fe, O, P, Ca, Cl, Na, K and Mg were identified in the fragment. From the rim to the core, the Fe content increased and the P and Ca contents decreased. The fragment absorbed Ca, P, O, Cl, Na and K from the body. This study shows that apatite or other Ca phosphates can remain stable for as long as 16 years. However, the Ca phosphate is mixed with Fe oxides or hydroxides, and therefore, it may not be strong enough to bond to bone. This study also shows that Fe or Febearing alloys are not stable inside a human body.

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    The discovery of metal trace elements in natural gas and its ecologic environmental significance.
    WANG Che-Xi DENG Mei-Zhou LIU Ying-Han LIU E-Wei LI Nie-Yun LU Ren-Ji
    2008, 15(6): 124-132. 
    Abstract ( 2222 )   PDF (1270KB) ( 726 )  

    We have successfully collected the trace elements in natural gas by the airextracting method used in geogas survey in order to conduct the ecologic geochemical evaluation and the investigation of unconventional geochemical exploration for natural gas reservoirs. Fiftyone trace elements in the natural gas of west Sichuan were discovered by using the method of laser plasma spectral analysis. These trace elements are mainly the elements in the 4th, 5th, and 6th periods of the Periodic Table, and their attributes are alkali metals, alkalineearth metals, rare metals, transition metals, main group elements, halogen and nonmetals. The contents of Zn, Ca, K, Na, P, Cu, Mg, Ba, Pb and Fe make up 95% of the total. Among them, the contents of Zn and Ca are the highest, making up 56.7% of the total; the next elements having higher contents are K, Na, P and Cu. This discovery not only plays an important role in the investigation of the origin, the hydrocarbon source, the reservoirforming process and the utility of the natural gas,but also is of great significance for studying the ecologic environment above the gas field.

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    A preliminary study of surface adsorption of iron oxide minerals for phenol and DOM.
    TUN Hong-Hai LIN Yi-Yang TUN Jia-Yi CENG Li-Xuan CENG Ding-Cai DU Juan
    2008, 15(6): 133-141. 
    Abstract ( 1699 )   PDF (1233KB) ( 687 )  

    The aim of this article is to research the ecomineralogical development by investigating the adsorption of iron oxide minerals for phenol and dissolved organic matter (DOM). The multiple mechanisms of surface adsorption associated with the iron minerals can coexist, mainly depending on the solution chemistry as well as the natural and physicochemical properties of adsorbates and minerals. The adsorption study was conducted by batch equilibrium techniques. The results showed that the adsorption of goethite and hematite for phenol is weak in acidic and mild acidic media, and that the phenol adsorption isotherms can be fitted well by Langmuir equation with a correlation coefficient of R>0985. Therefore, the phenol adsorption was subjected to a surface physical adsorption model, whereas the sorption of goethite for the DOM was stronger along with the DOM sorption fractionation. The DOM sorption fractionation was controlled simultaneously by multimechanisms in acidic and neutral media, mainly including “surface ligand exchange”, “hydrophobic force”, and “van der Waals forces” models. Moreover, the DOM sorption isotherms can be fitted well by linear and Freundlich equations with correlation coefficients, R>092, but not by Langmuir equation ascribed to low concentration of DOM used in this article. The effect of the mineral surface charge on adsorption was significant, especially when pH of the solution neared pHpzc (pH for point of zero charge); the phenol and the hydrophobic DOM molecule and/or fraction can preferentially adsorb onto iron oxide minerals because of the decrease in thickness; even the binding of the water film over the iron minerals disappear.  However, the phenol adsorption can be impacted more significantly because of its simple adsorption model, therefore, its pHdependence adsorption curve showed a peak value at pH 78 near the pHpzc. In general, surface complexation reaction of iron oxides can occur especially in acidic and mild acidic media. However, under the condition of pH 75 or so of this study, though the surface ligand exchange may have been still functional, the predominant adsorption mechanisms of DOM onto goethite would be mainly based on the “hydrophobic force” and “van der Waals forces” models. Moreover, the adsorption isotherm of DOM was almost linear (Freundlich equation fitting constant n=102), accounting for the importance of the later two types of adsorption models in the DOM adsorption. Of course, the surface sorption reactions of iron oxide minerals play an important role in regulating immobility and fate of pollutants and natural organic matter in red soils that contain low content of organic matter but high content of iron oxide minerals.

