

    2019, Volume 26 Issue 5
    28 September 2019
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    2019, 26(5): 0-0. 
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (498KB) ( 265 )  
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    Classification and mineralization of the gold deposits in the western Qinling region, China
    LIU Jiajun,LIU Chonghao,WANG Jianping,ZHU Laimin,ZHANG Jing,ZHAI Degao,WANG Yinhong,LIU Zhenjiang,ZHANG Fangfang
    2019, 26(5): 1-16. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2018.8.28

    Abstract ( 548 )   PDF (3764KB) ( 1047 )  
    Western Qinling is one of the most important gold producing regions in China. Except for a few skarn-type gold deposits, almost all gold deposits are classified as orogenic, Carlin-type or Carlin-like gold deposits. Mesozoic granitoids in the region emplaced during the Middle-Late Triassic while gold deposits formed during the Late Triassic—both are the product of Qinling Orogenesis caused by the final collision between the North and South China Blocks. Orogenic gold deposits are confined to NWW-trending brittle-ductile shear zones in Devonian and Carboniferous greenschist-facies metasedimentary rocks that were highly-deformed and regionally-metamorphosed. The deposits show a close Au-Ag association. Ores contain mainly microscopic gold, electrum and visible gold, along with pyrite. The ore-forming fluids are mainly metamorphic fluids. Intensive tectonic movements caused by orogenesis create fluid-migrating channels as precipitation sites. Although some orogenic gold deposits occur adjacent to granitoids, mineralization is not synchronous with magmatism. The Carlin-type deposits are mostly hosted in slightly metamorphosed Cambrian to Triassic sedimentary rocks, showing stratigraphically, lithologically and structurally controlled features. The deposits mainly contain submicroscopic and solid solution gold in arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite, with characteristic ore-forming element of Au-As-Hg-Sb-Ba. The ore-forming fluids are early-stocked formation water and later-recharged meteoric water, and partially from the magmatic water or metamorphic fluids. Meteoric water apparently evolved in ore-forming fluids by circulation, indicating the extensional setting; it led to the deposition of Au and other elements in cool reactive permeable rocks at shallow levels to form the disseminated ores. Carlin-like gold deposits mainly formed from shallow sedimentary rocks through metamorphism. They are controlled by brittle-ductile shear zone and occur adjacent to granitoid plutons. The most important characteristics of Carlin-like gold deposits, differing from orogenic and Carlin-type gold deposits, is their genetic relationship with synchronous magmatism. Gold occurs as microscopic gold. Pyrite, arsenian pyrite and telluride can be recognized as gold-bearing minerals. The ore-forming fluids are mainly magmatic water mixed with metamorphic and/or formation water. Similar to orogenic gold deposits, fluid immiscibility led to the formation of Carlin-like gold deposits.
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    The intrusion-related gold deposits in the XiaheHezuo district, West Qinling Orogen: geodynamic setting and exploration potential.
    2019, 26(5): 17-32. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.9.15

    Abstract ( 212 )   PDF (4738KB) ( 432 )  
    The West Qinling Orogen is well endowed with numerous orogenic and Carlin-like type gold deposits. Most of previous studies suggested that the ore-forming fluids of these gold deposits were derived from metamorphic devolatilization of the Paleozoic marine sedimentary sequences during the Triassic continental collision forming the Qinling Orogen. The XiaheHezuo district in the western portion of the West Qinling Orogen has been becoming a major exploration interest in the last decade due to discovery of numerous gold deposits. Most gold deposits of various mineralization styles in the district are spatially associated with intermediate to felsic intrusions, but their geneses remain poorly understood. Based on previous studies as well as our present works, we summarized here the geological and geochemical features of various types of gold deposits, including skarn Au-Cu deposit, tourmaline-quartz vein-type gold deposit, quartz-calcite vein-type gold-polymetallic deposit and country rock-hosted disseminated type gold deposit. We then reviewed the petrogenesis and tectonic implication of associated granitoid intrusions. We suggest that multiple magmatic hydrothermal gold mineralizing events took place in the XiaheHezuo district, and these events are genetically associated with ilmenite-series intermediate to felsic magmatism during the early to middle Triassic (ca. 250230 Ma). These deposits combined form the first reduced intrusion-related gold system in the West Qinling Orogen. This work indicates an early to middle Triassic magmatic hydrothermal gold mineralization event in the West Qinling Orogen, and in its west portion it may discover another reduced intrusion-related gold deposit.
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    Mesozoic Au-Mo metallogenic system in the Xiong'ershan – Waifangshan ore field
    HE Xinyu,WANG Changming,YUAN Jiming,LIU Jun,LIU Haipeng
    2019, 26(5): 33-52. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.26

