

    2012, Volume 19 Issue 5
    10 September 2012
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    The major characteristics of  geotectonics of Asia and regularities of evolution
    2012, 19(5): 1-17. 
    Abstract ( 1693 )   PDF (3345KB) ( 2572 )  

    The present paper aims at the studies of the major characteristics of geotectonics of Asia and their regularities of evolution on the basis of openingclosing tectonic  points of view proposed by Chinese authors and aims at presenting the  major results of studies listed as the following: (1)11 geotectonic cycles have been subdivided which  can be deduced into 3 periods, i. e., the formation period of continental basement, the formation and development period of Pangea and supercontinent together with the period of modern plate tectonics and intracontinental evolution.(2)Taking the 23 subduction and collision zones as a key framework and assuming the Siberian continental block, the PaleoChinese block, the Indian block and the Pacific plate as kerns, 4 tectonic assemblages, namely, the North Asia, the MidAsia, the South Asia and the East Asia, as well as 11 second order and 86 third order tectonic units can be subdivided. A tectonic assemblage is referred to the aggregate of the kern continental block together with its surrounding cogenetic orogenic belts and blocks. Between two tectonic assemblages there is always a tectonic connection region.(3)The Asian geotectonic deformation features can be delineated as follows: the MidAsian tectonic assemblage surrounding PaleoChina is trending eastwest which is respectively compressed by the North Asia tectonic assemblage surrounding the Siberia continental block as an arctectonics protruding to the south and also by the South Asia tectonic assemblage surrounding the India continental block as an arctectonics protruding to the NNE(only the Himalayas in the inner arc is an arctectonics protruding to the south). All of them are again intensively reworked by the NNE trending East Asia tectonic assemblage forming a complicated tectonic plan. And it indicates that the PaleoChina continental block plays an important role as “a firm rock in the midstream” in the geotectonic evolution of Asia. (4)The temporalspatial geotectonic evolution of the Asian continent is synchronous with that of the Globe and had undergone 3 major epeirogenic events forming, such as, the Columbian paleocontinent, the Rodinian paleocontinent and the Pangaean paleocontinent. During the processes, the MidAsia tectonic assemblage is unique, the formation of Columbian paleocontinent of which was in 1850 Ma, a bit earlier than that of the South Asian tectonic assemblage (1800 Ma) as well as that of North Asian tectonic assemblage (1800—1600 Ma). The formation of Rodinian paleocontinent in the MidAsia tectonic assemblage was in 830 Ma which is much later than that of its south and north neighbors in 900—1000 Ma. Its formation of Pangea in 210 Ma is also later than the global formation of Pangea in 250 Ma. The widespread development and intensive effect of the Indosinian movement is the most prominent tectonic characteristics of the MidAsia tectonic assemblage and even all over Asia. (5)The three tectonic patterns—backwardsubductiondocking pattern, singledirectional migration collage pattern and in situ openingclosing accordion pattern can be subdivided in Asia. The kinetic origin of the backwardsubductiondocking pattern is mantle convection (asthenospheric or plume convection). The singledirectional migration collage pattern may be caused by mantle layered flow induced by asthenospheric mantle or even deeper mantle upraise, while the in situ openingclosing accordion pattern is proposed to be related with the hot spots in mantle depth.

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    Dynamic analysis of continental rifting basin
    2012, 19(5): 19-26. 
    Abstract ( 1750 )   PDF (1594KB) ( 1350 )  

    There are four tectonic forces controlling the dynamics of continental rifting basin: F1an adhesive traction force generated by the mantle convection from the bottom of lithosphere, F2a lateral push force generated by the relative movement of plates from the plate boundary, F3an isotropic force generated by expanding and shrinking of the lithosphere due to temperature changes, and F4a lithostatic force generated by the mass of the lithosphere. The stress within the crust is a function S(Fi) of these four variables,but the magnitude and direction of F1 and F2 effects the magnitude and direction of the principal stress in the triaxial stress unit. The condition of lithospheric stretching, i.e., the formation of normal fault in the crust, is to have the principal stress σ2σ3 plan in the stress function S(Fi) close to horizontal level, and direction of maximal principal stress σ1 close to vertical. That means the composition of forces between F1 and F2 should be tensile force. In the case of F1 and F2 are in same direction and F1>F2, or directions of F1 and F2 are perpendicular to each other and the minimal principal stress of the stressunit is in the xaxis, the crust could have arisen  normal rifting. If the direction of F1 and F2 is neither perpendicular nor parallel to each other and the minimal principal stress σ3 of the stressunit is not directional on the xaxis, the crust could have arisen oblique rifting. As the force generated by the mantle convection from the bottom of lithosphere to lithospheric interior decreases, and the extrusion force generated by movements of the plates from lateral boundary of lithosphere plate to lithospheric  interior increases, the principal stress of crusts stress state S(Fi) on the X and Y axis can exceed the principal stress on the Z axis, making σZ equivalent to σ2 in the triaxial stress state, the strikeslip fault could be arisen  in rifting basin. If the magnitude of principal stress of crust stress state S(Fi) on the XY plane exceeds the principal stress on the Z axis, then σZ is the equivalent of σ3, the thrust faults or inverted normal faults could be arisen  in rifting basin. Along with the gradually advancing process of the rifting, the  variation of tectonic forces F1 and F2, both in magnitude and direction, must have induced the changes of the stress state S(Fi), causing different structural characteristics of the rifting basin  appeared in  various stages of tectonic evolution.

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    An outofsyncline thrust model for the “Chengde Thrust Sheet” in central intraplate Yanshan Orogenic Belt, northern North China Craton.
    2012, 19(5): 27-40. 
    Abstract ( 1935 )   PDF (2953KB) ( 1066 )  

    The complicated and enigmatic Jurassic folds and thrusts around Chengde Basin in central intraplate Yanshan Orogenic Belt were previously interpreted as a synclinal deformed thrust sheet with largedisplacement (~>4045km) formed after Late Jurassic Tuchengzi Formation. This model has been challenged by many new findings in paleogeographic and provenance analysis of Tuchengzi Formation and Proterozoic Changcheng System, together with the research result in tectonic deformations. Meanwhile no new model has been proposed so far to account reasonably for the structural style and tectonic framework as well as the evolution process of this structurally complicated region. Detailed mapping have been conducted in last several years to reveal systematically the geometric and kinematic features of the Chengde syncline and thrust faults developed in its both limbs and around its exposed hinge zone to the east. UPb age dating with LAMCICPMS method on zircons from key terranes of Chengde Basin has been employed to constrain the timing of major deformations. We found that the thrust faults in northern and southern limbs of the Chengde syncline are independent thrust faults moving away from the core of the syncline. They died out around the hinge zone separately other than connected to each other to form a unified thrust fault as expected by synclinal deformed thrust sheet model. Age dating results suggested that both the Chengde syncline and the major thrust faults formed around 139136 Ma. Based on recent research results aforementioned,an outofsyncline thrust model has been proposed in this paper. The complicated geometric and kinematic features of folds and thrust faults in Chengde Basin as well as the provenance features of Tuchengzi Formation can be interpreted reasonably with this new model. This research implies that there is no largescale thinskinned thrust tectonics in intraplate Yanshan Orogenic Belt as those in foreland fold and thrust belt of collision orogenic belt. Foldaccommodation fault is supposed to be treated as an important alternative model in dealing with the relationship between largescale folds and thrust faults as well as tectonic framework and evolution in contraction regime.

