Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 263-287.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2024.6.27
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LI Yuntao1,2(), DING Wenlong1,2,*(
), HAN Jun3, HUANG Cheng3, WANG Laiyuan3, MENG Qingxiu3
CLC Number:
LI Yuntao, DING Wenlong, HAN Jun, HUANG Cheng, WANG Laiyuan, MENG Qingxiu. Fractures in Ordovician carbonate rocks in strike-slip fault zone, Shunbei area: Fracture distribution prediction and fracture controlling factors[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2024, 31(5): 263-287.
Fig.1 (a) Tectonic units of the Tarim Basin, (b) strike-slip fault system in Shunbei and surrounding areas (modified after [4,5,11,26]); see a for location), and (c) stratigraphic framework (adapted from [4]).
Fig.2 Characteristics of SHB16 fault zone development. (a) Fault zone distribution at T 7 4 interface and vertical stress distribution in the study area. (b-e) Stratigraphic-strctural interpretation of cross sections 1-4 perpendicular to the strike of the fault zone (locations see a).
Fig.3 Characteristics of Ordovician carbonates in Shunbei. (a-d) High-angle fracture developments in Ordovician gray mud-crystal limestone of well X4, at depths of 6932 m, 6934.88 m, 6936.91 m, and 6937.12 m, respectively. (e-h) Medium-low angle fracture developments in Ordovician gray mud-crystal limestone of well X5, at depths of 6460.58 m, 6462.14 m, 6463.26 m, and 6464.72 m, respectively.
Fig.4 Calculated dynamic rock mechanical parameters based on well logs in the Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation in wells X4 (a), X6 (b), X5 (c) and X7 (d). See Fig.2a for well locations.
Fig.5 Characteristics of middle Galedonia and current stresses in Shunbei area.(a) Rose diagram of horizontal maximum principal stress azimuths in the middle Galedonian. (b) Sound velocity anisotropy of three samples from the Ordovician Yijianfang Formation of well X4. (c) Rose diagram of current horizontal maximum principal stress azimuths in well X6, obtained from array acoustic logging. (d) Rose diagram of current horizontal maximum principal stress azimuths in well X5, obtained from borehole collapse. (e) Imaging log of the Ordovician in well X2, with depths between 6079.6-6085.2 m. (f, g) Rose diagram of fracture orientation and histogram of dip angle of drilling induced fractures.
岩心编号 | 测试方位角/(°) | 直径/mm | 走时/μs | 波速/(m·s-1) | 磁偏角/(°) | 最小波速与标志线的夹角/(°) | 最大主应力方向 |
No.1 | 150 | 65.52 | 11.89 | 5 512 | 141.5 | 185 | NE43.9° |
No.2 | 150 | 65.58 | 11.98 | 5 475 | 316.9 | 185 | NE58.1° |
No.3 | 105 | 64.78 | 11.81 | 5 486 | 289.3 | 145 | NE35.7° |
Table 1 Results of paleomagnetic and acoustic anisotropy experiments for Ordovician carbonate rock cores from well X4
岩心编号 | 测试方位角/(°) | 直径/mm | 走时/μs | 波速/(m·s-1) | 磁偏角/(°) | 最小波速与标志线的夹角/(°) | 最大主应力方向 |
No.1 | 150 | 65.52 | 11.89 | 5 512 | 141.5 | 185 | NE43.9° |
No.2 | 150 | 65.58 | 11.98 | 5 475 | 316.9 | 185 | NE58.1° |
No.3 | 105 | 64.78 | 11.81 | 5 486 | 289.3 | 145 | NE35.7° |
Fig.6 Acoustic emission test. (a) Samples from the Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation in well well X4. (b) Acoustic emission sampling. (c-f) Paleostress measurement curves based on initial pressure.