    Abstract ( 161 )   PDF (11773KB) ( 504 )  
    The area of the Xiong'ershan – Waifangshan ore field at the southern margin of the North China Craton, Qinling Orogen experienced complex orogenic processes, resulting in prolonged metallogenic intervals during which extensive metal deposits with diverse mineralization types are formed.  Although these complex orogenic processes and related mineralization have been studied extensively, the metallogenic system division and superimposed mineralization are still to be addressed. In this paper, we divide Au and Mo deposits of the Xiong'ershan – Waifangshan ore field into five types, including orogenic, porphyry and magmatic hydrothermal vein molybdenum ore deposit types, and orogenic and magmatic hydrothermal gold ore deposit types. The five types of ore deposits correspond to five kinds of metallogenic systems: (1) Orogenic Mo deposits formed in syn- and post-collision backgrounds during 250 – 227 and 227 – 194 Ma, respectively, from ore forming fluids composed of metamorphic water and crustal Mo; (2) Porphyry Mo deposits formed in subduction and crustal thinning environments during 163 – 135 and 135 116 Ma, respectively, from magmatic fluids carrying crustal or mantle Mo; (3) Magmatic hydrothermal vein type Mo deposits only formed in post-collision tectonic setting during 227 – 194 Ma from mantle fluid and Mo; (4) Orogenic gold deposits, after pre-mineralization in the Triassic, formed mainly in  subduction environment during 163 – 135 Ma and crustal thinning background during 135 – 103 Ma, from metamorphic water extracted crustal Au; and (5) Magmatic hydrothermal gold deposits only formed in crustal thinning background during 135 – 103 Ma from crustal gold. We also found two kinds of superimposed mineralization: superposition of different mineralizations under either different or same tectonic settings.
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    Tectonic deformation sequences of sedimentary basins: Ⅰ. Associations of tectonic deformation in late Paleozoic pull-apart basin and Au-Cu-Pb-Zn-polymetallic ore-concentrated areas in the Qinling Orogenic Belt
    FANG Weixuan,HUANG Zhuanying
    2019, 26(5): 53-83. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.13

    Abstract ( 179 )   PDF (11287KB) ( 343 )  
    Researches on tectonic deformation sequences, tectonic styles and tectonic associations for late Paleozoic pull-apart basins, and their relationships with the Carlin-type or Carlin-like gold deposits and SEDEX-type Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn-barite-siderite deposits in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, are very useful in obtaining a better understanding of the metal ore-concentrated areas and factors controlling large-scale mineralization. The Zhashan and Fengtai late Paleozoic pull-apart basins are two ore-concentrated areas for Carlin-type or Carlin-like gold deposits and SEDEX-type Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn-barite-siderite deposits. In this report, using a new method of tectonic lithofacies, we studied the tectonic deformation sequences, tectonic styles, tectonic associations and pattern-phase of deformation tectonics for the Zhashan and Fengtai late Paleozoic pull-apart basins in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, and relationships among reworking and superimposing mineralization of Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn deposits. Tectonic deformation sequences and deformation tectonic associations for late Paleozoic pull-apart basins on the northern margin of the Qinling micro-block may be classified into four stages as follows: (1) tectonic-thermal event and tectonic associations, including CP tectonic-heating event, events of layering shear rheology tectonics and zone of alkaline hydrothermal brecciation at depth, during the basin-inversion stage from the Carboniferous period to the Middle Triassic epoch (DS1), formed by the oblique-directed subduction of continent to continent. These tectonic associations consisted of the tectonic lithofacies patterns of layering shear rheology tectonics of the Devonian strata [DS1(DS0∥S1)], Na-K-Cl-F-type percolating-replacement lithofacies of thermal-fluids [DS1ahS1∥S0+S1#S0], superimposed lithofacies of alkaline hot-fluids brecciation [DS1(FBD3j+D3x)], and tectonic systems of hypothermal fluids brecciation [DS1c(AbD3)]. All of these tectonic lithofacies and tectonic associations may be attached to the pattern-phase at the middle-deep level (20.425.97 km) of ductile shear domain. Also formed at this stage are the Mujiazhuang copper and Tongmugou lead-zinc deposits. Systems of alkaline hydrothermal fluids brecciation are represented by the Wangzhanggou and Ertaizi Au-Cu deposits in the Zhashan area, the Shuangwang and Qingyangou Au deposits in the Fengtai area. (2) During the main Indosinian orogeny, the intra-basin associations of tectonic styles and tectonic-magmatic thermal events comprised thrusting-folding zone, W-M-type multiple folds and compressed-shear faults, layer-cutting brittle-ductile shear zone and buried thermal tectonic system of magmatic intrusion (DS2). These tectonic deformation associations may be attached to the pattern-phase deformation tectonics at the middle-level depth (1117 km) of the brittle-ductile shear domain. However, syn-sedimentary faults on both sides of the Zhashan late Paleozoic pull-apart faulting basin were transformed into the south-directing thrusting-napping systems of the thick-skin-type, in addition to the Xiajiadian gold deposit being controlled by the ShanyangFengzhen and ZhenanBanyanzhen faults and thick-skin type thrusting-napping. Moreover, gold orebodies are hosted in the layer-cutting and layering brittle-ductile shear zones. On the other hand, syn-sedimentary faults on both sides of the Fengtai late Paleozoic pull-apart basin were converted into hedging thrusting-napping systems of thick-skin type. Furthermore, the BaguamiaoCaimagouSimaoling gold belt was controlled by back-thrusting and area of up-recoil-ramp fault, and coupled by buried thermal tectonic system of magmatic intrusions in the time-space-matter domains. Their gold orebodies were hosted in the layer-cutting brittle-ductile shear zone. The SEDEX-type Cu-Pb-Zn deposits more enriched by reworking were controlled by W-M-type multiple folds and compressed-shear faults, whereas SEDEX-type Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn-barite-siderite deposits more enriched by reworking were controlled by subsidiary athwart superimposed folds. (3) Associations of tectonic deformation consisted of intracontinental faulted-basin, tectonic system of magmatic intrusions, contracted metamorphosed zones, brittle faults, and joint-fracture (DS3) during the Yanshanian intracontinental orogenic stage. They were associations of brittle deformation at the upper-level (05.0 km) of the brittle deformation domain. They have high exploratory potential for porphyry Cu-Au-Ag-Mo and skarn-type Fe-Cu-Au deposits in the Zhashan area. Actually, thrusting folds, faults and folds, joints and fractures, and low-temperature brecciations including jasper brecciation, ankerite brecciation, and siderite brecciation at stages of the Indosinian to Yanshanian movements, were predominant in the Carlin-type gold ore-concentrated areas. This pattern-phase of brittle deformation may be formed at the upper-level of the brittle deformation domain. And (4) Intracontinental strike-slip faults and wide-folds may be formed during the Himalayan movement. Here, the relationships among the Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn ore-concentered areas, pattern-phase of deformation tectonics and Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization are proposed as follows: the Devonian system of syn-sedimentary structures consists of syn-sedimentary faults, three-order tectonic basins and cluster series of hydrothermal sedimentary lithofacies in the Zhashan and Fengtai Devonian pull-apart basins, controlled by the ShanyangFengzhen and GuanyinxiaXiushiya syn-sedimentary faults (Shanyang to Lixian lithospheric fault zone). This association of syn-sedimentary structures accounts for the SEDEX-type Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn-barite-siderite deposits. Lithofacies series of ankerite-albite to albite-ankerite breccias may be formed by cryptoexplosive brecciation of alkaline thermal-fluids during the Carboniferous to Cretaceous period. Tectonic hydrothermal breccia is composed of lithofacies series of ankerite-albite to albite-ankerite breccias by superimposed diagenesis in heterochronous interposition of alkaline hot-fluid derived from deep source. The deep structure of this Cu-Au-Ag-Ni-Co mineral system is typified by the Wanzhanggou magmatic hydrothermal veinlet-type Cu-Au-Ag-Co-Ni and Ertaizi hydrothermal breccia type Cu-Au deposits. The tectonic lithofacies at the middle part of this mineral system are illustrated by the Shuangwang hydrothermal breccia type Au deposit. Moreover, the tectonic lithofacies at the top of this mineral system are demonstrated by the Baguamiao Au deposit. We suggest that Carlin-type or Carlin-like gold deposits are localized surround or over the tops of this mineral system.
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    Gold occurrence in the Yangshan gold belt in the West Qinling Orogen and its implications for ore-forming processes
    LI Nan,DENG Jun,ZHANG Zhichao,LIU Xingwu,LIU Ji
    2019, 26(5): 84-95. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.9