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    A geological cross section measured on the field and multipledeformations of the south Junggar thrust belt, north Tianshan.
    2012, 19(5): 41-52. 
    Abstract ( 1481 )   PDF (2412KB) ( 1313 )  

    The Tianshan Mountains is characteristic of a typical intracontinental activity. The northern piedmonts consist of three main fold and fault belts, which are mainly faultrelated folds that deformed the strata from the south Junggar Basin. Understanding their Cenozoic Uplift history thus has a bearing on beans on the understanding of the mountain building process and petroleum explorations in Western China in general, and on how deformation has occurred under the influence of the IndiaAsia collision in particular. In order to help decipher the actual structural interpretation of the south Junggar Basin and the styles of deformation, we measured strikes and dips of strata at every spot in detail by the use of 200mlong lining rope or GPS along a 50 km section at the Jinggou River (Xinjiang Province) in the year 2005, and regional field survey for many years after 2005. Along with satellite Landsat ETM (Enhanced Thematic Mapper) and interpretation of 2D, 3D seismic data and well data, we have completed an approximately SNdirected 50kmlong geological section by using the faultrelated fold theories. Our field investigations indicate that the growth strata are present in the north limb of the Anjihai anticlines, and the growth unconformities interpreted by the seismic lines are present in both limbs of the anticline. The growth strata in the south limb of the anticline show us that it was originated in about the Early Miocene, ultimately formed during the Early Quaternary Xiyu Formation(Q1x) and Wusu Group(Q2) and the MiddleLate Quaternary(Q4), which was composed of the deeper faultbend fold, and shallower wedgeshaped backthrust faultbend fold. The Huo’erguosi anticlines was originated in about the Late Miocene, ultimately formed during the MiddleLate Quaternary(Q4), which was composed of the deeper faultbend fold, the middle wedgeshaped backthrust faultbend fold and the shallower faultpropagating fold. It is very clear that an approximately EW 285°striking strikeslip fault was discovered by our regional geological survey and satellite Landsat ETM interpretation. The Fault is located north to the south Junggar boundary thrust fault, formed in the Late Quaternary, which dislocated the Late Quaternary alluvial plains. Based on the times of three main folds, we conclude that the south Junggar fault and fold belt is of a breakback thrust sequence(new thrusts developed in the hangingwall), still being active from the early quaternary to present.

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     Analysis of the origin of troughlike folds in Southeast Guizhou.
    2012, 19(5): 53-60. 
    Abstract ( 1628 )   PDF (1529KB) ( 1097 )  

    Abstract: Troughlike and comblike folds make up the Juratype folds. From the traditional view, the Juratype folds are formed by decollement effect and the typical example is that when above rigid rocks (basal) there exists the soft bed, and the stratum above the soft bed performs “tablecloth” type sliding, and thus forms the troughlike or comblike fold. Base on the field survey of troughlike folds in eastern Guizhou, some characteristics of troughlike folds were figured out: (1)the stratum in the core of troughlike syncline is thicker than that in the limb of troughlike syncline and that in the core of anticline; (2)the multistage activated longitudinal faults whose strikes are consistent with those of the hinges of folds developed across the core of troughlike syncline; (3)the deformation of stratum in the core of syncline is more complex than that in the core of anticline, and the limbs of syncline are steep. Typical outcropscale troughlike folds developed in the Cambrian at the junction of Hunan and Guizhou provinces. Combining the outcrop and macroscopicscale structural interpretation we may come to the conclusion that the development of troughlike folds in southeast Guizhou is controlled by multistage activated faults; that the normal faults developed during the early deposition stage controlled the position of closed synclines of troughlike folds; that after structural inversion, the normal faults transferred into strikeslip or thrust ones, and complex deformation developed in the core of troughlike synclines. Furthermore, the control of normal faults over the development of troughlike folds is different from that of thrust faults over the development of fault bend folds; the former faults developed early and the latter ones developed late.

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    Deformation mechanisms for the development of foldaccommodation faults: Examples of outcropscale structures from central intraplate Yanshan Orogenic Belt, North China.
    2012, 19(5): 61-75. 
    Abstract ( 1747 )   PDF (2554KB) ( 881 )  

    Abstract: Three geometric models concerning the development mechanisms of foldaccommodation faults, namely concentric folding, kinkband folding, buckle flexuralslip folding, are summarized. Five wellexposed metrescale folds with minor faults are analyzed in detail. They developed within Meso and Neoproterozoic sequence in central intraplate Yanshan Orogenic Belt, northern North China Craton. These observations provide us opportunities to a better understanding of factors controlling the development of foldaccommodation faults and time sequence between scale compatible folds and faults formed within contraction regime. The distancedisplacement diagrams are employed to define the sequential development of faults relative to their hostfolds together with the geometric and kinematic relations between them. It is found that faults spatially closerelated folds in contraction deformation could form previous to, synchronous with or after the folding deformation. Only those developed synchronous with folding in response to the strain contrast related to structural position and stratigraphic mechanics could be treated as foldaccommodation faults. Some preexisting faults may serve as nucleation sites during followed folding deformation and finally lead to the formation of hinge wedges. Development of foldaccommodation faults may be effectively influenced by buckling flexuralslip folding, tightness change of folds and escape of incompetent units from cores of folds. (1)Accumulated layerparallel shearing in limbs associated with buckling flexuralslip folding may give way to faults of cutupsection when layerparallel movement was blocked. Traceable faults formed in limbs or/and hinge zones, such as wedge thrusts, outofsyncline and intoanticline thrusts, could form as a result of this mechanism. (2)Curvature change of folds derived from various factors served as another important factor in the development of foldaccommodation faults. Stratigraphic levels where convergence of axial planes occurred are expected to be potential position for the initiation of foldaccommodation faults. (3)During progressive contraction deformation of interbedded competent and incompetent units with higher competency contrast and larger distance between competent units, escape of incompetent units from the core of fold following the previously intensive concentration would result in the formation of foldaccommodation faults.