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    Column experimental studies on effects of benzene, toluene on reductive dechlorination of PCE by granular iron.
    JIA Fan LIU Yu-Long LIU Fei CHEN Hong-Han
    2008, 15(6): 142-150. 
    Abstract ( 1603 )   PDF (1176KB) ( 780 )  

    Multicomponent plume in groundwater which blends chlorinated solvents with petroleum hydrocarbons has recently attracted great attention because of its wellknown carcinogenicity in humans and exceptional difficulty to be remedied simultaneously. This paper presents some column experiments which were conducted to evaluate the effects of benzene, toluene on reductive dechlorination of perchloroethene (PCE) by granular iron. The results showed that the kinetics of PCE (at the initial concentration of 2 mg/L more or less) reduction accorded with pseudo firstorder even in the presence of benzene or toluene (at about 2 mg/L, respectively). The presence of benzene increased PCE degradation by 135% averagely; nevertheless, in the existence of toluene, PCE reduction rates averagely decreased by 138%. These data suggested that benzene would be a potential promoter, but toluene suppressed the removal of PCE. Furthermore, the dechlorinated daughter products in the presence/absence of benzene or toluene were identical. Trichloroethylene (TCE), cis1, 2dichloroethene (cis1, 2DCE), 1, 1dichloroethene (1, 1DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) except for trans1, 2dichloroethene (trans1, 2DCE), were observed as the chlorinated intermediates, and cis1, 2DCE was the majority. Otherwise, ethyne, ethylene and ethane were observed as the major nonchlorinated end products. The accumulation of chlorinated intermediates was consistent with the removal ratios of PCE. In addition, the investigated changing of groundwater chemistry showed a noticeable disappearance of calcium (II), bicarbonate and sulfate. However, in the presence of benzene or toluene, there were slight variations in these changes. The results indicated that the effects of such copollutants should be considered in designing the sequential permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) combined iron walls with biotreated zones for groundwater remediation.

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    Removal of methylene blue by Tidoped magnetite (Fe3-xTixO4)
    YANG Shi-Jian HE Hong-Beng TUN Da-Qing CHEN Dong QIN Zong-Hua YUAN Feng SHU Jian-Chi
    2008, 15(6): 151-154. 
    Abstract ( 1459 )   PDF (695KB) ( 772 )  

    In this study, a series of Fe3-xTixO4 (0≤x≤078) were synthesized using a novel soft chemical methodThe synthetic Fe3-xTixO4 was characterized using XRD and FTIRThe results show that synthetic Fe3-xTixO4 has a spinel structure and Ti was introduced into its structureThe introduction of Ti into magnetite structure increases the amounts of hydroxyl (—OH) on the surface of Fe3-xTixO4Then, the synthetic Fe3-xTixO4 was used as absorbents for the removal of methylene blue (MB) from solutionThe experimental results indicate that with the increase of Ti in Fe3-xTixO4, the absorption of MB on Fe3-xTixO4was promoted remarkably and the absorption reached the equilibrium within 05 hour.

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    Tatiana V. Posukhova Sofiya K. Riakhovskaya
    2008, 15(6): 155-162. 
    Abstract ( 1366 )   PDF (1365KB) ( 2155 )  

    he development of new technologies is one of the most effective ways to solve environmental problems related to oredressing. Complex mineralogical investigations are able to help in improving this process. In collaboration with researchers from the IPKON institute we have developed an electrochemical method to improve the properties of crushed ores prepared for the wet magnetic separation. The present paper studies the samples both before and after application of the electrochemical method. Surfaces of mineral grains investigated by the SEM method demonstrate differences in flocculation. Measured polarization curves allowed to reveal unequal electrochemical processes on surfaces of magnetite, hematite, and martite particles. Xray analysis and Mssbauer data also confirmed the changes in compositions of the ores before and after applying of the electrochemical method. Magnetic properties of the studied species to be compared before and after the method application revealed relevant increasing for such parameters as magnetic viscosity (Svo), breaking saturation field (Hcr), magnetic susceptibility (χ), and specific magnetization (Is).

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    Analysis on the bacterial diversity of active sludge in wastewater treatment plant
    JIANG Cuan MA Ming-Chao LI Dun LU An-Fu ZHONG Zuo-Shen
    2008, 15(6): 163-168. 
    Abstract ( 1554 )   PDF (979KB) ( 1521 )  

    A bacterial 16S rDNA gene clone library was constructed to investigate the bacterial diversity of active sludge in Gaobeidian Wastewater Treatment Plant, Beijing. The results indicated that, the bacterial diversity of active sludge was very high, and the clones could be divided into 5 different groups. The dominant bacterial community was proteobacteria, which accounted for 76.7%. The order of predominancy of bacterial communities are as follows: the βproteobacteria (39.8%), the uncultured bacteria (22.33%), the γproteobacteria (20.15%), the αproteobacteria (6.79%) and the δproteobacteria (4.85%). The Nitrosomonaslike and Nitrospiralike bacteria, such as Nitrosomonas sp. (1.94%) and uncultured Nitrospirae bacterium(11.65%) were also found, which have played important roles in oxidation of ammonia and nitrite in the system. However, they were only of a small amount because of their slow growth and less competitive advantage than heterotrophic bacteria. Denitrifying bacteria like Thauera sp. was at a high percentage, and it suggests that the active sludge has a stronge denitrifying effect. Roseomonas sp. was also found in the clone library, which could be related to the degradation of organophosphorus pesticide.