样品编号 | 深度/m | 围压/MPa | 抗压强度/MPa | 泊松比 | 杨氏模量/GPa | 内聚力/MPa | 内摩擦角/(°) |
1 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 65 | — | 0.21 | 39.88 | — | — |
2 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 75 | — | 0.26 | 42.93 | ||
3 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 85 | — | 0.22 | 37.13 | ||
4 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 65 | — | 0.23 | 34.7 | 38 | 26.3 |
5 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 75 | — | 0.22 | 36.5 | ||
6 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 85 | — | 0.22 | 36.6 | ||
7 | 7 652.00~7 653.73 | 0 | 70.16 | 0.204 | 36.83 | — | — |
8 | 7 652.00~7 653.73 | 0 | 75.74 | 0.226 | 43.43 | ||
9 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 279.06 | 0.242 | 44.65 | ||
10 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 274.83 | 0.273 | 46.24 | ||
11 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 249.73 | 0.235 | 42.63 | ||
12 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 0 | 72.14 | 0.252 | 37.68 | 17.6 | 41.6 |
13 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 60 | 310.22 | 0.338 | 60.89 | ||
14 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 30 | 267.40 | 0.314 | 56.86 |
Table 2 Mechanical parameters for Ordovician rocks in Shunbei
样品编号 | 深度/m | 围压/MPa | 抗压强度/MPa | 泊松比 | 杨氏模量/GPa | 内聚力/MPa | 内摩擦角/(°) |
1 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 65 | — | 0.21 | 39.88 | — | — |
2 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 75 | — | 0.26 | 42.93 | ||
3 | 7 470.15~7 470.21 | 85 | — | 0.22 | 37.13 | ||
4 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 65 | — | 0.23 | 34.7 | 38 | 26.3 |
5 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 75 | — | 0.22 | 36.5 | ||
6 | 7 560.23~7 560.38 | 85 | — | 0.22 | 36.6 | ||
7 | 7 652.00~7 653.73 | 0 | 70.16 | 0.204 | 36.83 | — | — |
8 | 7 652.00~7 653.73 | 0 | 75.74 | 0.226 | 43.43 | ||
9 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 279.06 | 0.242 | 44.65 | ||
10 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 274.83 | 0.273 | 46.24 | ||
11 | 7 656.46~7 656.57 | 30 | 249.73 | 0.235 | 42.63 | ||
12 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 0 | 72.14 | 0.252 | 37.68 | 17.6 | 41.6 |
13 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 60 | 310.22 | 0.338 | 60.89 | ||
14 | 7 656.38~7 656.46 | 30 | 267.40 | 0.314 | 56.86 |
Fig.8 Geomechanical and mathematical models for the simulation of stress field in Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation in the study area. (a, b) Middle Galedonian stress field. (c, d) Current stress field.
Fig.10 Current stress field simulation using the mathematical model. (a) Simulated values of horizontal maximum principal stress obtained at well X4 under different stress loads. (b) Discrepancy between the simulated and measured values.
Fig.11 Charateristics of middle Galedonian stress field in the Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formationin the study area. (a) Distribution of horizontal maximum principal stress. (b) Horizontal minimum principal stress. (c) Horizontal stress difference. (d) Stress difference coefficient. (e) Azimuthal distribution of horizontal maximum principal stress
Fig.16 Method to calculate the vertical deformation amplitude and width of deformation zones in a strike-slip fault zone. (a, b) Representation of positive and negative structural reliefs. (c) Sections used to obtain fault activity intensity in the vertical direction in the principal displacement zone. (c) Distribution of fault activity intensities along the strike of the fault zone. A and b modified after [10].
Fig.17 Normalized current comprehensive rupture rate in the study area. (a) As a function of distance from the main fault. (b) As a function of horizontal stress difference.
Fig.18 Current reservoir development in the study area. (a) Rreservior development indexes for sizable reservoirs. (b) Geologic pattern of reservoir development in the Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation in wells X4 and X5. Є—Cambrian; O1—Lower Ordovician; O1-2y—Middle and Lower Ordovician Yingshan Formation; O2yj—Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation; O3—Upper Ordovician; S-C1—Silurian to Lower Carboniferous
储集体发育级别 | I级 | II级 | III级 | IV级 |
储集体发育指数 | >3.8 | >3.4~3.8 | 2.5~3.4 | <2.5 |
Table 3 Grading criteria for sizable Ordovician carbonates reservoirs in the study area
储集体发育级别 | I级 | II级 | III级 | IV级 |
储集体发育指数 | >3.8 | >3.4~3.8 | 2.5~3.4 | <2.5 |
分段 | I类储集体 占比 | II类储集体 占比 | III类储集体 占比 | 储集体综合 评价级别 |
①张扭段 | 0% | 12% | 88% | 差 |
②压扭段 | 12% | 58% | 30% | 中 |
③张扭段 | 20% | 60% | 20% | 中 |
④压扭段 | 20% | 60% | 20% | 中 |
⑤张扭段 | 50% | 10% | 40% | 优 |
⑥压扭段 | 0% | 80% | 20% | 差 |
平移段 | 20% | 30% | 50% | 差 |
Table 4 Comprehensive evaluation of reservoir quality levels within different segments of the SHB16 fault zone
分段 | I类储集体 占比 | II类储集体 占比 | III类储集体 占比 | 储集体综合 评价级别 |
①张扭段 | 0% | 12% | 88% | 差 |
②压扭段 | 12% | 58% | 30% | 中 |
③张扭段 | 20% | 60% | 20% | 中 |
④压扭段 | 20% | 60% | 20% | 中 |
⑤张扭段 | 50% | 10% | 40% | 优 |
⑥压扭段 | 0% | 80% | 20% | 差 |
平移段 | 20% | 30% | 50% | 差 |
变形方式 | 综合评价为 优的数量 | 综合评价为 中等的数量 | 综合评价为 差的数量 |
张扭变形 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
压扭变形 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
简单剪切变形 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Table 5 Comprehensive evaluation of reservoir levels corresponding to different deformation patterns in the SHB16 fault zone
变形方式 | 综合评价为 优的数量 | 综合评价为 中等的数量 | 综合评价为 差的数量 |
张扭变形 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
压扭变形 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
简单剪切变形 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
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