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    Styles of complex faulted sags in rifting basin and its significance for petroleum geology: An example from HailarTamsag Early Cretaceous Basin.
    2012, 19(5): 76-85. 
    Abstract ( 1469 )   PDF (1797KB) ( 794 )  

    Rifting basin is usually developed of grabens and/or halfgrabens, so that the basin configuration and structural styles  are  distinctly impressed by different patterns of composition and superimposition. This paper named the sag controlled by multipieces and multiperiods of normal faults as “complex faulted sag”. By the configuration of basin compounded by contemporaneous faulted sag, the “complex faulted sags” in the HalaerTamsag Basin could be categorized into 4 types of composition models which are named respectively as serial, parallel, diagonal and interlaced, and by the superposed style of sequel basin, “complex faulted sags” could be divided into 3 types of superimposition models which  are named respectively as inherited, imposed and neonatal. HalaerTamsag Basin develops large quantities of relatively separate minifaulted sags in the early stage of Early Cretaceous, but the synchronous minisags was compositing into larger faulted sag along with the progressive  crustal extension. HalaerTamsag Basin develops some of relatively separate large sags in the middle of Early Cretaceous, and they superposed upon   the preexisting faulted sag in different patterns.  The  newly developed faulted sags superimposed upon  the previously formed  sags  and  finally there are  17 complex faulted sags developed. The processes of compositing and superposing of complex faulted sags during Early Cretaceous in HailarTamsag Basin  directly effect the conditions of oil accumulation in the sedimentary basin. The composition in parallel, diagonal and interlaced patterns and   the superposition in inherited, imposed styles, are in favor of the development of high quality hydrocarbon source sequence. The transfer zones in the process of structural compositioning are in favor of the development of high quality reservoir. The basement involved fault zone and related structures are in favor of developing petroliferous structure zone.

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    3D geometry and kinematics of Daxing Fault: Its constraints on the origin of Langgu Depression, Bohaiwan Gulf Basin, China.
    2012, 19(5): 86-99. 
    Abstract ( 1418 )   PDF (2375KB) ( 770 )  

    Daxing Fault is a boundary fault of Langgu Depression which is located in the northwest of Jizhong Depression in Bohaiwan Gulf Basin. It controls the sediment and structural evolution of the whole depression. According to the strike direction, Daxing Fault is divided into three segments which are northeastern segment, middle segment, and southwester segment, and the origin of their linkages has been discussed. This paper shows the triaxial geometric graph of Daxing Fault plane for the first time, and analyzes it. We consider that Daxing Fault plane is a surface which consists of several inclined planes separated by axial planes. According to the strike direction, axial planes are divided into two types, a transversal axial plane whose strike direction is parallel to the fault strike and a vertical axial plane whose strike direction is vertical to the fault strike. Daxing Fault plane is divided into 10 zones by 4 transversal axial planes and 2 vertical axial planes, and each zone has its own configuration and feature. We also have discussed the mechanism of Daxing Fault movement, and consider that Daxing Fault movement in a domino normal pattern at first, and then the fault rotated to form the fault that was flattened from top to bottom. The stratum of the hanging wall rotated with fault at first, and then moved in an inclined shear pattern to form a rollover anticline when the fault was flattened from top to bottom.

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    The Hongqiyingzi Group in the ChongliChicheng area, northern margin of the North China Craton:A suite of late Paleozoic metamorphic complex.
    2012, 19(5): 100-113. 
    Abstract ( 1772 )   PDF (2087KB) ( 1039 )  

    The Hongqiyingzi Group occurred in the ChongliChicheng area, northern margin of the North China craton, was composed of metamorphic supracrustal rocks, Late Paleozoic dioriticquartzdioritic gneisses and the remnants of PaleoproterozoicNeoarchean rocks. The SHRIMP and LAICPMS zircon UPb dating for the Hongqiyingzi metamorphic supracrustal rocks shows that the samples not only contain a large number of the zircon reflecting the PaleoproterozoicNeoarchean and MesoproterozoicLate Paleozoic age information, but also record multiple metamorphic events during the late PaleozoicEarly Mesozoic. The zircon dating result reveals that the Hongqiyingzi Group wasn’t formed in the Paleoproterozoic, but a suite of Late Paleozoic metamorphic complex. The zircon UPb dating for the plutons distributed in the surrounding of the Hongqiyingzi Group indicated the correlation between the Late PaleozoicEarly Mesozoic magmatism and metamorphism, which are related with the multistage subductionsynorogenicpostorogenic events of Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Because the Hongqiyingzi complex contains some Late Paleozoic retrograde eclogites and the metamorphic peridotites (harzburgite) occurring as lenticular enclave in highly deformed gneisses, this may mean that the Northern Hebei Block had separated from the North China Craton in the early stage of the late Paleozoic, and reamalgamated accompanied by the Central Asian Orogene. The Hongqiyingzi complex represent the subductioncollision amalgamating zone between the Nothern Hebei Block and the North China Craton during the late Paleozoic.

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    on UPb ages and Hf isotope characteristics of Taipingchuan large porphyritic granite pluton of Erguna Massif in the Great Xingan Range.
    2012, 19(5): 114-122. 
    Abstract ( 2150 )   PDF (1225KB) ( 1007 )  

    Abstract: Taipingchuan large porphyritic granite pluton was developed in the Erguna Massif in the northern Great Xingan Range, NE China. The precise age of the formation and genesis of this pluton are unclear. The authors have carried out zircon UPb dating and Hf isotope studies by means of LAICPMS. Zircon UPb dating results revealed that the age of Taipingchuan granite is 791.4 Ma. Zircon Hf isotope characteristics indicate that the zircon εHf(t)values of the granite range from 1.4 to 6.4, implying that the depletedmantlederived juvenile crustal material played an  important role in the formation of the granite magma. The 2stage model ages tDM of 1.091.28 Ga, as revealed by Hf composition in zircon, showed rather large interval with the formation age 791.4 Ma of the granite. It indicates that the parental magma of the granitic rock in this region was derived from the partial melting of the crustal material which had a long resident time within the crust. Combined with the previous zircon Hf isotope data obtained from Erguna Massif, the authors hold that there had been crustal accretion event in Erguna Massif in the late Mesoproterozoic time and the 1.091.28 Ga late Mesoproterozoic accretional crust had existed.

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    The characteristics of igneous rock and LAICP MS zircon dating in Wuhuaaobao Mo deposit, Erlianhot area of Inner Mongolia.
    2012, 19(5): 125-135. 
    Abstract ( 1532 )   PDF (1838KB) ( 930 )  

    Several Mopolymetallic ores have been explored and verified in the eastern Inner Mongolia area since 2004. The Wuhuaaobao Mo deposit in Honggeer area of Erlianhot is one of the new found ores. But, till now there are few studies about this ore deposit. The present paper deals with the geological features, the characteristics of igneous rock assemblages and  the results of LAICP MS zircon UPb dating. We propose that the metallogenic igneous rocks are quartz porphyry, granite porphyry and concealed finegrained adamellite.  The granodiorite exposed  on the surface is the surrounding rock. In TAS diagram, metallogenic igneous rocks are  plotted in subalkaline areas and in SiO2K2O diagram, belong to highpotasstic calcalkaline series. They are metaluminous with σ  between 1.913.29(average is 2.44) and A/CNK between 0.8761.013. Trace element abundances show  enrichment in Rb, K and depletion in Ba, Sr. High field  strength elements  show enrichment in Th, La, Ce, Nd, Zr, Ta, Hf, Tm, Tb, Yb and  relatively depleted in P, Sm, Nb and extremely depleted in Y. It reflects  the process of obvious crystallizationdifferentiation  and  proves that there is fractional distillation in LREE and HREE and LREE/HREE is 6.5214.76 which is much higher than average. According to δEu  ranges in 0.430.91, we inferred that there must have happened plagioclase fractional crystallization during the process of granitoid magma evolution  or  there were plagioclase  remnants in source region. The LAICP MS zircon UPb dating of quartz porphyry yielded an age of 139.2±3.4 Ma with MSWD of 1.9. All above, combined with tectonic setting discrimination and regional geological correlation, it is reasonable to conjecture  that the Wuhuaaobao Mo deposit was formed in  Early Cretaceous, namely, in the syncollisional stage of Mongolia microcontinent when merging with Siberia plate along the MongolianOkhotsk zone in Late Yanshan Epoch.