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    Biodegradation characteristics and enzymatic reaction kinetics of phenanthrenedegrading bacteria.
    XI Hong-Bei YANG Qi CHANG Hai-Chao HAO Chun-Bo
    2008, 15(6): 169-176. 
    Abstract ( 1414 )   PDF (1150KB) ( 639 )  

    The effects of initial substrate concentration, temperature and pH on the phenanthrene biodegradation characteristics and enzymatic reaction kinetics were studied by using a strain of gramnegative bacteria J1 that is isolated and purified from the active sludge. The sludge collected from Membrane Bioreactor was cultured and acclimated with phenanthrene. The bacteria cells, in the shape of a short rod, are about 25 μm long and 13 μm wide. The phenanthrene in the aqueous solution was completely degraded in 48 h, however, the biodegradation time prolonged when the initial concentration increased. The temperature had significant effect on the phenanthrene biodegradation by strain J1. The optimum temperature of the biodegradation was 28 ℃. With the same initial concentration of phenanthrene, the biodegradability of phenanthrene was found to be decreased with increasing or decreasing the temperature. 100% of the phenanthrene was degraded in 48 h for the concentration of 115 mg·L-1 when the temperature was 28 ℃. However, less than 37% of phenanthrene could be degraded, if the temperature was decreased to 10 ℃. The biodegradation ability of the strain J1 had a certain adaptability with the variety of pH between 6084 and the optimum pH was 72. The experimental outcomes could be fit well with the firstorder biodegradation kinetics model. The high substrate concentration inhibited the enzymatic reaction. The maximum rate constant vm, Michaelis constant Km, substrate inhibition constant kS, and the optimum substrate concentration [S]opt  of the enzymatic reaction were 117 mg·L-1·h-1, 6170 mg·L-1, 4960 mg·L-1, and 5532 mg·L-1, respectively.

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    Vertical distribution of the microbial community in modern lacustrine sediments of Taihu Lake.
    DIAO Xin-Jing YANG Liu-Yan YIN Da-Jiang WANG Ru-Cheng LIU Xian-Cai LIU Jian-Jun
    2008, 15(6): 177-184. 
    Abstract ( 1524 )   PDF (1186KB) ( 763 )  

    The paper studies the physicochemical characteristics, nutritions and the microbial community diversity of sediment core samples in the Taihu Lake with fumigationdigestion and PCRDGGE analysis. The results indicated that the watersediment interface was in a state of mild reduction. Below the surface of sediments, Eh decreased rapidly with the increase in depth, and it is under the anaerobic condition except the top 80 cm layer of the sediment; in the depth ranging from 150 to 225 cm, the Eh value is basically stable. Further increasing the depth of sediment layers, the Eh value increased in the “z” style. The pH value decreased first and then slowly increased with the increase in the depth of sediment layers; the pH value changed slightly in the profile of sediments and ranged from 72 to 76. The TN, TP and OM concentrations in sediments are high, and their maximum concentrations reached 2436 mg/g, 0731 mg/g and 3817%, respectively. Their vertical profiles showed that the TN and OM concentrations decreased with the increase in the depth of sediment layers. The TP concentration slowly decreased with the increase in the depth of sediment layers in the “z” style. There are prominent differences in microbial diversity spatially; the comparability and the dynamic characteristics of community structures between different sediment samples at different depth are different. In order to test the correlation of the parameters, the properties of the sediment samples were analyzed by correlating all the depth of the samples with pH, Eh, OM, TN, TP and the ShannonWeaver index (H′). The little significant correlation at the α = 0.05 level was observed between the environmental parameters. However, the TN concentration and the percentage of organic matter(OM) are significantly correlated. The microbial diversity is jointly affected by the nutrient, the physical, chemical and biological characteristics, etc.

