Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 344-357.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2024.6.26
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TANG Zhitan1(), LIU Jingshou1,2,*(), YAN Xia3,4, FENG Yanqing3,4, JIANG Shu1, ZHANG Binxin2, ZHANG Guanjie1, FU Yiming2
CLC Number:
TANG Zhitan, LIU Jingshou, YAN Xia, FENG Yanqing, JIANG Shu, ZHANG Binxin, ZHANG Guanjie, FU Yiming. The control mechanism of deep coal rock microstructure on in situ stress[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2024, 31(5): 344-357.
Fig.4 Stress simulation based on logging curves. (a) Rock mechanical strength logging analysis based on array acoustic logging. (b) Current geostress frequency distribution map of coal seams in the research area. (c) Numerical simulation scheme for boundary stress.
Fig.5 Geomechanical model and stress distribution diagram for the study area. (a) Stress loading in the geomechanical model. (b) 3D stress distribution map of coal seam.
Fig.6 Mechanical property simulation based on logging curve. (a) Rock mechanics parameter logging interpretation based on array acoustic logging. (b) Histograms of coal seam Poisson’s ratios and Young’s modulus. (c) Numerical simulation scheme for rock mechanics experiments.
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=-2.031 9x+7.579 9 | 0.995 6 |
类型2 | y=-2.027x+3.973 2 | 0.995 9 |
类型3 | y=-0.837 7x+4.070 7 | 0.791 4 |
类型4 | y=-1.634 4x+1.240 7 | 0.994 6 |
类型5 | y=0.425x+1.573 | 0.994 5 |
Table 1 Formulas and R-squared values relating Poisson’s ratio and minimum horizontal stress of coal seam under different microstructure types
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=-2.031 9x+7.579 9 | 0.995 6 |
类型2 | y=-2.027x+3.973 2 | 0.995 9 |
类型3 | y=-0.837 7x+4.070 7 | 0.791 4 |
类型4 | y=-1.634 4x+1.240 7 | 0.994 6 |
类型5 | y=0.425x+1.573 | 0.994 5 |
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=5×10-11x+0.344 2 | 0.968 5 |
类型2 | y=1×10-10x-3.819 | 0.917 2 |
类型3 | y=-1×10-10x+2.784 2 | 0.972 3 |
类型4 | y=2×10-10x-6.073 7 | 0.955 7 |
类型5 | y=-2×10-10x+5.406 | 0.966 |
Table 2 Formulas and R-squared values relating Young’s modulu and minimum horizontal stress under different microstructure types
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=5×10-11x+0.344 2 | 0.968 5 |
类型2 | y=1×10-10x-3.819 | 0.917 2 |
类型3 | y=-1×10-10x+2.784 2 | 0.972 3 |
类型4 | y=2×10-10x-6.073 7 | 0.955 7 |
类型5 | y=-2×10-10x+5.406 | 0.966 |
杨氏模量 | 公式 | R2 |
10 | y=0.758 9x2-4.193 7x+4.195 8 | 0.258 3 |
20 | y=0.796 1x2-4.718 6x+5.292 2 | 0.450 8 |
25 | y=0.646 1x2-2.932 8x+4.323 67 | 0.616 3 |
30 | y=0.427 8x2-2.932 8x+4.236 7 | 0.896 5 |
35 | y=0.161 1x2-1.574 1x+3.250 7 | 0.705 9 |
Table 3 Formulas and R-squared values relating microstructure type and minimum horizontal stress under different Young’s modulus
杨氏模量 | 公式 | R2 |
10 | y=0.758 9x2-4.193 7x+4.195 8 | 0.258 3 |
20 | y=0.796 1x2-4.718 6x+5.292 2 | 0.450 8 |
25 | y=0.646 1x2-2.932 8x+4.323 67 | 0.616 3 |
30 | y=0.427 8x2-2.932 8x+4.236 7 | 0.896 5 |
35 | y=0.161 1x2-1.574 1x+3.250 7 | 0.705 9 |
泊松比 | 公式 | R2 |
0.275 | y=0.390 9x2-3.272 8x+8.171 7 | 0.525 7 |
0.300 | y=0.763 5x2-5.060 3x+7.978 | 0.568 3 |