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    Petrology and metamorphic temperaturepressure conditions of Xilinhot Group,  Inner Mongolia, China.
    2012, 19(5): 136-143. 
    Abstract ( 1731 )   PDF (1155KB) ( 1029 )  

    Abstract: Xilinhot Group, the supracrustal rock part of Xilin Gol complex, outcropped in the southeastern vicinity of Xilinhot of Inner Mongolia, is composed of gneiss with layers of amphibolite, magnetite quartzite and granofels. In this paper,we research the petrology of gneiss and amphibolite from Xilinhot Group. The amphibolites mainly contain amphibole+plagioclase assemblage; the sillimanite+Kfeldspar assemblage appears in gneiss. The garnet from gneiss exhibits a pronounced compositional zoning resulting from progressive metamorphism. In such a case, the garnet domains that grow at peak metamorphic stage were chosen to calculate its formation temperatures. The pT conditions of metabasic volcanic and metaclastic rocks penecontemporaneously formed in Xilinhot Group were appraised by garnetbiotite and hornblendeplagioclase geothermobarometry. The results suggest that the peak metamorphism of the Xilinhot Group had reached high amphibolite facies and its pT ranges were 660707 ℃and 0.50.6 GPa. Its metamorphic age is about 1000 Ma.The amphibolite facies metamorphism of Xilinhot Group might be result from the collision between Xilinhot microcontinent and other continental blocks.

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    Lithofacies, geochemical characteristics and tectonic environment of Xilinhot Group, Inner Mongolia, China.
    2012, 19(5): 144-155. 
    Abstract ( 2175 )   PDF (1648KB) ( 932 )  

    The Xilinhot Group is an important part of Xilin Gol Complex in Xilin Gol microblocks in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia. This Group mainly consists of gneiss with amphibolite, magnetitequartzite and granofels interlayers. The gneisses have middle LREErich REE pattern ((La/Yb)N=4.717.97). The amphibolite has relatively flat REE ((La/Yb)N=0.740.95) or slightly enriched LREE((La/Yb)N=1.063.63) pattern. The spider diagram of trace elements normalized by NMORB of the amphibolites shows that their protoliths are mainly similar to the transitional basalts between midocean ridge basalts(MORB) and volcanic arc basalts(VAB). Petrography and various relevant geochemical discrimination diagrams show that the protoliths of gneiss are clastic subgreywacke and amphibolites are basalts transtional between tholeiitic and calcalkaline. The gneisses were formed in active continental margins. The metabasic volcanic rocks displayed the features of the transitional type between islandarc and midoceanic basalt. Accordingly, they are suggested to be formed in island arcback arc basin conditions. All of these characteristics indicate that Xilinhot Group was formed in active continental margin system.

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    Discovery of the Late Permian volcanics in the Zhulazhagamaodao, northern margin of the Alxa Block.
    2012, 19(5): 156-163. 
    Abstract ( 2066 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 858 )  

    According to the previous studies, there are not volcanic outcrops being found from Zhulazhagamaodao, in the north of the Alxa block. On the basis of field observation and microscopic petrographic thin section studies, spherulitic rhyolite had been found from this region. The content of the glassy materials in the spherulitic rhyolite is as high as 75%(vol), and spherulitic structures are prominant. The devitrification phenomena can be observed in the thin section and a lot of feldspars phenocrysts are wrapped within the glassy materials. It indicates that  there must be a lot of minerals from the surrounding rocks trapped into the magma before the spherulitic rhyolite eruption. UPb ages reveal that the eruption of spherulitic rhyolite occurred in the late Permian. Analyzing the LuHf isotopic compositions, the εHf(t) values of the zircons with the ages of 240325 Ma are less than zero(-39.2-13.0) and the model ages are far larger than the UPb ages, so it suggests that the spherulitic rhyolite was originated from the recycling of the ancient crust. Combined with the sampling location, we infer that the ancient crustal materials were from the northern margin of the western block of North China plate.

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    Petrology, geochemistry and SHRIMP UPb dating of zircons from Late Triassic OIBbasalt in the conjunction of the QinlingQilianKunlun orogens.
    2012, 19(5): 164-176. 
    Abstract ( 1554 )   PDF (2123KB) ( 1459 )  

    The pillow lava, which crops out in Zuohai of Xiahe County at the conjunction of QinlingQilianKunlun orogens, overlies midPermian limestones of the Daguanshan Group disconformably. These rocks are porphyritic with abundant olivine, minor plagioclase and clinopyroxene phenocrysts. The matrix is composed of tabular plagioclase microlites, granular pyroxene, olivine, and minor ilmenite. The olivine phenocrysts have altered into iddingsite, talcum and chlorine, and some of them have totally converted into iddingsite. Their geochemical characteristics are very similar to the OIBtype alkali basalts from Hawaii and NW Turkey, with high TiO2 content (1.99%2.24%) and Mg# values (5864). The Fo values of olivine phenocrysts range from 82.73 to 84.57, with CaO contents higher than 0.1%. The plagioclase phenocrysts (An=64.7270.39) have lower contents of Si, Fe, Na, K and Ti and higher Al and Ca contents than those plagioclase (An=58.8861.53) in groundmass. These suggest that the magma has undergone crystallization differentiation of olivine and plagioclase. SHRIMP zircon UPb dating yields a mean age of (220.5±4.2) Ma, indicating that these pillow lava should form in the Norian. Regional data also indicate that the PaleoTethys Ocean died out and continentcontinent collision took place in the late Triassic within the conjunction of the QinlingQilianKunlun orogens. Then, the delamination of lithosphere probably gave rise to a thinner lithosphere that resulted in volcanism with OIB geochemical affinities.