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    Adsorption and desorption of 1, 2-dichloroethane and 1, 2-dichloropropane by soils in an unsaturated zone.
    LIU Yu-Long JIU De-Ren LIU Fei CHEN Hong-Han
    2008, 15(6): 185-191. 
    Abstract ( 1493 )   PDF (930KB) ( 805 )  

    1, 2Dichloroethane (1, 2DCA) and 1, 2dichloropropane (1, 2DCP) are two kinds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are among the most frequently detected pollutants in groundwater at one contaminated site. In this paper the adsorption and desorption of 1, 2DCA and 1, 2DCP on three soil samples collected from the vadose zone are studied by batch experiments. The results showed that the adsorption isotherms of 1, 2DCA and 1, 2-DCP fit linear Henry isotherm equations well, and the partition coefficient (Kd) ranges  from 2049 to 2243 L·kg-1. The adsorption capacity of 1, 2-DCA and 1, 2-DCP on the three soils are very similar, suggesting that the contents of natural organic matter are responsible for adsorption. For the same soil, the adsorption capacity of 1, 2-DCA is slightly higher than that of 1, 2DCP. Meanwhile, the desorption isotherms of the two pollutants can be described with nonlinear Freundlich isotherm equations. Differences in desorption capacities among the soils are related to the clay contents; the higher clay contents, the lower desorption capacity. The soil within the deepest layer, which is about 4951 m below surface, has the lowest vulnerability to 1, 2-DCA and 1, 2-DCP. Desorption of both chemicals has significantly retarded and the hysteresis indices of 1, 2DCP are higher than those of 1, 2-DCA.

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    Research on identification and screen of microbial desulfurization strains for petroleum.
    TIAN Xiao-Juan TANG Ling-Tian BANG Li-E LI Xing-Hong
    2008, 15(6): 192-198. 
    Abstract ( 1522 )   PDF (978KB) ( 699 )  

    Cultured with enrichment technology, a high desulfurization strain TV9704 was further selected from the 21 desulfurization bacteria separated from oilcontaminated soil samples of the Jidong Oilfield and Shengli Oilfield. The strain TV9704 does not use dodecane, hexadecane, liquid paraffin, diesel and naphthalene as carbon source and energy for its growth, therefore the oil consumption value was not obviously decreased; comparatively, thiophene or dibenzothiophene(DBT) was the only carbon source, sulfur source and energy source. In the experiment, the concentration of thiophene or DBT was measured by UV spectrophotometer. After 48 hs and 144 hs cultured with culture medium of initial concentration of 632 mmol/L, the degradation rate of thiophene by the strain TV9704 was 390% and 638% respectively. After 72 hs cultivation, the degradation of DBT by the strain TV9704 (initial concentration of 27 mmol/L) was 124 mmol/L. Using glycerol and sodium acetate as carbon source, the degradation rate of DBT was significantly increased by ethanol. Identified by China Industrial Culture Collection Center(CICC), the strain TV9704 was classified as Bacillus sp, with the characteristics of grampositive, obligate aerobic, and a circular orange colony formed on the panel covered with nutrition gravy. With the 16SrNDA gene sequencing test and analysis, the homology of the strain TV 9704 to Bacillus aquimaris and Bacillus misflav was 992% and 982%, respectively. However, their cell morphology as well as their physiological and biochemical characteristics were very different from each other. We suppose the strain TV9704 to be a fresh new genus since it is impossible to categorize it to any population.

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    Theoretical methodological basis of creation of ecological geological maps.
    2008, 15(6): 199-207. 
    Abstract ( 1235 )   PDF (1065KB) ( 772 )  

    Ecological geological maps are considered as a novel type of geological maps. Classification of the ecological geological maps is presented in this study. The structure of the fundamentals and conceptual thesis (positions) of the compilation of the ecological geological maps and necessary informational basis and problematical questions regarding the creation of ecological geological maps are described.

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    A model of mechanically coupled deformation in lithosphere beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity.
    WANG Chun-Yong CHANG Li-Jun SU Wei LOU Hai P.G.Silver L.M.Flesch
    2008, 15(6): 208-218. 
    Abstract ( 2181 )   PDF (3251KB) ( 774 )  

    Based on the SKSwave splitting analysis on the seismic records at 143 broadband permanent and temporary stations deployed in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity, we have determined the fast polarization direction and delay time between fast and slow waves at individual stations; the pattern of SKSsplitting fast polarization direction exhibits the flow direction of upper mantles material in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, i.e., the clockwise rotation around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. The style of orogenic deformation can be quantitatively evaluated by the joint analysis of the surface deformation field, as inferred from GPS and Quaternary fault slip, and the mantle deformation field from seismic anisotropy. The greatly expanded data set of surface deformation (GPS) and seismic anisotropy (SKS splitting) from eastern Tibet, Yunnan and Sichuan regions provides a stringent test for the manner in which the Tibetan lithosphere actually deforms. These new data not only strengthens the evidence for the coupled deformation onplateau, but also argues this same property offplateau. The vertically coherent deformation of a mechanicallycoupled lithosphere for Tibet and its vicinity has two implications for continental dynamics. First, the lithospheric vertical strength profile is constrained by the requirement that GPErelated stresses are being efficiently transmitted from the crust into the mantle. Second, the observed spatial variations in anisotropy reflect the largescale pattern of lithospheric deformation, as well as a transition in deformational style from simple shear on the Tibetan Plateau to pure shear offplateau. The model of mechanicallycoupled deformation in lithosphere presented in this paper has different implications from the previously presented models of orogenic deformation. Therefore, the mantle deformation plays a major role in the uplift process in the Tibetan plateau.