    Abstract ( 188 )   PDF (5415KB) ( 361 )  
    The Yangshan gold belt is the largest isolated gold deposit district in the West Qinling gold belt, where disseminated mineralization is dominant with lesser quartz vein type mineralization. Native visible gold and “invisible gold” are both developed in the gold belt, making the Yangshan gold belt ideal for studying gold occurrence in orogenic gold deposits. Such study is significant for understanding gold metallogeny and ore-forming processes and beneficial for guiding mineral processing. Based on detailed field investigation and micro-observations, the ore paragenesis can be divided into early (pyrite-quartz), main (pyrite-arsenopyrite-sericite-quartz) and late (stibnite-quartz-calcite) ore stages. We used a combination of electron microscope, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, high resolution transmission electron microscopy and X-ray powder diffraction to investigate gold occurrence in different ore stages. We further discussed the implications of the gold occurrence in the ore-forming processes in the Yangshan gold belt. The results show that the early and main ore stage mineralization is dominated by micro-grained disseminated sulfides and gold occurs as lattice gold in pyrite and arsenopyrite, whereas vein type mineralization is dominated in the late ore stage and gold occurs as native visible gold. The changing of gold occurrence indicates that, from early to late ore stages, fluid temperature and pressure decreased gradually and the ore fluid evolved from As-rich to relatively As-poor and Sb-rich fluid.
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    Geological characteristics and genesis of the Fanjiashan copper and gold skarn deposit of western Qinling in Tianshui, Gansu
    GAO Zuoyu,LIU Yunhua,HAN Yixiao,LEI Wanshan,DENG Nan
    2019, 26(5): 96-105. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.15

    Abstract ( 137 )   PDF (3602KB) ( 256 )  
    The Fanjiashan copper and gold mine of the metallogenic subzone is located in the north of West Qinling Mountains, at the core of the Wenquan composite granite-Tianshui porphyry-skarn molybdenum copper and gold zone. The geological characteristics of the deposit show that the Fanjiashan copper and gold mine is dominated by gold and copper mineralization and mainly controlled by the rock-wall rock contact belt and fracture zone surrounding the nearby rocks. The wall rocks feature alterations by skarnization, amphibolitization, silicification and sericitization. We studied the temperature, salinity and H-O isotope of mother lode inclusions in the Fanjiashan copper and gold deposit. The results show that the main metallogenic fluid has a salinity (S) of 2.0%11.0%(w(NaCl)eq) and a homogeneous temperature of 120 – 345 ℃(mostly in 150 – 280 ℃). This medium temperature and medium to low salinity fluid can be characterized as a mixture of magmatic water and atmospheric precipitation. The zircon U-Pb age of metallogenic granite porphyry is 248.3±1.9 Ma (MSWD=0.67, N=9), indicating mineralization in early Indosinian. Based on the regional tectonic setting, the Fanjiashan copper and gold mine is a skarn deposit, arising from the crust thickening during the early-stage of Indosinian collision, and has deep ground porphyry mineralization potential.
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    Geological and ore-forming characteristics of Ag-Au and polymetallic deposits in northwestern Hubei, China
    YUE Suwei,DENG Xiaohua
    2019, 26(5): 106-128. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.27