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    scovery and significance of the Late Devonian highalumina basalt in the Tuotuo River region of the QinghaiTibet Plateau.
    2012, 19(5): 177-186. 
    Abstract ( 1864 )   PDF (1493KB) ( 1133 )  

    On the basis of the field geological survey, the author discovered the highalumina basalt in Tuotuo riverKaixingling area located in the central region of the QinghaiTibet Plateau. UPb isotopes of zircon from the basalt were determined by LAICPMS and the causes of formation of the zircon were studied by using CL images. The 206Pb238U dating from 12 zircon suggests an isotopic age of (380.1 ±5.6) Ma (MSWD=0.21), which indicates that the basalt was the product of the Late Devonian. The basalt shows the characteristics of low SiO2(average 48.32%), Na2O(average 2.29%), K2O(average 0.39%), TiO2(average 0.754%), Alk(average 2.68%)and high Al2O3(average 20.16%). Its chemical composition has the characteristics from low K Tholeiitic series to calcalkiline series. The CIPW normative mineral of the basalt indicate that it belongs to quartz tholeiitic basalt(The contents of quartz was 2.77%9.32%). The characteristics of high Al, low K and Alk were similar to the typical highalumina basalt. It had low total quantity of REE elements, ΣREE= 32.69×10-6-41.01×10-6. δEu was between 1.12 and 1.28 with the mean of 1.2; chondritenormalized REE patterns of basalt  approximate to the level, with positive anomaly for Eu and Ce. The rocks are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), depleted in high strength field elements (HFSE), with positive Sr, Ba and Ce but negative Nb anomalies. Based on these geochemical characteristics and combined with a series of rock geochemistry diagrams for the tectonic setting, the discovery suggested that the basalt was formed in island arc condition, determined that the volcano stratum was formed in the Eopaleozoic in the Northern Part of QiangtangSanjiang area, and provided the information for studying the formation and evolution of the PaleoTethys Ocean.

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    Chemical characteristics of high magnesian andesites in the Neoarchean Wutai Greenstone Belt.
    2012, 19(5): 187-194. 
    Abstract ( 1344 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 823 )  

    In the light of a new classification of high magnesian andesite (HMA) this paper deals with the chemical characteristics of HMAs developed in the Neoarchean Wutai Greenstone Belt, and the HMAs have the similar chemical characteristics with the experimental HMA melts and the typical HMAs in nature: such as the HMAs from Chichijima and Setouchi areas of Japan. Recognition of the HMAs in the Neoarchean Wutai Greenstone Belt suggests the Greenstone Belt to be formed in the setting of oceanic subduction, and thus, the plate tectonic theory may also be applicable in Neoarchean.

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    Analysis of basinmountain coupling and transition of the Northern Tarim BasinSouthern Tianshan Orogenic Belt.
    2012, 19(5): 195-204. 
    Abstract ( 1595 )   PDF (1743KB) ( 907 )  

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the basinmountain coupling and the process of tectonic transition between Northern Tarim Basin and Southern Tianshan Orogenic Belt. The typical superimposed Tarim Basin experienced polycycle tectonic evolution. It is indicated that polyphase and complex basinmountain coupling and basinmountain transition existed in the Northern Tarim Basin and the adjacent Southern Tianshan Orogenic Belt. (1)Basinmountain coupling and tectonic transition according to the geological time realm: coupling of the intracontinental rifting basinearly phase extensional orogenylater stage compressional orogeny during the period of the earlyPaleozoic, coupling of the intracontinental rifting basinretroarc orogenylater stage collisional orogeny during the period of the LaterPaleozoic, coupling of the intracontinental foreland basincompressional orogeny during the Mesozoic, coupling of the foreland basincompressional orogeny in the Eogene, and coupling of the recycled foreland basincompressional orogeny in the NeogeneQuaternary.(2)Basinmountain coupling based on the depth realm: basinmountain coupling of the deep mantle underthrusting, coupling of the multilevel detachment in the crust, coupling of the detachment in the basement, coupling of extension and thrustnappe in the Paleozoic, and coupling of thrustnappe in the MesoCenozoic.(3)Basinmountain coupling according to the kinematics and geodynamics: thrustnappetype basinmountain coupling, gravitationaldetachmenttype basinmountain coupling, wrenchtransfertype basinmountain coupling, magmaweldtype basinmountain coupling, and crocodilemouthtype basinmountain coupling.

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     LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from the metadetrital rocks of the Early Palaeozoic Huluhe Group in eastern part of Qilian orogenic belt: Constraints of material source and sedimentary age.
    2012, 19(5): 205-224. 
    Abstract ( 2043 )   PDF (2260KB) ( 1313 )  

    Abstract: There was much controversy for long over the formation age of the Huluhe Group in eastern part of Qilian orogenic belt. Choosing the metadetrital rocks in the Huluhe Group as study objects, this article uses LAICPMS zircon UPb isotope chronology to study the formation age and material source of the Huluhe Group. The results show that the detrital zircons isotope ages of the two samples from the Huluhe Group and the age of the granite intruded in it show that the sedimentary age of the Huluhe Group ranges from 447434 Ma, mainly the early Silurian. The zircon age spectrum can evidently divided into four groups: SinianEarly Paleozoic age group from 426595 Ma, the peak value is 479 Ma; Neoproterozoic age group from 738981 Ma, the peak value is 887 Ma; Mesoproterozoic age group from 10001913 Ma, the peak value is 1499 Ma; PaleoproterozoicNeoarchaean age group from 20532872 Ma, the peak value is 2448 Ma. The SinianEarly Paleozoic age group can further be divided into 426493 Ma and 527595 Ma, the peak values are 445 Ma and 559 Ma respectively. The former indicates that its material source mainly be the adjacent North Qilian orogenic belt and northern margin of the West Qinling tectonic zone, which is a sedimentary response to the orogenic erosion of a series of igneous rocks caused by the northward subduction and collision of the MiddleSouth Qilian and West Qinling microblock in the Caledonian, respectively. The latter is related to the magmation of the FanAfrican orogenic event in the North Qilian orogenic belt and northern margin of West Qinling tectonic zone. The Neoproterozoic age group can further be divided into 738799 Ma, 839862 Ma and 902981 Ma, the peak values are 768 Ma, 848 Ma and 948 Ma respectively, and 902981 Ma age datas have the largest proportion. The 738799 Ma age datas are approximately corresponding to the age of Late Neoproterozoic tectonomagmatic event in the North Qilian orogenic belt, and are related to the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia. The 839862 Ma and 902981 Ma age datas are approximately correponding to the age of Early Neoproterozoic tectonomagmatic event in Middle Qilian and northern margin of West Qinling area, and are related to the convergence of the supercontinent Rodinia and arc magamtism. The Mesoproterozoic age group can be divided into 10001197 Ma and 12431913 Ma, the peak values are 1036 Ma and 1593 Ma respectively, and its material source may be the basement of Qilian orogenic belt and North China block. The PaleoproterozoicNeoarchaean age group reflects that the material source is the crystalline basement of North Qilian orogenic belt and northern margin of West Qinling tectonic belt, part may also be from the basement of North China block. Comprehensive analyses show that the material source is much complicated, with obvious diversity, including the Qilian orogenic belt, northern margin of West Qinling tectonic zone and the basement of North China block, among which the first two was the predominate source areas to the sediments, but Qilian orogenic belt is the main source of the Huluhe group.

