地学前缘 ›› 2022, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 245-265.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2021.12.16
所属专题: Research Articles (English); 印度-欧亚大陆碰撞及其远程效应
• "印度-欧亚大陆碰撞及其远程效应"专栏之三 • 上一篇 下一篇
Vladimir A. SANKOV1,2(), Anna V. VETS1, Andrey I. MIROSHNITCHENKO1, Aleksey V. SANKOV1, Amgalan BAYASGALAN3, Sodnomsambuu DEMBEREL3
Vladimir A. SANKOV, Professor. E-mail: Sankov@crust.irk.ru
Vladimir A. SANKOV1,2(), Anna V. PARFEEVETS1, Andrey I. MIROSHNITCHENKO1, Aleksey V. SANKOV1, Amgalan BAYASGALAN3, Sodnomsambuu DEMBEREL3
Vladimir A. SANKOV, Anna V. VETS, Andrey I. MIROSHNITCHENKO, Aleksey V. SANKOV, Amgalan BAYASGALAN, Sodnomsambuu DEMBEREL. 沿阿穆尔板块西边界的活动断层(蒙古领土)[J]. 地学前缘, 2022, 29(1): 245-265.
Vladimir A. SANKOV, Anna V. PARFEEVETS, Andrey I. MIROSHNITCHENKO, Aleksey V. SANKOV, Amgalan BAYASGALAN, Sodnomsambuu DEMBEREL. Active faulting along the western boundary of the Amur plate (territory of Mongolia)[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2022, 29(1): 245-265.
Fig.1 Neotectonic scheme of the territory of Mongolia and its surroundings. 1—strike-slip faults; 2—reverse faults and thrusts; 3—normal faults; 4—prospective faults. Beach balls show the mechanisms of earthquakes with M> 7, 1—Tsetserleg (1905, M=8.2), 2—Bolnay (1905, M=8.4), 3—Gobi-Altay (1957, Mw=8.1), 4—Fuyun (1934, Mw=8.0), 5—Mogod (1967, Mw=7.0), 6—Chuya (2003, Mw=7.3) (Dugarmaa and Shlupp, 2000; Radziminovich et al., 2016). The white dotted line shows the position of the western boundary of the Amur Plate (Zonenshain and Savostin, 1979).
Fig.2 Scheme of Pliocene-Quaternary faults of the central part of Magnolia. The study areas are marked with rectangles. 1—Hangay-Khentiy tectonic saddle; 2—Burgut block (Orhon-Tola interfluve); 3—Selenga depression and Buren-Nuruu uplift. The shaded area in the picture is the zone of the possible position of the western border Amur plate (Zonenshain and Savostin, 1979). For legends see Fig.1. Faults with signs of Holocene displacements are shown by thick lines. Quaternary deposits are colored gray. Small open circles are the point of observations.
Fig.3 Scheme of faults of Late Pleistocene-Holocene activation and Late Cenozoic paleostressed state of the Hangay-Khentiy tectonic saddle area Mongolia
Fig.4 Scheme of faults of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene activation and the Late Cenozoic paleostressed state of the Earth’s crust in the Burgut block. Legends in Fig.3.
Fig.5 Scheme of faults of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene activation and the Late Cenozoic paleostressed state of the Earth’s crust of the Buren-Nuruu uplift and the Selenga depression. Hg—Khutag depression, S—Selenga depression. Legends in Fig.3.
Fig.6 Kinematics of active faults and the results of reconstruction of the Late Cenozoic field of tectonic stresses of the Earth’s crust in Central Mongolia. Left column—rose diagrams of active fault directions; middle column—reconstruction of the generalized prevailing stress tensor based on tectonic fracturing data; the right column—the same for the generalized second most common stress tensor.
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