    Abstract ( 190 )   PDF (6053KB) ( 278 )  
    Northwestern Hubei Province, on the north side of the Qingfeng fault, is an important part of the Qinling metallogenic belt. It includes Wudangshan and its northwestern neighboring regions. Home to the Yindonggou, Xujiapo, Shejiayuan and Liudou large to medium-sized Ag-Au deposits, the area is famous for producing Ag, Au, Pb and Zn polymetallic minerals. It can be divided into the north and south belts according to the distribution characteristics and controlling factors of ore deposit. The north belt on the north side of the Qinggeng-Baoxi fault contains the Santianmen Au-Sb and Liudou Au deposits and many gold spots, distributed along both sides of the Yunxian-Yunxi fault. It mainly produces Au and Sb hosted in wall rocks of the overlying Doushantuo Formation and Palaeozoic strata. The south belt contains the Yindonggou large Ag-Au and Xujiapo medium Au-Ag deposits concentrated in the underlying Wudangshan Group. All deposits are controlled by toughness and NW-trending ductile brittle shear zone, with orebodies occurring in branch of brittle-fracture and fracture. Carbon, H and O isotopic compositions indicate the ore-forming fluids of Ag-Au and Au deposits are primarily metamorphic hydrothermal fluids that later mixed with meteoric water; while Au-Sb deposits accumulate towards the meteoric water line, indicating meteoric water may be dominant in the ore-forming fluids of Au-Sb deposit. Sulfur isotopic profile shows regional activity of ore-forming fluid and characteristics of strata-bound sulfur source. According to the enrichment characteristics of ore-forming elements, Cu, Pb, Zn, Au and Ag are enriched in the underlying Wudangshan Group, while Ag-Au/Au-Ag/Au and Au-Sb ore deposits occur in the overlying Doushantuo and Dengying Formations and Palaeozoic strata, respectively. In the western part of the study area, a large number of Au-Sb and Hg-Sb deposits are distributed in the Devonian strata of Shaanxi, suggesting a crustal continuum model for orogenic-type deposit. Clearly, under structural control, ore formation is closely related to the relatively high elemental abundance in the strata. Considering ore geology, ore-forming fluids and ore-forming age, we believe the northwestern Hubei Province Ag-Au and polymetallic deposits are orogenic type deposits, formed in accretionary orogens produced by the northward oceanic plate subduction along the Mian-Lüe Suture during the Triassic.
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    Elemental geochemistry of the ore-bearing black rock series in the Xiajiadian gold deposit, South Qinling and their metallogenic significance
    LI Shenghao,ZHU Laimin1,DING Lele,XIONG Xiao,LIU Kai
    2019, 26(5): 129-145. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.4

    Abstract ( 198 )   PDF (9422KB) ( 335 )  
    The Xiajiadian gold deposit is located at the passive continental northern margin of the Yangtze Block in the Early Paleozoic and within the ZhashuiShanyang Basin. The black rock series of the Xiajiadian gold deposit consist of light-red siliceous rocks, blue-grey altered siliceous argillaceous rocks, gray-black thin-layer carboncaceous-siliceous slate, khaki argillite and black carbonaceous-siliceous argillaceous rocks. In this study, we carried out systematic analyses of the major and trace elements and REEs in the black rock series. The main component of the series was SiO2, the highest abundant component in the siliceous rocks. These rocks were significantly enriched in LILE and ore-forming elements (e.g. Sr, Ba, U, Cu, Zn, V, Au and Ag), whose contents reached several or even dozens of times higher than their crustal abundance. The North American shale-normalized REE patterns of the black rock series were left inclined and characterized by weak negative Ce and negative to positive Eu anomalies for the siliceous rocks, negative Ce and Eu anomalies for the argillite, and positive Eu anomalies for some minor carboncaceous-siliceous rocks. Combining the petrologic characteristics and tectonic settings, as well as characteristic parameter ratios and discrimination diagrams of major and trace elements and REEs, the results indicate that the diagenetic materials of these black rock series had diverse sources. The lower siliceous rocks are mainly products of hydrothermal sedimentation. They formed carboncaceous-siliceous rocks and argillite during the transformation from hydrothermal to normal sedimentation with added seawater and terrestrial materials. The black rock series in the Xiajiadian gold deposit are formed in a deep to semi-deep water retention and hypoxia basin at the continental margin belonging to the rift deposition area of passive continental margin of the Yangtze Block. The fertile black rock series of the Shuigoukou Formation in the Xiajiadian gold deposit are likely to be an important source bed with super high level enrichment of Au, Ag, Ni, Cu, Zn, V, Ba and other elements.
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    Ore genesis of the Zuojiazhuang gold deposit in the West Qinling Orogen: constraints from pyrite trace elements and multi-isotope analyses
    MA Jian,Lü Xinbiao,DAN Rongfei,ZHU Dingyun,LU Fei,YUAN Bo,YIN Xin
    2019, 26(5): 146-162. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.3

    Abstract ( 231 )   PDF (8170KB) ( 293 )  
    The Zuojiazhuang gold deposit is located in the northwestern part of the Devonian Feng-Tai basin in the West Qinling Orogen. Gold ore bodies are mainly hosted in the EW striking shear zone in the Hejiazhuang pluton (247 Ma). The quartz-sulfide ore (lode gold), as micro-disseminated gold hosted in the Devonian sediments, is quite different from other gold deposits in the basin. Fluid inclusion study indicated that the ore fluid in the Zuojiazhuang gold deposit can be characterized as a middle-low temperature (122 – 305 ℃), low salinity (1.2% – 11.8% NaCleq) and epizonal (2.4 km) CO2-NaCl fluid system. Hydrogen-O isotope analysis (δDH2O=-88.8‰-81.1‰;δ18OH2O=-0.4‰+7.6‰) shows that the ore fluid is metamorphic fluid at origin, with magmatic and meteoric water mixing during upward movements. Lead isotope distribution indicates the metal source came from shallow upper crust and orogene belt. Sulfur isotopic composition was concentrated between 11.4‰ and 13.4‰, which is in agreement with sedimentary-hosted gold deposit in the basin and Devonian orogenic gold deposit around the world. In-situ trace elemental analysis of auriferous pyrite shows that the ore fluid was enriched in Au, As, Cu, Sb, Ag, Pb, Bi, etc. Moreover, similar trace elemental enrichment in the Devonian sediments in the Feng-Tai basin, especially at the boundary of Middle to Upper Devonian, has been widely reported. Therefore, we hypothesize that the Devonian sediments could be the reasonable metal source for the Zuojiazhuang deposit. The mechanism of gold deposition in the Zuojiazhuang deposit could be attributed to the sharp decrease of fluid pressure and subsequent fluid boiling, which caused rapid precipitation of minerals inside the tensile fracture zone to form the lode gold deposit. The Zuojiazhuang deposit may be defined as epizonal orogenic gold deposit as it is compared with typical orogenic gold around the world.
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    Re-Os dating and S-Pb isotopic and rare earth elements analyses of the Gaozhuang gold deposit in southwestern Henan, China
    ZHANG Jian,XUE Chunji,CAO Jihu,PENG Jiao
    2019, 26(5): 163-173. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.9.2

