Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2022, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 156-174.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2022.8.2
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JIA Chengzao1(), CHEN Zhuxin2,3,*(), LEI Yongliang4, WANG Lining2,3, REN Rong2,3, SU Nan2,3, YANG Geng2,3
CHEN Zhuxin
CLC Number:
JIA Chengzao, CHEN Zhuxin, LEI Yongliang, WANG Lining, REN Rong, SU Nan, YANG Geng. Deformation mechanisms and structural models of the fold-thrust belts of central and western China[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2022, 29(6): 156-174.
Fig.1 Brittle detachment-type thrust faults and related structural accretion behaviors (a) Basic structural model. (b) Surface slope angle evolution with increasing shortening. (c) Structural height growth with increasing shortening.
Fig.2 Ductile sliding-type thrust faults and related structural accretion behaviors. (a) Basic structural model. (b) Surface slope angle evolution with increasing shortening. (c) Structural height growth with increasing shortening.
Fig.6 Three-dimensional spatial distribution of thrust blocks affected by competent-layer thickness. Left: Scale-like structure model. Right: Belted structure model.
Fig.8 Analogue models (left panel) and geological interpretations (right panel) of coupled double weak-layer detachments under influence of different exogenic geological processes
Fig.9 Deformation series showing the development and evolution of multi-stage multi-layer detachments under influence of exogenic geological processes. The shortening rate is 0.005 mm/s. Red and black segments indicate active and inactive faults, respectively.
Fig.12 Cross-sections of typical fold-thrust belts of central and western China with combined brittle-ductile detachments. (A) The Kuqa fold-thrust belt (adapted from [38]). (B) The southwestern Tarim fold-thrust belt (adapted from 56). (C) The Michangshan fold-thrust belt (adapted from [57]).
Fig.13 Deformation process of an analogue model with ductile/ductile double layer and an initial stratum wedge to develop coupled multi-layer detachments. Red and yellow segments indicate inactive and active faults, respectively.
Fig.14 Cross-sections of typical fold-thrust belts of central and western China with combined ductile detachments. (A) The Southwestern Sichuan fold-thrust belt. (B) The Eastern Sichuan fold-thrust belt.
Fig.15 A cross-section of the Southern Junggar fold-thrust belt with multi-layer detachments. Left: Seismic profile. Right: Structural interpretation.
Fig.17 Cross-sections of typical fold-thrust belts of central and western China with combined multi-layer detachments. (A) The Northwestern Sichuan fold-thrust belt. (B) The Southern Junggar fold-thrust belt.
Fig.19 (A) Schematic distribution map of the two types of characteristic rejuvenated foreland fold-thrust belts of central and western China, and (B) Cenozoic sedimentary (blue)/denudation (red) thicknesses in the foreland basin.
Fig.20 Hydrocarbon accumulation patterns in syn-sedimentary (left) and uplifted (right) rejuvenated foreland fold-thrust belts of central and western China
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