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    Tectonic evolution and exploration target of the northern foreland basin of the South Yellow Sea.
    FENG Zhi-Jiang CHEN Chun-Feng TAO Yong-Jian ZHANG Shi-Ying HAO Tian-Yao MO Rong-Qing
    2008, 15(6): 219-231. 
    Abstract ( 1644 )   PDF (4919KB) ( 598 )  

    The northern basin of the South Yellow Sea is the only foreland basin formed by landland collision orogeny during the Mesozoic era in the offshore region of China, and can be divided into four stages in terms of tectonic evolution: (1)the passive continental margin basin stage before the orogenics (ZT2); (2)the foreland basin stage in the late phase of the SuLu orogenic process (J3K); (3)the postorogenic intracontinental faulted basin stage (K2tE); (4)the regional subsidence and coverage stage (NQ) The detailed investigation results of the intracontinental faulted basin indicate that the source rocks of the late Cretaceous period in the basin are well developed, and that they feature four combinations of reservoir and cover rocks, numerous trap structures, and excellent poolforming conditions This is the primary target of key oil and gas breakthroughs today in the South Yellow Sea, and the oil resource amount is estimated at about 20×108 t, which is of strategic significance for breaking the deadlock in oil and gas exploration in the South Yellow Sea.

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    A new understanding of the structural layers in the South Yellow Sea Basin and their hydrocarbonbearing characteristics.
    TAO Yong-Jian FENG Zhi-Jiang HAO Tian-Yao XU Hang LI Hua-Jie MO Rong-Qing
    2008, 15(6): 232-240. 
    Abstract ( 1803 )   PDF (2630KB) ( 777 )  

    The South Yellow Sea is a large superimposed basin of the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic, which can be divided into four structural layers with different characteristics: Structural layer Ⅰ (ZS), Structural layer Ⅱ (DT), Structural layer Ⅲ (T3E) and Structural layer Ⅳ (NQ) The layer Ⅰ is composed mainly of a suit of basin and platform faces of the lower Paleozoic by the data from outcrops and wells in the continental area Based on the latest seismic profiles, it distributes widely and stably in the South Yellow Sea,with quite big thickness, but unclear about its tectonic characteristics The layer Ⅱ is made up of marine clastic rock and limestone of the upper Paleozoic to the Triassic, with compressive tectonic style predominantly The residual strata and the structure of the layer, however, are of much variety from the south to the north of the basin, due to the great impact of Indosinian Movement and Yan Shanian Movement in the area Comparison with its adjacent continent,the tectonic framework of Layer Ⅰ and Ⅱ in the southern Yellow Sea Basin is more stable and the deformational intension is weaker The Layer Ⅲ includes the Cretaceous and the Paleocene, and the upper Triassic to the Jurassic in some local place The former, which is a suit of continental sandstone and mudstone, distributes widely in the northern depression, with variable thickness It is a graben or semigraben in profile, with extension tectonic style predominantly The Layer Ⅳ is the result of the regional subsidence Due to the multicycle tectonic movement in the South Yellow Sea Basin, the characteristics of hydrocarbon reservoir and accumulation are different in different structural units It is suggested that the northern depression would be the most prospective area for hydrocarbon since there are different kinds of hydrocarbon plays, such as old sourceold reservoir, old sourceyoung reservoir, and young sourceyoung reservoir

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    The evolving rift belt—Wudalianchi volcanic rock belt
    SHAO Ji-An ZHANG Wen-Lan
    2008, 15(6): 241-250. 
    Abstract ( 1798 )   PDF (1779KB) ( 878 )  

    The XiaoguliheKeluoWudalianchiErkeshan Cenozoic volcanic rock belt is  one rich in potassium. Four facts about this belt are analyzed in this work:(1) typical mantle metasomatism existing in the volcanic rocks and in their inclusions, (2) the distribution range of the Krich volcanic belt estimated according to the K2O/Na2O ratio of the volcanic rocks, (3) the “cold spring and taele phenomenon” caused by adiabatic expansion of the mantle gases, and (4) the current situation of seismic activities. It is inferred from those facts that the NNWstrike Wudalianchi volcanic rock belt is a Cenozoic primal continental rift cutting through the NNEstrike DaHingganMt. tectonic belt. The evolution tendency of its magma suggests that the Wudalianchi rift belt is still in a course of continuing evolution without a sign of coming to an end. 