    Abstract ( 161 )   PDF (2866KB) ( 266 )  
    The Gaozhuang gold deposit is an important gold deposit in southwestern Henan Province and has been studied by other researchers. However, the metallogenic province and epoch as well as ore types of the gold deposit are still poorly understood. In this paper, we performed Re-Os dating of pyrrhotite in the Gaozhuang gold deposit. The determined Re-Os age was 137±2 Ma, indicating the deposit was formed in the Late Yanshan Epoch. We also analyzed S and Pb isotopic and REE compositions of the gold-bearing mineral (pyrrhotite), the host strata (the Huoshenmiao Formation of the Erlangping Group) and the intrusive rock (the pluton rock mass). The δ34SCDT  value of ore sulphide was between -3.0‰ and -1.5‰ with an average value of -2.24‰, which suggests that sulfur may come from the deep source since its δ34SCDT  value was close to that of the original mantle sulfur (0±3‰), and that the sulfur ore may originate from the surrounding volcanic rock strata. Ratios of 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb for ore sulfides ranged in 17.10617.505, 15.46915.602 and 37.83538.194, respectively. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios for the Tangping intrusion ranged in 18.244319.2382, 15.594815.6935 and 38.504239.6163, respectively. And the 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios for the host strata were of 18.176818.6692, 15.607115.8019 and 38.375939.0809, respectively. The above almost indistinguishable Pb isotopic ratios and their variation trend for the ore-lead, host strata and intrusion suggest that the ore-forming material is provided by both the host strata and the intrusion. The chondrite normalized REE distribution curves of the ore minerals were very similar to those of the Huoshenmiao Formation of the Erlangping Group, and they were all flat. The above results allow us to propose that the Gaozhuang gold deposit was formed in the Late Yanshan Epoch in the intracontinental metallogenic stage after the Qinling collisional orogeny. And the ore-forming material of the Gaozhuang gold deposit mainly comes from the host strata.
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    Geochronology of mineralization in the Yangshan gold belt, West Qinling:a study on zircon and apatite fission track
    YANG Zhonghu,LI Nan,ZHANG Liang,ZHANG Zhichao
    2019, 26(5): 174-188. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.11

    Abstract ( 149 )   PDF (7047KB) ( 277 )  
    The Yangshan gold ore belt has become an ideal place for studying geochronology of mineral deposits because of its unique tectonic location, ultra-large gold resources, large-scale uplifting and post-mineralization erosion events. Based on the previous studies, we carried out zircon and apatite fission track analysis on the thermochronology of the Yangshan gold ore belt. The results show that the distribution range of zircon fission track age was from 287.0±21 to 101±3 Ma (1σ), with the following characteristics based on lithology: (1) The zircon fission track ages of sandstone and slate had the largest age span, ranging from 287 to 107 Ma; (2) The distribution range of phyllite zircon fission track was between 177 and 101 Ma; and (3) plagio granite porphyry zircon fission track age ranged from 193 to 185 Ma. The apatite fission track age ranged from 69±7 to 46±14 Ma (1σ), and fission track length and its distribution characteristics show that the Yangshan gold ore belt moved monotonously and slowly through the closure temperature of apatite fission track, between the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene. Based on the thermal history analysis of apatite fission track lengths and age inversion, combined with paleogeothermal gradient and ore body metallogenic depth in the study area, we concluded that the Nishan ore body was denuded before the Getiaowan ore body section. From the Cretaceous Period, in the Yangshan gold ore belt, the total thickness of the eroded stratum was about 12.24 km, and the upper limit on the eroded ore body thickness was about 880 m. We speculated that the less eroded ore-zone in the northern Yangshan gold belt may have large prospecting potentials.
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    Petrogeochemistry and mineralization potential of the Yuanzijie intrusion in the ZhashuiShanyang ore deposit cluster in southern Qinling
    ZHU Laimin,ZHENG Jun,XIONG Xiao,JIANG Hang,LIU Kai,DING Lele,GUO Yanhui,LI Shenghao
    2019, 26(5): 189-205. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.29

