Earth Science Frontiers ›› 2007, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6): 85-95.

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The role of olistostrome in thrusting—a case study from the Miboshan Formation of Middle Ordovician in the Niushou Mountain, Ningxia


  • Online:2008-06-30 Published:2008-06-30


Olistostromes are common in the Middle Ordovicianstrata in the central-southern Ningxia Province. These olistostrome may have become decollements during later thrusting. Based on the sedimentary and later deformation characteristics of these olistostromes in the Miboshan Formation, we suggest that these olistostrome played an important role in the thrusting process. The development of a decollement during thrusting is commonly related to the rheology of the rocks. Because olistostromes possess, not only a m...

Key words:

Niushou Mountain, Miboshan Formation, olistostromet hrust fault, decollement, mé, lange