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    On tracing the Wenchuan earthquake sequence and predicting the earthquake situation in Gansu Province.
    YANG Guo-Dong
    2008, 15(6): 251-259. 
    Abstract ( 2533 )   PDF (1885KB) ( 757 )  

    In the procedure of tracing Wenchuan earthquake sequence and predicting Gansu earthquake situation, the author successfully grasped the Gansu earthquake situation, and the change of the Wenchuan earthquake sequence with time to some extent. The author successfully predicted the Sichuan Jiangyou Ms 60 of May 18, 2008, which provided a correct scientific basis for the antiearthquake relief work in Gansu Province. The prediction played an important role in easing the earthquake disaster and stabilizing the society. It makes the author more deeply understand that although earthquake forecast is a very complicated task and a global unsolved difficult problem, it is possible to make successful predictions for a particular region, if the way of thinking and the method used in the forecast are proper. This is of significance for geoscientists in understanding the problem of earthquake prediction.

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    Developing model of thrust fault system in western part of northern Qilian Mountains marginHexi Corridor basin during late Quaternary.
    CHEN Bai-Lin WANG Chun-Yu CUI Ling-Ling LIU Jian-Min
    2008, 15(6): 260-277. 
    Abstract ( 1582 )   PDF (4669KB) ( 760 )  

    The western part of northern Qilian Mountains marginHexi Corridor basin, situated at the northeastern margin of the QinghaiXizang plateau, is one of the areas where the neostructural activity occurs most strongly in our country. By means of the field investigation and chronologic measurement of the main active faults in the area and analysis of other materials, the authors reached a new conclusion as follows. The HanxiaDahuanggou fault, the Yumen fault, the Yinwashan fault and the Xinminbao fault were all active during the late Quaternary (late Pleistocene and Holocene epoch). The HanxiaDahuanggou fault developed during the late Miocene epoch and has been being active till the present. The Yumen fault developed during the early period of Pliocene epoch, and there were twice strong neostructural activities (paleoearthquakes) taking place at about 76 ka BP and 32 ka BP. The fault was also the causative structure of Yumen earthquake in 2002. The Yinwashan fault developed during the late period of Pliocene epoch (about 3 Ma), and there were three strong neostructural activities (paleoearthquakes) occurring at about 199210 ka BP, 86100 ka BP and 4150 ka BP. The Yinwashan fault probably was the causative structure of the Huiminbao (now Xinminbao) earthquake in 1785. However, the forming age of the Xinminbao fault is much younger than those of above three faults, the fault developed during the late period of middle Pleistocene epoch (about 017 Ma) and three strong neostructural activities (paleoearthquakes) took place there at about 283 ka BP, 44 ka BP and 12 ka BP. The sense of the movement of all the four faults is unanimously trusting from the southwestern side (upside) to the northeast. The feature of the movement of the Xinminbao fault is the creeping deformation, but other faults move mainly in stickslip mode. On the section, the thrust faults of western part of northern Qilian Mountains marginHexi Corridor developed on a composite model of progressive and retrogressive development. In other words, the youngest fault is the Xinminbao fault near the centre of the basin. The faults on the section south of the centre of the Western Jiuquan basin developed on a progressive developing model and the forming age of fault is becoming younger and younger from the hinterland of Qilian Mountain to the centre of the basin. While the faults on the section to the north of the centre developed on a retrogressive developing model and the forming age of fault is becoming older and older from the centre to the northern margin of the Western Jiuquan basin.

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    Adakitelike rocks and mineralization: confusion and inquiry
    CENG Jian-Nian HU Ji-Feng
    2008, 15(6): 278-292. 
    Abstract ( 1734 )   PDF (2061KB) ( 848 )  

     According to the variation in the components of intermediateacid igneous rocks coming from the lower crust, it is possible to restrain the depth of the source area and the minimum thickness of the crust, and thus to provide important information for the study of the deep process of the continental intraplate mineralizationGlobally, many world level porphyry copper deposits and metallogenic systems formed by hypabyssal hot liquid have their close relationship with the synchronous adakite in spacetime and genesis; domestically, the adakitelike rocks have been identified to be related to the metallogenesis in the main metallogenic areas in ChinaThe recognition of adakitelike rocks having no relationship with the process of subduction makes it possible to construct a metallogenic model of continental intraplate porphyry metal deposits by combining other geological evidences, and this model is totally different from the metallogenic model of porphyry copper deposits with Bsubduction setting constructed by Sillitoe (1972)The existence of adakitelike rocks may be the necessary condition but not the sufficient one for forming the largescale porphyry deposits and the hypabyssal hotliquid deposits, whose metallogenic elements mainly came from the mantleThe metallogenic potential of adakitelike rocks is achieved by the entering of the mantle material, and the metallogenic specialization of adakitelike rocks is decided by the distribution characteristics of the metallogenic elements in the upper mantleAn important reason for the adakitelike magma related to subduction being advantageous to mineralization is that there were abundant high pressure and high temperature liquid coming from the subducted platepieces and the magma of high fO2 coming from the melting of subducted platepiecesHowever, for those adakitelike rocks, whose occurrence has continental plate background but does not relate to the subduction, their metallogenic mechanism is not clear yetBased on the concept of modern mineral exploration and combined with the analysis of integrated geological information, we may better realize the practical prospecting significance of the adakitelike rocks