    Abstract ( 161 )   PDF (7927KB) ( 245 )  
    The ZhashuiShanyang ore deposit cluster is a southern Qinling area with strong tectonic-magmatic activities. Many hypabyssalsuper hypabyssal granitoids, such as the Yuanzijie intrusion, are widely distributed in this area. In this contribution, we performed detailed petrological, whole-rock geochemical, LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotope, trace element and Lu-Hf isotope analyses on the Yuanzijie granitoid. Using trace and rare earth elemental (REE) compositions of zircon, we calculated the magma temperature and f(O2) conditions, and subsequently evaluated the petrogenesis, geodynamic setting and metallogenetic potential of the granitoid. The Yuanzijie corcovadite yielded zircon 206Pb/238U weighted average age of 141.7±1.7 Ma, with significant positive Ce and weak negative Eu anomalies, suggesting an oxidized environment for zircon formation. Zircon εHf(t) values of -1.58 to +2.18 indicated a mixed origin of crust- and mantle-derived materials with high degree of homogenization for the formation of the Yuanzijie intrusion. The corcovadite displayed Ti-in-zircon temperatures of 598841 ℃ (averaging 656 ℃), with an average lgf(O2) value of -18.0 and ΔFMQ values concentrating between 0 and 5—all similar to the values of Xiaohekou skarn copper deposit in the ore cluster. The intrusion also had significantly high Cu content (1705939 μg/g, averaging 1300 μg/g), obviously higher than that of granitoids in South Qinling (11 μg/g) and the world (20 μg/g) on average. Rock RbY+Nb, NbY and zircon YbU, HfU/Yb and U/YbY discriminant diagrams further suggested that the Yuanzijie intrusion was formed in a post-collisional orogenic setting. We conclude that the Yuanzijie mineralized spot is similar to those of typical porphyry-skarn deposits in the ZhashuiShanyang ore cluster and the world in diagenesis and metallogenic setting, mineralization characteristics, wall rock alteration, and magma f(O2) condition, implying its mineralization potential. The Yuanzijie intrusion and other Yanshanian intrusions in the Qinling Orogen occurred in a same geodynamic setting of a transitional regime from compression to extension during J3K1, triggering a intense crust-mantle mixing and granitic magmatism, and forming the ore-bearing intrusions and skarn-type mineralization.
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    Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of Houhe granite in the Xiaoshan area, southern North China Craton and their implication for regional metallogenic potential
    QI Nan,CHEN Yanjing,WANG Pin,WU Yanshuang,XU Chen,ZHAN Enpeng
    2019, 26(5): 206-221. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.9.17

    Abstract ( 195 )   PDF (4643KB) ( 234 )  
    The Houhe granitiod is located in the northern Xiaoshan area, southern North China Craton, intruding into the Archean Taihua Group. It mainly consists of biotite-quartz monzonite and biotite-monzogranite, with LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages of 127.9±1.4 and 131.0±1.8 Ma, respectively. The geochemical and isotopic data show that the two types of granites are similar geochemically—they are both peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline rocks, having high K2O (K2O/Na2O =1.001.51) and Al2O3 (A/CNK=1.121.17) and low MgO (Mg#=2634) contents. They are enriched in Ba, K, U, Th, Pb and light rare earth elements and depleted in high field strength (eg. Nb, Ta and Ti) and heavy rare earth elements, with nearly no Eu anomalies (δEu=0.840.97) and high Sr/Y and (La/Yb)N ratios. Isotopic analysis of zircons from the granite yielded εHf(t) value of -17.8 to -9.5 and TDM2(Hf) ages of 2.31.7 Ga. In conclusion, the Houhe granite originated primarily from partial melting of thickened continental crust, as tectonic settings transferred from post-collisional to intraplate anorogenic dynamics at the southern margin of the North China Craton.
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    Polymetallic droplets in a quartz diorite porphyry from the GangchaKemo gold deposit, West Qinling Belt, China: implications in petrogenesis and prospecting
    SHEN Junfeng,WANG Shuhao,XU Liwei,LUO Zhaohua,LI Jinchun,LIU Haiming, NIE Xiao,QIN Yuliang,PENG Zidong,NIU Gang,DU Baisong,LIU Jiajun
    2019, 26(5): 222-242. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.1

    Abstract ( 152 )   PDF (12209KB) ( 310 )  
    The metallogenic belt at the northern margin of the West Qinling Belt in China has potential for porphyry-type Cu-Au deposits. The Dewulu intrusion and its contact zone in the region are important targets for ore prospecting. Recent field investigations revealed that the quartz diorite porphyry, at the southeastern edge of the Dewulu intrusion, features abundance of ellipsoidal and sub-spheroidal polymetallic droplets, and their mineral assemblages are very similar to that of orebodies in the GangchaKemo gold deposit near the Dewulu intrusion. The droplets contained variety of ore minerals such as pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, ilmenite and cobaltite, as well as complex non-metallic mineral assemblages of chlorite, epidote, calcite, K-feldspar, albitic plagioclase, quartz, sericite, tourmaline, prehnite, apatite, sphene and rutile. Detailed mineralogical study and geochemical comparison showed that the droplets and the host rock are co-genetic. Chlorite and two-feldspar geothermometric measurements suggest the droplets are formed at temperatures ranging from 297 to 435 ℃. The host rock is formed at pressures between 1.02 and 2.28 kbar as indicated by geobarometer readings of total aluminum in amphibole. Accordingly, we infer that the droplets are formed from deep metal-rich fluid bubbles rising through the magma by the flotation mechanism, i.e., as bubbles migrate into the shallow domains of the magma, they are quickly disaggregated to allow fluid phase to escape and droplets are ultimately formed and trapped by the cooling magma. Eventually, as we propose here, rising bubbles transport the ore-forming elements into the quartz diorite porphyry, where some bubbles unload some of metals at shallower levels, but most of metals may be stored in the deeper domains of the quartz diorite porphyry. Accordingly, the polymetallic droplets can be used as an indicator of ore prospecting at depths.
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    Oxygen fugacity of ore-bearing porphyries in the Taiyangshan porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, West Qinling, China and its implications for porphyry-style Cu-Mo mineralization
    GOU Zongyang,YU Haocheng,QIU Kunfeng,WU Mingqian,ZHOU Chunsheng, ZHU Rui,LI Jun,WEN Yitong
    2019, 26(5): 243-254. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.9.20