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    The uplift and erosion of the Tianshan Mountains recorded by detrital zircon geochronology from the Cenozoic sediments in the southern Junggar Basin.
    2012, 19(5): 225-233. 
    Abstract ( 1600 )   PDF (1337KB) ( 1247 )  

    Detrital zircon grains were collected from seven layers of sandstones along the paleomagnetically welldated Cenozoic sequence in the Jingou River section on the northern piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains. LAICPMS UPb dating of the zircon grains yields a large range of age spectrum with the Anjihaihe Fm. (paleomagnetic ages 2823.3 Ma) and Shawan Fm. (23.317.5 Ma) having peak zircon ages of 261328 Ma (PC), the Taxihe Fm. (17.513.2 Ma) 234311 Ma (TC) and 369403 Ma (DS), and the Dushanzi Fm. (13.26.0 Ma) and Xiyu Fm. (6.01 Ma) 264333 Ma. As compared with the lithostratigraphic distribution in the drainage reaches, it reveals that the central Tianshan Mountains began to uplift as a provenance and subjected to erosion in as late as  late Oligocene, then these processes extended to the southern margin of the northern Tianshan around the early Miocene, and finally to the whole northern Tianshan Mountains. Around mid and late Miocene the northern Tianshan Mountains began to prominently uplift and gradually impeded the supply of sediments from  central Tianshan Mountains and finally became the major provenance. The northward progressive uplift and erosion of  Tianshan reflect the distant responses of the collision  between India  and Eurasia Plates.

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    The coupling relationship between the South Tianshan Mountains and the Tarim Basin: New evidence from the (U-Th)/He ages
    2012, 19(5): 234-243. 
    Abstract ( 1469 )   PDF (1500KB) ( 915 )  

    The tectonodepositional coupling relationship between the Tarim Basin and the South Tianshan Mountains has become one of the hotspots for geological research in China. This paper applies the (UTh)/He ages of apatite and zircon from the drilling samples in the basin to study the coupling relationship between the Tarim Basin and the South Tianshan Mountains. The apatite and zircon of the Tabei Uplift, whose He ages fall into the range of 15 Ma to 3 Ma, are from the South Tianshan Mountains. The thermal modeling results reveal that the South Tianshan Mountains uplifted rapidly from ~15 Ma to ~5 Ma in Late Miocene. Based on the results, the evolution model is proposed to show the tectonicssedimentation coupling relationship between the North Tarim Basin and the South Tianshan Mountains. During Late Miocene, the South Tianshan Mountains began to uplift rapidly with serious erosion while the North Tarim Basin was dramatically subsided accepting the sediments from the South Tianshan Mountains. The He ages of apatite and zircon effectively record the geological information and provide new evidence for the study of the basinmountain coupling relationship.

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     Geological characteristics of Late PalaeozoicMesozoic unconformities and their response to some significant tectonic events in eastern part of Eastern Kunlun.
    2012, 19(5): 244-254. 
    Abstract ( 1985 )   PDF (2026KB) ( 841 )  


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    Extension order and its deep geological background: Evidence from Western Shandong Rise and Jiyang Depression in the Late MesozoicCenozoic.
    2012, 19(5): 255-273. 
    Abstract ( 1551 )   PDF (3228KB) ( 981 )  

    This thesis studies the evolution of normal faults and the relationship between the Western Shandong Rise (WSR) and Jiyang Depression (JD), and discusses their possible formation deep background or mechanism. The study reveals the existence of steep key faults and décollement structures in both shallow and deep levels in western Shandong, China. The steep faults controlled the formation of halfgraben and detachment at a depth of 1222 km and up to 30 km distance to the south, while the most outstanding shallow décollement structures occurred along the regional unconformity surface between the Cambrian and Archean, and the disconformity surface between the Carboniferous and Ordovician with main direction to the NNW and NNE. The décollement structure surface manifests as a fault zone with cataclastic rocks, asymmetrical folds and cleavages and occurred most obviously in north of the WSR and south of the JD. They occurred in opposite dip, faulted from south to north with approximately the same time in the Late JurassicCretaceous 176103 Ma, the PaleoceneEarly Eocene 6749 Ma, and the Middle EoceneOligocene 4225 Ma according to KAr and FT dating. Physical simulation indicated that the steep fault developed from south to north on piggyback propagation. Seismic tomography reveals that the extension fault system probably initiated by mantle upwelling derived from subduction and collision of the Yangtze Plate with the North China Plate along the TanchengLujiang Fault in the Late TriassicEarly Jurassic. This circumstance implies a multidirection subduction and collision of these two plates in the Mesozoic. In the Cenozoic, Vshaped mantle heading north caused by PacificEurasian Plate subduction and IndoEurasin Plate collision resulted in the extension order from south to north. Meanwhile, the older age magmatic rocks occurred in south while the younger ones existed in north in the Late Mesozoic, which shows that the magmatism migration pole is from south to north. The extension order controls the formation of the fault, half graben, sedimentary characteristics and oilgas distribution.

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    Seismotectonics since last 110 years and recent geodynamics in SongpanGanzi region.
    2012, 19(5): 274-283. 
    Abstract ( 1354 )   PDF (2239KB) ( 1441 )  

    The study area, SongpanGanzi region, lies in the northeast corner of the QinghaiTibet plateau (96°107°E,30°35°N). Totally 993 earthquake faults with various properties are distinguished by statistic analysis based on 4781 observed faults longer than 2 km in 1 to 200000 scale and 5220 seismic records since 1900, and field investigation data, that allows to establish a centennial seismotectonic framework in the study area. Changes of the earthquake faults in decade interval since 1970 shows that after a strong earthquake swarm occurred in BaimaHuya area in the mid1980s, seismic activities increased obviously along the central GongmaDaqu earthquake faults and the southeast segment of the Xianshuihe earthquake faults when they migrated eastwards along each major strikeslip fault zone. The relationship between the seismicity and the fault movement was dominantly controlled by a transpressional shearing and showing a typical wedge effect. Three relatively weak deformation velocity domains, a major velocity gradient along Xianshuihe fault zone and several local velocity perturbations are indicated by 165 GPS velocity vectors observed before 2008. Rates of displacement across the Xianshuihe fault zone in the south of the study area are about 6.58.6 mm/a as a result of the converging of the GongmaDaqu earthquake faults, whilst across the East Kunlun fault zone in the north are only about 1.82.2 mm/a. The condition of the Wenchuan 8.0 earthquake nucleation is accumulated by an increase of velocity vector components vertical to the fault plane, since the trend of the Xianshuihe fault is sharply southward bending at its mid and southeast segment, which also caused the earthquake fractures running northeastwards from the epicenter.