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    Progress in the studies of mantlederived CO2 degassing mechanism, degassing model and poolforming mechanism
    LU Xue-Song SONG Yan LIU Shao-Bei HONG Feng FU Xiao-Fei
    2008, 15(6): 293-302. 
    Abstract ( 1656 )   PDF (1545KB) ( 790 )  

     In this paper, we have reviewed the recent progress in the studies of the key problems that how was the mantlederived CO2 degassed from mantle magma and how did it migrate into sedimentary formations forming CO2 gas accumulations, and have pointed out the frontier problems in the related research area. These studies indicate that only alkaline basalt magma and alkaline magma are the medium and channel in which deep fluids and volatile components including CO2 are massively lodged, filtered and discharged. Shallow intrusive rocks, subvolcanic rocks and volcanic conduits are the favorable positions for CO2 degassing and accumulation. Hydrothermal activity in post magmatic and magma declining period are the favorable stages for massive CO2 degassing and accumulation. Mantlederived CO2 migrated into basins with three types of degassing model, including the model of inorganic gas directly overflowing through lithosphere faults, heat flow piercement degassing model, and degassing model of crustal magma chamber combined with basement faults. The intrinsic physicochemical properties of CO2 determine its various migration phases, and the synchronous migration and accumulation process. Only after massive chemical consuming and dissolution by formation water or oil can CO2 form effective accumulation. Pool formation and distribution of mantlederived CO2 are mainly controlled by magma gassource bodies and gassource fault systems. In future, further research and exploration need to be taken on some frontier issues, such as supercritical CO2 and its function on petroleum migration and accumulation, the relationship between CO2 and deeplarge faults and volcanic rocks, CO2 degassing and migration pattern, and the coupled but different poolforming mechanism between CO2 and normal hydrocarbon.

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    Geochemical characteristics of stable isotopes in paleokarst reservoirs in Huanglong formation in northern Chongqingeastern Sichuan area.
    ZHENG Rong-Cai HU Zhong-Gui ZHENG Chao CHEN Shou-Chun DAI Li-Guan
    2008, 15(6): 303-311. 
    Abstract ( 1874 )   PDF (1404KB) ( 673 )  

         The carbonatite karst reservoir of Huanglong Formation in the Upper Carboniferous is one of the most important natural gas reservoirs in northern Chongqingeastern Sichuan area Based on the structural features of karst rocks,we divide the paleokarst rock series of Huanglong formation into four types:slightly corroded; medium corroded and porous; strongly corroded and brecciated; strongly corroded and metasomatic secondary greypaleokarst rock; and differentiate two kinds of cements:limniccalcite and limnicdolomite Compared with matrix rocks,we have made a synthetical analysis of the geochemical characteristics of carbon,oxygen and strontium isotopes for different carbonate rocks, karstificated dolostones, karst breccias and carbonate cements The results suggest that the carbonate reservoirs in the formation were formed as a paleokarst in the Late Carboniferous,with different karst products showed by different stable isotopic geochemical characteristics, and that the evolutionary patterns of the isotopes are obviously controlled by the palaeogeographic background,fluid property,fluid sources,as well as isotopic fractional effect Based on the structure and the differences of geochemical characteristics of paleokarst rock series,we sum up their four basic features as follows:(1)with enhancement of karstification,the δ13C shows weak negative deviation and the δ18O shows strong negative deviation; (2)the 87Sr/86Sr ratio presents an evolutionary trend from the positive deviation for the infiltrating fluid belt and the active underflow belt gradually transforming to the strong negative deviation for the inactive underflow belt; (3)corresponding to the evolutionary trend of carbon,oxygen,strontium stable isotopes,the paleokarstreservoir properties changed from bad to good and to worse again; (4)limnicdolomite may have strong ability of “capturing” 87Sr leading to the Sr isotope positive deviation effect in the course of crystallization and deposition

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    Petrology of ultramafic rock in Darbut ophiolite (Xinjiang), evidence from Crspinel
    CHEN Bo SHU Yong-Feng
    2008, 15(6): 312-322. 
    Abstract ( 2107 )   PDF (2696KB) ( 3271 )  