    Abstract ( 247 )   PDF (3104KB) ( 300 )  
    The Triassic Taiyangshan porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit in Tianshui City, Gansu Province is tectonically located in the West Qinling Orogenic Belt. The bulk of Cu-Mo mineralization is associated with monzonite porphyry and quartz monzonite porphyry, and occurs as stockwork veinlets and disseminated ores in the porphyries and the surrounding Devonian host rocks. Oxygen fugacity is an important physical-chemical parameter in petrology and an obvious controlling factor in magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization. We conducted LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses on zircons from the ore-hosting porphyries at Taiyangshan, aiming at calculating the magma oxygen fugacity and constraining its ore formation implications. The average oxygen fugacities were ΔFMQ+3.04 and ΔFMQ+3.15 for ore-bearing monzonite porphyry and quartz monzonite porphyry, respectively, characterized by high f(O2) values. The pre-mineralization quartz diorite porphyry, however, yielded an average oxygen fugacity of ΔFMQ-1.83, a much lower f(O2) value. Combined with our previous petrogenesis results, we therefore proposed that the oxidized magma is associated with enriched mantle, whose addition brought sulfur and copper while increased oxygen fugacity.
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    Constraints of magmatic oxidation state on mineralization in the Wenquan porphyry molybdenum deposit, West Qinling, China
    YU Haocheng,QIU Kunfeng,PANG Yao,ZHOU Junlie,GENG Jianzhen,GOU Zongyang,WANG Yu
    2019, 26(5): 255-269. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.9.19

    Abstract ( 227 )   PDF (7032KB) ( 417 )  
    The Wenquan porphyry Mo deposit, containing 0.12 Mt Mo at average Mo grade of 0.048%, is closely associated with the concentrically zoned multiphase Wenquan batholith in the West Qinling Orogen. The Wenquan batholith consists of five units: biotite granite(Ⅰ), biotite monzogranite porphyry(Ⅱ), porphyritic monzogranite(Ⅲ), monzogranite porphyry(Ⅳ) and porphyritic syenogranite(Ⅴ). The disseminated and veinlets Mo mineralization is genetically associated with the biotite monzogranite porphyry and porphyritic monzogranite phases and hosted mafic enclaves. We calculated the oxygen fugacity (f(O2)) of the multiphase Wenquan batholith by using a relation for cerium redox equilibria in silicate melts and an internally-consistent model for zircon-melt partitioning of Ce. The ore-bearing porphyries had average f(O2) of ΔFMQ=1.35 and ΔFMQ=1.38 for units Ⅱ and Ⅲ, respectively, while the barren porphyries had lower f(O2) values of ΔFMQ=-0.61 and ΔFMQ=-0.73 for unit Ⅰ and Ⅳ, respectively. We therefore proposed that oxidized magmas can be associated with enriched mantle. Molybdenum can be extracted from high oxygen fugacity melt in the Paleozoic Mo-rich sediments in the Qinling Orogen. The increasing of oxygen fugacity is furthermore beneficial to concentrating Mo in the residual melt, favorable for Mo mineralization.
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    Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of granites and pegmatites, and metallogenesis of related uranium from the Chenjiazhuang deposit, Shaanxi Province
    ZHANG Shuai,LIU Jiajun,YUAN Feng,LIU Gang,WANG Gongwen, ZHANG Hongyuan,ZHANG Hongyu
    2019, 26(5): 270-289. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.5.14

    Abstract ( 200 )   PDF (6760KB) ( 252 )  
    The Chenjiazhuang uranium deposit is a typical pegmatite-hosted ore deposit located in the middle part of the Danfeng triangular domain of the northern Qinling Orogen, China. The U-bearing ore bodies mostly occur in the contact zones between the biotite granitic pegmatite in the vicinity of the Caledonian granite and the Qinling Group biotite-plagioclase gneiss. To constrain the petrogenesis, tectonic setting and pegmatite-hosted uranium ore formation, we presented in this paper a detailed geochronological and geochemical study of granites and granitic pegmatites in the ore district. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating results yielded the crystallization ages of 446±3 Ma for the Huanglongmiao biotite granite, 419±2 Ma for the Chenjiazhuang biotite monzonite granite, 417±3 Ma for non-mineralized granitic pegmatite, 414±4 Ma for lean-ore granitic pegmatite and 416±3 Ma for mineralizing granitic pegmatite. The Huanglongmiao biotite granodiorite exhibited the affinity and adakitic characteristics of an I-type formed by partial melting of lower basaltic crust in a collisional setting. The Chenjiazhuang biotite monzonite granite also possessed the I-type properties but formed in a relatively shallow source zone in a post-collisional decompression setting. The age data revealed that granitic pegmatite formed in concurrence with the host Chenjiazhuang biotite monzonite granite and therefore they should have closely related origins. Uranium minerals and U-rich biotite all occur in granitic pegmatite dikes. The differences in petrological and geochemical characteristics among the non-mineralized, U-bearing and U-rich granitic pegmatites were attributed to various degrees of greisenization. The U-poor granitic pegmatites occur within the biotite monzonite, while the U-rich granitic pegmatite dikes always maintain contact with the Qinling metamorphic complex. This suggests that uranium enrichment in ore deposit is strongly associated with uranium extraction from the Qinling metamorphic complex by late stage fluids, and this association resulted in high degree of uranium concentration in the process of quartz and biotite rich greisenization. Therefore, the late stage metamorphic alteration of the Qinling complex is critical for uranium mineralization in the Chenjiazhuang uranium deposit.
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    Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the Dewulu ore-bearing pluton and mafic enclaves in western Qinling
    JIA Ruya,WANG Tao,LI Kangning,CHENG Zhizhong,XUE Jianling,LIN Chenggui,CHEN Hui,LIU Zheng
    2019, 26(5): 290-303. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.9.23