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    On the lower chronological boundary of the Neotectonic period in China.
    2012, 19(5): 284-292. 
    Abstract ( 1315 )   PDF (1529KB) ( 1045 )  

     The last decades have seen a number of studies of Neotectonics in China, concerning with geomorphology, recent sediments and tectonics. The implication of Neotectonics is, however, still controversial up to now. One reason for this is that the lower chronological boundary of the Neotectonic period has been defined as greatly different epochs ranging from the Late Eocene (40 Ma) to the Middle Pleistocene (0.73 Ma). In this work we attempt to address this issue from dynamics of tectonic movements. Analysis of presentday crustal motions, distribution of compressional stress axes of the tectonic stress field and their formation conditions suggests that they are characterized by fairly good continuity and coherence as well as consistent orientations. It indicates that the IndiaEurasia collision is the primary driving force that determines the recent crustal motions and tectonic stress field in mainland China. Geological data shows, however, that in the Eogene time eastern and western mainland China was under extension and compression respectively that were completely distinct tectonic environments. This situation continued till the Middle Miocene (1520 Ma) when the blocks in the eastern Tibetan plateau, such as SichuanYunnan (ChuanDian) and Bayan HaraSongpan, were extruded laterally. These blocks slide from north to south and towards southeast to push eastern mainland China, thus linking eastern and western mainland China together as a united tectonic system. It has caused a series of tectonic events as well as changes of dynamic setting of the Cenozoic in eastern China. All these lines of evidence demonstrate that the neotectonic movements of China started from the  middle Miocene, i.e. about 1510 Ma B.P.

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    The TianshanBaikal boundary of the termination of intracontinental deformation in central Asia.
    2012, 19(5): 293-299. 
    Abstract ( 1576 )   PDF (1206KB) ( 991 )  

    In central Asia, there exists a notable NE trending boundary (TianshanBaikal boundary) along the western end of the Tianshan Mountains, northwestern end of the Altai Mountains and the Baikal area. On either side of this boundary, the features of topography, tectonics, seismicity and other geophysical fields are quite different. There is no major fault aligned with this boundary, while a series of NW striking faults intersect it at nearly right angles, of which the northwestern sections terminate nearby the TianshanBaikal boundary. Overall, the stable Kazakh platform and Siberia platform are situated in the northwestern side of this boundary, and tectonically active Tianshan, Altai and western Mongolia characterize its southeastern side. Therefore this TianshanBaikal boundary marks the termination of crustal deformation within the continent. Processes of terrane amalgamation in central Asia finished at the end of the Paleozoic when the Tianshan, Altai and other orogens were welded with the Kazakh and Siberia platforms, followed by consolidation during the Mesozoic. Since the Cenozoic, impacted by the IndiaAsia collision and continued postcollisional plate convergence, the Tianshan, Altai and other orogens were rejuvenated, resulting in extensive crustal deformation under NS compression, which concentrates along the EW trending thrust and NW striking strikeslip faults, as well as diffused earthquakes. The spread of these deformations toward north was terminated or cut off by the rigid and intact platforms of Kazakh and Siberia, creating the NE striking TianshanBaikal boundary. Crustal strength and deformation behaviors of blocks in the Asian continent have a conspicuous inheritance. Since the Cenozoic, the original platforms (cratons) remain intact and stable, almost without interior deformation, while those old orogens underwent intensive deformations again, which were associated with IndiaAsia collision as well as deep structures of crust and upper mantle. Besides, it also played an important role in strain partitioning that the platforms of Kazakh and Siberia, northwest of the TianshanBaikal boundary, hampered the diffusion of deformation.

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    A preliminary study of the focal mechanism of the deepfocus earthquakes in Northeast China.
    2012, 19(5): 300-311. 
    Abstract ( 1943 )   PDF (1476KB) ( 2746 )  

    Research of the focal mechanisms of the deepfocus earthquakes plays an important role in the understanding of the driving mechanism and the dynamics of the plate tectonics. In this study, we analyzed distribution characteristics and fault plane solutions of the deepfocus earthquakes in Northeast China. Our results show that: (1) Hypocentral depths of these deepfocus earthquakes become progressively deeper in the orientation from SEE (Japan Sea) to NWW (Northeastern China), but there is no obvious trend in the orientation from SSW to NNE. Furthermore, downdip compressive stress is dominant in the focal mechanism solutions for these deepfocus earthquakes, suggesting that the deepfocus earthquakes of Northeast China is the result of driving action from the Western Pacific Ocean subducting slab. (2) From JapanSea to Northeast area of China, the hypocentral depths of earthquakes exhibit a clear linear correlation with the horizontal distance of these deep focus events measured from the Japan trench and coincide with the WatatiBenioff zone under Japan, suggesting that the deepfocus earthquakes region of Northeast China, like JapanSea deepfocus earthquakes, is a part of the Western Pacific Ocean subduction zone. (3) Based on previous slab thermal structure analyses and seismological studies, we postulate that most deepfocus earthquakes in Northeast China are related to metastable olivine wedge, and their occurrence is the result of phase transformation.

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    The Late Cenozoic tectonic deformation in the Western Qaidam Basin and its implications.
    2012, 19(5): 312-321. 
    Abstract ( 1452 )   PDF (1391KB) ( 765 )  

    The research of tectonic deformation of northeastern Tibetan Plateau is an important way to recognize the process and mechanism of the entire plateau uplift, and the remote effects of IndoEuropean plate collision, too. The Qaidam Basin is bounded by the Kunlun fault, Altyn Tagh fault and Qilian fault to the northwest, south and northeast, respectively, developed the thick Cenozoic sediments and have recorded the tectonic deformation information of northeastern Tibet. Especially, the western Qaidam Basin has undergone strong tectonic deformation and well exposed the Late Cenozoic strata, which is the ideal area to study the Late Cenozoic tectonic deformation history and driving mechanism. Combined with the latest highprecision paleomagnetic age, the balanced crosssection restoration and paleomagnetic structure rotation were used to reconstruct the Late Cenozoic tectonic deformation history of the western Qaidam Basin. The results show that the tectonic deformation was mainly manifested as the strata shortening and the structure rotation under the compressive stress since 22 Ma. The extent of the shortening and the amount of the rotation presented a phasic growth. The deformation history can be divided into three stages: quiet period of tectonic activity (229.1 Ma); tectonic deformation relatively strengthened (9.12.65 Ma); and the tectonic movement reaching the peak (since 2.65 Ma). The Late Cenozoic strata shortening and clockwise rotation of the western Qaidam Basin resulted from the Late Cenozoic IndoEuropean plate continually extruding northward, the KunlunQimen Tagh Mountains strongly thrusting to the Qaidam Basin, and the Altyn Tagh sinistral strikeslip fault being revived on a large scale.

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    Classification and evaluation of shale oil.
    2012, 19(5): 322-331. 
    Abstract ( 1908 )   PDF (1715KB) ( 2106 )  

    Shale oil is liquid hydrocarbon formed in the effective source rocks with free phase(condense oil), adsorbed and dissolved phase(dissolved in gas, kerogen and residual water). According to hydrocarbon phase, genesis and exploration procedures of hydrocarbon within the shale, the shale oil and gas are classified into two groups and eight classes. Based on the shale oil characteristics in China, the shale oil forming conditions and distribution law were concluded. Large scale distribution of effective shales, development of organic rich shales in deep waterhalf deep water with thermal maturity, and good matrix physical properties are the necessary conditions for the formation of shale oil. Furthermore, we created the shale oil development mode in the continental faulted lake basin, and pointed out that the probability volumetric calculation method can be used to assess shale oil resource, and also put forward the parameter system and criteria for shale oil prospective area, favorable area and target area. The success in shale oil development has significant impact on the energy consumption structure in China.