0.330 | y=0.874 3x2-5.081 7x+5.404 | 0.353 |
0.350 | y=0.966x2-5.111 4x+3.404 5 | 0.345 2 |
0.365 | y=1.047 9x2-5.143 2x+1.7 | 0.371 7 |
Table 4 Formulas and R-squared values relating microstructure type and minimum horizontal stress under different Poisson’s ratios
泊松比 | 公式 | R2 |
0.275 | y=0.390 9x2-3.272 8x+8.171 7 | 0.525 7 |
0.300 | y=0.763 5x2-5.060 3x+7.978 | 0.568 3 |
0.330 | y=0.874 3x2-5.081 7x+5.404 | 0.353 |
0.350 | y=0.966x2-5.111 4x+3.404 5 | 0.345 2 |
0.365 | y=1.047 9x2-5.143 2x+1.7 | 0.371 7 |
顶底板 | 公式 | R2 |
顶砂底砂 | y=-0.469 1x2+1.710 7x+2.057 | 0.351 6 |
顶灰底砂 | y=-0.850 4x2+4.527 3x-4.158 6 | 0.344 |
顶灰底灰 | y=-0.862x2+5.645 2x-8.374 | 0.402 4 |
顶砂底灰 | y=-0.62x2+2.588x+0.086 | 0.356 4 |
Table 5 The formula and fitting degree of the microstructure type and the minimum horizontal stress of the coal seam under different combinations of roof and bottom plate
顶底板 | 公式 | R2 |
顶砂底砂 | y=-0.469 1x2+1.710 7x+2.057 | 0.351 6 |
顶灰底砂 | y=-0.850 4x2+4.527 3x-4.158 6 | 0.344 |
顶灰底灰 | y=-0.862x2+5.645 2x-8.374 | 0.402 4 |
顶砂底灰 | y=-0.62x2+2.588x+0.086 | 0.356 4 |
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=2.392x2-12.659x+1.966 | 0.878 4 |
类型2 | y=1.368x2-7.243 2x+10.965 | 0.860 1 |
类型3 | y=0.413 4x2-2.419 4x+1.431 | 0.985 2 |
类型4 | y=0.612 5x2-3.301 5x+7.672 5 | 0.968 9 |
类型5 | y=0.102 5x2-0.811 5x-1.852 5 | 0.249 1 |
Table 6 Formulas and R-squared values relating roof/floor combination and minimum horizontal stress under different microstructure types
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=2.392x2-12.659x+1.966 | 0.878 4 |
类型2 | y=1.368x2-7.243 2x+10.965 | 0.860 1 |
类型3 | y=0.413 4x2-2.419 4x+1.431 | 0.985 2 |
类型4 | y=0.612 5x2-3.301 5x+7.672 5 | 0.968 9 |
类型5 | y=0.102 5x2-0.811 5x-1.852 5 | 0.249 1 |
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=-0.005x2-0.007x-1.14 | 0.994 3 |
类型2 | y=0.084x+2.058 | 0.966 6 |
类型3 | y=-0.010 8x2-0.013 6x-0.870 4 | 0.994 7 |
类型4 | y=0.010 7x2-0.027 3x+3.862 | 0.975 6 |
类型5 | y=-0.027 1x2-0.037 1x-2.346 | 0.994 7 |
Table 7 The formula and fitting degree of the maximum horizontal stress of the boundary and the minimum horizontal stress of the coal seam under different microstructural types
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=-0.005x2-0.007x-1.14 | 0.994 3 |
类型2 | y=0.084x+2.058 | 0.966 6 |
类型3 | y=-0.010 8x2-0.013 6x-0.870 4 | 0.994 7 |
类型4 | y=0.010 7x2-0.027 3x+3.862 | 0.975 6 |
类型5 | y=-0.027 1x2-0.037 1x-2.346 | 0.994 7 |
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=-0.005 7x2-0.013 7x-1.108 | 0.952 1 |
类型2 | y=0.008 6x2+0.024 6x+2.14 | 0.947 |
类型3 | y=0.004 3x2-0.001 7x-1.114 | 0.958 1 |
类型4 | y=0.032 1x2+0.092 1x+3.15 | 0.947 |
类型5 | y=0.004 3x2+0.020 3x-2.958 | 0.939 3 |
Table 8 Formulas and R-squared values relating minimum horizontal stresses at boundary and coal seam under different microstructure types
微构造类型 | 公式 | R2 |
类型1 | y=-0.005 7x2-0.013 7x-1.108 | 0.952 1 |
类型2 | y=0.008 6x2+0.024 6x+2.14 | 0.947 |
类型3 | y=0.004 3x2-0.001 7x-1.114 | 0.958 1 |
类型4 | y=0.032 1x2+0.092 1x+3.15 | 0.947 |
类型5 | y=0.004 3x2+0.020 3x-2.958 | 0.939 3 |
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