Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 327-339.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2024.1.70

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Geological characteristics and mechanism of helium accumulation in typical abiotic helium-rich gas fields in the United States

YANG Yiqing(), TAO Shizhen*(), CHEN Yue   

  1. PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2023-01-05 Revised:2023-03-27 Online:2024-01-25 Published:2024-01-25


Economically viable abiotic helium-rich gas fields are widely developed in the United States. He-rich N2 gas fields, for example, contain as much as 10% He, as the basement rocks in situ and in the surrounding area provides sufficient crustal He and N2 to yield an N2/He (He > 0.1%) ratio typically between 5-50. However, He-rich N2 gas fields so far are only found in the United States, and further research is needed to determine whether they are due to unique geological conditions, or yet to be discovered elsewhere. He-rich CO2 gas fields also contain significant quantity of crustal helium. He-rich CO2 gas fields in the Colorado Plateau are all thought to have originated from late Cenozoic magmatism, and the magmatic rocks in the region have high U/Th contents. The groundwater gas stripping and re-dissolution (GGS-R) model is commonly used to explain the trapping mechanism of noble gases in CO2 gas reservoirs. According to this model, mantle-sourced CO2 carrier gas stripes air-sourced noble gases dissolved in the groundwater to charge reservoirs along with crustal-derived noble gases, and dissolution equilibrium subsequently reestablishes between the noble gases and groundwater. While the water/gas ratios at equilibrium differ between different gas fields, they are similar in all gas fields in the Colorado Plateau ranging between 0-100 (at reservoir pressure and temperature). By systematic analysis and summarization of the source, migration, and accumulation mechanisms of helium in helium-rich abiotic gas reservoirs in the United States, and discuss the enrichment of helium of primary migration by diffusion in helium source rocks, and of secondary migration by water phase mass flow or multiphase porous flow/seepage with inorganic carrier gases N2 and CO2, this paper provides a theoretical basis for helium exploration in China, and can be used as a reference for geological evaluation of CO2 reservoirs and development of CO2 safe storage.

Key words: helium, helium-rich gas field, CO2 gas field, N2 gas field, abiotic natural gas, inorganic genesis, geological characteristics, enrichment mechanism

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