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    Geologic evaluation and targets optimization of shale gas.
    2012, 19(5): 332-338. 
    Abstract ( 2141 )   PDF (1307KB) ( 1283 )  

    Shale gas and shale oil are petroleum generated and accumulated in source rocks. They are remained oil and gas in source rocks. The gas remained in source rocks mainly adsorbed by organics or free in pore. Shale gas survey, exploration and development have just started in China. In oil and gas basins, we can find oil and gas exploration and development data to help us to get the data such as TOC, Ro, thickness, distribution, oil and gas showings of source rocks etc. In the basins that have not found conventional oil and gas, we lack  the basic data needed for evaluating the shale gas. The availability of basic data in different basins needed for evaluating shale gas and shale oil is different, so the starting point and indexes used for shale gas(oil) geological evaluation are different: (1) gas shale evaluationmainly use the TOC, Ro, mineral composition, shale distribution, thickness, burial depth, heterogeneity, etc.; (2) gas content evaluation and shale gas resources assessmentmainly use the gas content, adsorption ability, the types of reservoir space and reservoir physical properties, fractures and resource potentials, etc.; (3) shale gas development and economics evaluationmainly use the reservoir temperature, fluid pressure, fluid saturation, fluid properties, reservoir sensitivity, rock mechanics parameters and regional stress field, geomorphology, infrastructure, etc. Economic evaluation is based on test well.

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    Shale gas sweet spots: Geological controlling factors and seismic prediction methods.
    2012, 19(5): 339-347. 
    Abstract ( 2895 )   PDF (1749KB) ( 2343 )  

    This paper first discusses about the geological controlling factors of shale gas plays and various evaluation indicators. It is thought that the evaluation indicators of shale gas can be classified into two types. One type should evaluate the volume of gas, i. e., the resource factors, which decide the resource potential and reserves of this area. This is a key indicator for shale gas resource evaluation and favorable blocks selection, which mainly includes shale thickness, total organic carbon(TOC), types of kerogen, thermal maturity (Ro), natural gas content and condition (free gas or absorbed gas), etc. The other determines whether the shale gas can be recovered economically as well as the output, i. e., determines a socalled “core zone” or “sweet spot” zone, which includes buried depth, the mineral content of shale itself, brittleness, porosity (fracture), permeability as well as magnitude, orientation and difference of original insitu stress. The two kinds of indicators jointly control the accumulation and final production of shale gas. Therefore, during the process of shale gas exploration and production, the first indicator should firstly be evaluated by utilizing geological and geochemical methods so as to select optimum favorable blocks, while the second indicator can be predicted and evaluated by using seismic related techniques to select optimum shale gas enrichment area or “sweet spot” zone suitable for drilling and production. According to the discussion about geological controlling factors for shale gas enrichment zone (“sweet spot”), the shale gas can be classified into fractured shale gas play and brittle shale gas play. Both of them need to be located in areas of small stress anisotropy so as to obtain complicated fracture network as desired. The author holds that for fractured shale gas play, the geometrical seismic attributes (including coherency, anttracking volume and curvature, etc.) can well characterize fault, subtle fault and fractured zone. The interpretation of these outcomes can be displayed through rose diagram. In this way, the dominant orientation and minor orientation of fractures in this area can be disclosed and then deduce the direction of local principal stress, providing foundation for well deployment. As for brittle shale gas play, prestack inversion and poststack inversion technology can disclose low Poissons ratio, vp/vs ratio and MuRho multicomponent analysis to identify favorable object (“sweet spot”). The seismic technology, once playing a great role in conventional hydrocarbon exploration, is still a necessary technology for unconventional oil and gas exploration and development.

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    Shale gas accumulation conditions of Eastern Region of Liaohe Depression.
    2012, 19(5): 348-355. 
    Abstract ( 2596 )   PDF (1290KB) ( 837 )  

     Shale gas is the natural gas existing in mudstone/shale or their interlayers, being adsorbed or free. The Eastern Region of Liaohe Depression consists of the Eastern Sag and Eastern Uplift and it is a typical transformation superimposed basin which had undergone the stages of the base and land mass formation, of the floor development, of the rift development and of the depression development. The Eastern Region is not only rich in conventional oil and gas but also in unconventional oil and gas because of having deposited multiple sets of hydrocarbon source rocks. Now, to some extent, it has made some important progress in the exploration of shale gas. Basically, the three main sets of shale formations in the Eastern Region of Liaohe Depression meet the demands of shale gas accumulation: favorable conditions of hydrocarbon generation, a certain thickness, and abundance of organic matter. Shale in the Eastern Region of Liaohe Depression has favorable conditions of gas accumulation, and at the same time, a huge number of micropores and microfractures and high fragile mineral content make it conducive to the postfracturing. By studying and analyzing a large number of data, the shale gas in the Paleogene is mainly composed of free gas, while adsorbed gas accounts for a large amount of shale gas in Eastern Uplift whose condition of structure preservation can be slightly loose. The Eastern Sag has lower maturity and better preservation conditions in the Paleogene and free gas accounts for more in its shale; meanwhile, there are shale gas and shale oil symbiosis in shale formations. There are some favorable areas for shale gas exploration, such as Well Jie3 area, Qinglongtai area, Taoyuan area, Huangyure area in the Eastern Region, and Well Tong3, south of Well Wangcan1 are good choice for shale gas exploration currently.

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    Influence factors and evaluation methods of the gas shale fracability.
    2012, 19(5): 356-363. 
    Abstract ( 2587 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 1905 )  

    Fracability is the capability of the shale that can be fractured effectively during hydraulic fracturing. Shale brittleness, nature fracture, quartz content, diagenesis are influencing factors of shale fracability as well as other factors. A mathematical model is established to quantitatively evaluate the shale fracability. First, standardize the parameters by range transform or assignment method, and then calculate each parameters weight in shale fracability via Analytic Hierarchy Process. Fracability index is equal to the weight between standardized value and weight coefficient. The model was applied to Well Yuye1 Longmaxi shale in the Southeast of Chongqing area and Barnett shale in Fort Worth Basin of US. Yuye1 fracability index is 0.4855 which is little higher than 0.4844 of Barnett shale and the fracability of Yuye1 shale is at the same level with Barnett shale. Shale fracability can be divided into three levels according to the reservoir parameters features. The shale with low fracability couldnt be stimulated effectively, which fracability index is 0.13200.2820. The shale with medium fracability could be fractured effectively, which fracability index is 0.28200.4567 and the shale with high fracability is the best choice to be fractured, which fracability index is 0.45670.7840. It is better to choose the shale to be fractured which fracability index is above 0.3607.

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