    Abstract ( 145 )   PDF (4523KB) ( 206 )  
    The Dewulu granodiorite pluton in the West Qinling Orogen contains a series of Au and Cu ore deposits. LA-ICP-MS yielded zircon U-Pb age of 250±1.8 Ma, indicating pluton emplacement occurred in the Early Indosinian. The pluton was found to be weak peraluminous with ASI of 0.9 to 1.0. All samples had high K2O content (2.95%3.52%) and high K2O/Na2O ratio (0.971.10). The granitoids showed high Mg# and compatible elemental content (Cr: (88132)×10-6). Thus, we consider that the Dewulu pluton was formed by the mixing of crust- and mantle-derived magmas. Abundant mafic enclaves occur in the pluton. These gabbro diorite or diorite enclaves had intermediate SiO2 content of 56.17%60.95%. Relative to the host rocks, the mafic enclaves had high Mg# (0.650.67) and low TiO2 content (0.57%0.62%). They were high-K calc-alkaline rocks and had high K2O (1.74%2.43%) and compatible elemental contents (Cr: (212419)×10-6; Ni: (46111)×10-6). They were enriched in LREEs related to HREEs showing intermediate negative Eu anomalies. In the trace element spider diagram, all the enclaves exhibited notable Nb-Ta anomalies. We consider that the Dewulu mafic enclaves are likely derived by partial melting of a potassic lithospheric mantle source, modified by subduction process with subsequent removal of mafic minerals. The Early Indosinian magmatism and associated ore deposits were likely emplaced at an active continental margin in this area.
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    Geochronology, geochemistry and tectonic significance of TengbuRizhou Early Cretaceous basalts in Xiahe, West Qinling, Gansu Province
    PU Wanfeng,ZHONG Xin,XU Yongbin,WANG Shuheng,WANG Hongtao
    2019, 26(5): 304-316. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.12

    Abstract ( 177 )   PDF (6504KB) ( 214 )  
    The volcanic stratum of the Early Cretaceous Duohemao Formation (K1d), developed in the TengbuRizhou area of Xiahe County, Gansu Province, is a typical sedimentary association of intra-continental rift. The rock assemblage is composed mainly of basalts, with occasional occurrence of polymictic conglomerates at the bottom of the assemblage. Based on petrographic and geochemical analyses, we classified TengbuRizhou basalts as sodium alkaline olive basalt. They are enriched in LREE and Nb, Ta, La and Zr, depleted in Rb and K. They have similar chondrite-normalized rare earth and primitive mantle-normalized trace elemental patterns as that of typical global ocean island basalt (OIB). However, we found great difference in the ratios of Th to Nb (0.0550.060, averaging 0.057 vs. 0.08 for OIB), Zr to Nb (6.98, averaging 7.25 vs. 5.83 for OIB) and Th to La (0.07 vs. 0.11 for OIB). This suggests that the basalt magma may have derived from the asthenospheric mantle and is contaminated with crustal materials. The zircon U-Pb age is 106.27±1.3 Ma. Given that the pollen assemblage, mainly Classopollis-Osmundacidites, is produced in the Duohemao Formation of the Maixiu Mountain area, we propose that TengbuRizhou basalts are the product of the late Mesozoic continental rift magmatism in West Qinling, while rifting likely ended in the early stage of the lithospheric extension, since we found no signs of typical bimodal volcanic rocks except red bed formation in the Duohemao Formation and molasse-like formation in the upper Wanxiu Formation.
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    Geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic constraints on the origin of the ore-bearing granite porphyry in the Baishipo silver deposit, Dabie Orogen
    ZHU Jiang,SHAN Liang,WU Yue,TANG Xiangwei,PENG Sanguo,PENG Lianhong
    2019, 26(5): 317-329. 
    DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2019.8.14

    Abstract ( 128 )   PDF (8355KB) ( 262 )  
    The Baishipo silver deposit is located in the northern margin of the Dabie Orogen, central China. Silver mineralization characterized by Ag-Pb-Zn quartz veins is spatially associated with the Baishipo granite porphyry. Elemental, whole-rock Sr-Nd and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic analyses have been carried out in this study, in order to understand the mineralizational setting. In situ zircon U-Pb dating yielded an Early Cretaceous crystallization age (142±2 Ma, MSDW=1.9) for the Baishipo granite porphyry. The granite porphyry is characterized by high concentrations of SiO2 and potassium, belongs to the high-K calc-alkaline series, and is generally strongly peraluminous. It is enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements, but depleted in heavy REEs and high field strength elements (Nb, Ta and Ti), and characterized by negative Eu anomalies. They have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.714762 to 0.715890 and negative εNd(t) values clustered of -13.8. In situ zircon Hf isotopic analyses show that the εHf(t) values of zircons from the granite porphyry vary from -16.6 to -13.5 with calculated two-stage Hf model ages of 1.81 to 1.98 Ga, suggesting a homogeneous crustal source without significant magma contamination or mixing. The geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic signatures suggest that the Baishipo granite porphyry is a highly fractionated granite and is likely to be derived by partial melting of the ancient crust of the Yangtze Block. We propose that the Baishipo granite porphyry and related silver deposit formed in a thickened crust setting, before the Cretaceous tectonic collapse in the western Dabie Orogen.
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