Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2021, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 202-213.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2020.5.19
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WU Dong1,2(), LIU Xiantai3, DU Yushan4, ZHU Xiaomin5, JIANG Long4, GENG Bin4, CHENG Ziyan4, GUO Shibo4
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WU Dong, LIU Xiantai, DU Yushan, ZHU Xiaomin, JIANG Long, GENG Bin, CHENG Ziyan, GUO Shibo. Genesis of the tight reservoirs in the upper fourth member of the Shahejie Formation, northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2021, 28(1): 202-213.
Fig.1 Tectonic boundaries of the northern Bonan Subsag and generalized stratigraphic column for the Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag. Modified from [11,12,13].
Fig.2 Sandstone classification triangle diagram for the upper fourth member of the Shahejie Formation, northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag. Modified from [11].
Fig.4 Pore throat and diagenetic characteristics of glutenite reservoir in the upper fourth member of the Shahejie Formation, northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag
Fig.5 Injection-Hg capillary pressure curve characteristics of the glutenite reservoir in the upper fourth member of the Shahejie Formation, northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag
Fig.6 Sedimentary microfacies distribution of the upper fourth member of the Shahejie Formation, northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag. Modified from [23].
Fig.7 Relationship between the detrital content and reservoir property of the upper fourth member of the Shahejie Formation, northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag
Fig.8 Relationship between clay mineral content and reservoir property of the upper fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag
Fig.9 Relationship between porosity and pressure coefficient of the upper fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag. Adapted from [29].
Fig.10 Distributions of pore and throat sizes for different samples from the upper fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the northern Bonan Subsag, Zhanhua Sag
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