     This paper reports the investigation on the petrology of spinel harzburgite and olivine pyroxenite in the Darbut ophiolitic mélange, as well as the wormlike intergrowth texture composed of Crspinel and orthopyroxene widespreading in harzburgite (Western Junggar, Xinjiang). Our study shows that the observed intergrowth texture is not a graphic texture or a symplectite as assumed by previous research, instead, it is a product of the evolution of the Crrich magma formed after the melting of the primitive mantle. After highly fractionating, this Crrich magma formed massive chromite (i.e., Saertuohai chromite deposit), and the melt moved into the mantle rock, and formed the wormlike intergrowth texture consisting of Crspinel and orthopyroxene. Therefore, the intergrowth texture of Crspinel and pyroxene can be an important indicator for podiform chromite exploration. We also report the exsolution texture of Crspinel in orthopyroxene in the studied harzburgite, and suggest that it is the result of a metamorphic reaction induced by the drastic increase of oxygen fugacity during the rapid emplacement of Darbut ophiolite.

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    Regularity and cause of vegetation coverage changes in the headwaters of the Changjiang River over the last 22 years. 
    CHEN Ting LIANG Si-Hai JIAN Kai-Zhu MO Li
    2008, 15(6): 323-331. 
    Abstract ( 1811 )   PDF (1808KB) ( 905 )  

    In the study, we have statistically analyzed the spatial and temporal changes in vegetation cover in the headwaters of the Changjiang River from 1982 to 2003, as well as the causing factors, including both natural and artificial ones, by using remote sensing image processing and geographic information technology based on GIMMS (Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies)NDVI (Normalization Difference Vegetation Index) data and thematic vegetation information. Although the major trend of vegetation cover is rising through the recent 22 years, hygrophilous plants are gradually replaced by droughtenduring plants because of drought variations, which means the habitat of the vegetation is becoming dry. It is found out that the vegetation degradation is mainly influenced by the altitude, the aspect, the human activities and the groundwater level. The region in the altitude from 4400 to 4600 meters, which is mainly covered by alpine meadow and alpine swamp meadow, is strongly degraded by the stock raising with its influence radius of about 24 kilometers. The influence distance perpendicular to roads is also 24 kilometers, since road construction accelerates humaninduced destruction to vegetation. Vegetation in shade aspect is rising due to the increase in precipitation, while vegetation in sunny aspect tends to be stable or degraded because of the enhancement in sunlight. Furthermore, the vegetation coverage is influenced by the groundwater level. In near riverbed fields, where the depth of groundwater is shallow, plants can easily grow; while in far riverbed fields, vegetation is prone to degrade due to drainage. The radius of river influence is 24 kilometers.

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    Progress in geochemical research of lithium isotope during continental weathering.
    HONG Ji-Lian DIAO Zhi-Qi LIU Cong-Jiang ZHANG Wei
    2008, 15(6): 332-337. 
    Abstract ( 1989 )   PDF (879KB) ( 954 )  

    As a useful geochemical tracer, lithium isotope has been used to study some important geological or geochemical issues; recently, the study of Li isotope has become one of the most fast developing fields in geochemistry, especially in the study of continental weathering. In this paper, the authors briefly review the different domains of lithium isotope geochemical research for continental weathering process and the main achievements in each direction. Major research fields are the research of lithium isotopic geochemistry in riverine erosion system, in weathering profile system, and in laboratory experiments, Some results of the above three fields conflict from each other, so it is necessary to research more systematically and more strictly. Finally, the authors pointed out some blind sides in lithium isotope geochemical research nowadays.

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    Environmental geochemistry of lead in acid mining drainage from Dabaoshan tailings.
    FU Shan-Meng ZHOU Yong-Zhang CHANG Xiang-Yang
    2008, 15(6): 342-349. 
    Abstract ( 1749 )   PDF (1703KB) ( 833 )  

           Mining activities have caused severe soil environmental changes in Dabaoshan Mine, Guangdong provence, Southern China. The acid mine drainage and heavy metal ions drained directly into the Hengshihe river, which contaminated the ecological environment along the river severely. The tailings, soils, sludges, water and plants are regarded as a whole ecosystem,  and the environmental responses of the whole ecosystem to the acid mine drainage and heavy metal ions were investigated. The high lead concentration in river water was caused by the tailings, and was affected distinctly by the pH value of the water. The river sludges can stably accumulate lead of water in high pH value water, but it could be released from the deposits when the pH value of water became low, which caused the secondary contamination. The lead concentration in soils is affected by the pH value and the granularity of soils. The high lead concentrations in plants is related to the total lead in soils, and affected by the pH value of soils; increasing soil pH value by improving irrigation water quality can reduce the lead concentrations in plants.

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