Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2022, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 54-64.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2021.8.3
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YANG Daoming(), PAN Ronghao, WANG Meng, HOU Tong*(
HOU Tong
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YANG Daoming, PAN Ronghao, WANG Meng, HOU Tong. Current research progress and emerging trends in experimental study of mineralized carbonatite[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2022, 29(1): 54-64.
Fig.1 Correlation of H2O and CO2 solubilities in mafic melts at 500 MPa (a) or in alkali-rich mafic melts at 100 and 500 MPa (b). Modified after [28].
Fig.2 (a) Schematic CO2-saturated liquid phase diagram (partial) for CaO-MgO-SiO2-CO2 system at 2.5 GPa (modified after [38]) and (b) phase diagram of CaCO3-(Na,K)2CO3 pseudobinary system (modified after [29])
Fig.4 (a) Phase equilibria of nephelinite and calcite (10%) with presence of volatiles (H2O/F/Cl) and (b) immiscibility field in (Na2O+K2O)-(SiO2+TiO2+Al2O3)-(CaO+MgO+FeO) ternary system. Modified after [12].
实验 | 压力p | 温度T/℃ | 氧逸度 | 初始物质H2O 含量/% |
Veksler等[ | 100 MPa | 800~950 | NNO | 0~11.3 |
Martin等[ | 1~3 GPa | 1 150~1 260 | FMQ-FMQ+4 | 0~3.9 |
Nabyl等[ | 0.4~1.5 GPa | 725~975 | FMQ-FMQ+2 | 0.77~12 |
Table 1 Experimental conditions forthe carbonated alkaline magmatic liquid immiscibility experiments
实验 | 压力p | 温度T/℃ | 氧逸度 | 初始物质H2O 含量/% |
Veksler等[ | 100 MPa | 800~950 | NNO | 0~11.3 |
Martin等[ | 1~3 GPa | 1 150~1 260 | FMQ-FMQ+4 | 0~3.9 |
Nabyl等[ | 0.4~1.5 GPa | 725~975 | FMQ-FMQ+2 | 0.77~12 |
Fig.6 Plots of Nb (left panel) and REE (right panel) partition coefficients in carbonatite-silicate melt vs. water content (a, b), pressure (c, d), temperature (e, f) and oxygen fugacity (g, h) of the starting materials. Data from [17,46,48].
Fig.7 Effect of melt polymerization on REE partition coefficients (a) and REE partition coefficients in silicate melts containing immiscible phosphate, sulfate, fluoride and chloride molten salts (b). Data are adapted from [17,46].
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