地学前缘 ›› 2023, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 45-54.DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2022.8.15

• 构造控油理论与勘探开发新领域 • 上一篇    下一篇


张锐锋1(), 田建章2(), 黄远鑫2, 田然2, 任艺2, 边滢滢2, 王元杰2, 陈令2, 卢山2   

  1. 1.中国石油华北油田分公司, 河北 任丘 062552
    2.中国石油华北油田分公司 勘探开发研究院, 河北 任丘 062552
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-07 修回日期:2022-07-22 出版日期:2023-01-25 发布日期:2022-10-20
  • 作者简介:张锐锋(1964—),男,教授级高工,中石油华北油田公司首席技术专家,主要从事油气地质综合研究与勘探管理。E-mail: ktb_zrf@petrochina.com.cn
  • 基金资助:

Formation conditions and reservoir forming models of Ordovician buried hill reservoirs in Jizhong Depression

ZHANG Ruifeng1(), TIAN Jianzhang2(), HUANG Yuanxin2, TIAN Ran2, REN Yi2, BIAN Yingying2, WANG Yuanjie2, CHEN Ling2, LU Shan2   

  1. 1. PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Renqiu 062552, China
    2. Exploration and Development Research Institute of PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Renqiu 062552, China
  • Received:2022-07-07 Revised:2022-07-22 Online:2023-01-25 Published:2022-10-20



关键词: 冀中坳陷, 杨税务潜山, 奥陶系, 储层类型, 油藏模式


Buried hills in the Jizhong Depression are important exploration targets for petroleum production/reserve enhancement. Ordovician buried hill, however, hinders petroleum discovery due to its strong reservoir heterogeneity and complex reservoir-control factors. Here, based on abundance of core, thin section, logging, seismic and geochemical data, and on the basis of geological analysis, the reservoir-forming conditions/modes of the Yangshuiwu and Wen’an-slope buried hills are systematically analyzed to guide explorations for major breakthroughs. The study shows that three sets of source rocks of the 3 rd and 4 th members of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation and upper Paleozoic Carboniferous-Permian are developed in the Jizhong Depression, providing sufficient material basis for the formation of buried hill oil/gas reservoir. The reservoir-control mechanism including three main factors—carbonate dolomitization/karst/fault—is ascertained, and three reservoir models of karst-pore type, fault-pore fracture type and dolomite-pore type—are established, expanding the exploration space. Controlled by multi-stage tectonism in Indosinian, Yanshanian and Himalayan periods, two types of buried hills were formed: one was formed from depressed strata after uplift and the other from uplifted strata after depression. Based on the analysis of reservoir-forming factors of Ordovician buried hills, three models of buried hills are concluded: deep structural and stratigraphic buried hills with layered reservoirs, median buried hills trapped by Mesozoic and Upper Paleozoic mudstones, and shallow buried hills sealed by Paleogene mudstones. In conclusion, the deep structural and stratigraphic buried hills with layered reservoirs in northern Jizhong Depression have the most favorable reservoir-forming conditions, and the Sicundian and Xinzhen buried hills are the favorable exploration targets.

Key words: Jizhong Depression, Yangshuiwu buried hill, Ordovician, type of reservoir, reservoir mode
