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Discussion on the Cenozoic tectonic evolution and dynamics of southern Tibet 
LIU Demin, YANG Weiran, GUO Tieying, RU Jiangtao, XIONG Aimin
地学前缘    2020, 27 (1): 275-286.   DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2020.5.5
摘要139)      PDF(pc) (643KB)(88)    收藏
Opening-closing tectonics is a new idea for exploring the global tectonics, which holds that every tectonic movement of all materials and geological bodies on earth is characterized by opening and closing. The opening -closing tectonic view can be used to explain some geological phenomena developing in continents which cannot be reasonably explained by the theory of plate tectonics. Based on the available basic geological data and combining with the opening-closing view, we analyzed the divisions and characteristics of tectonic units in South Tibet, and propose that Tibet can be divided into gravitational detachment and detachment fault zones, which are superimposed thrust fault zones  and reconstructed normal fault zones, respectively. Although the mainstream opinion believed that the Tibetan Plateau is formed by collision-compression orogenesis, field investigation revealed the existence of the Rongbu Temple normal fault in the1970s. We consider that the Rongbu Temple normal fault and the Main Central Thrust (MCT) were formed earlier than the South Tibet detachment fault, and the former two  faults constitute the two boundaries of the southern Tibet extrusion structure. The South Tibet detachment fault partially superimposes on the MCT and manifests a relatively high angle in following the Rongbu Temple normal fault north of  the Chomolangma. We suggest that the three fault systems are the products of different periods and tectonic backgrounds. The tectonic units, such as klippes and windows identified by previo us researchers in southern Tibet, belong to thrust fault system but usually have no obvious extrusion or  thrust characteristics; however, they are characterized by missing strata columns as younger strata overlapping the older ones. These  klippes and windows should be the results of later gravitational decollement and must be characterized as extensions and slips, respectively. Based on opening-closing theory, we  suggest that since the Cenozoic the study area had undergone multistage development, which  can be divided into the oceanic crust expansion (opening) and subduction (closing) and the continental collision (closing) and intracontinental  extension (opening) stages. Geothermal energy from the deep earth, gravitational potential energy from the earth’s interior, and additional stress energy from tectonic movements, all played a key role in the multistage tectonic evolutionary process. 
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2.  Epigenetic geochemical dynamics and driving mechanisms of chemical elemental distribution patterns in soil in Southwest China
CHENG Hangxin, PENG Min, ZHAO Chuandong, HAN Wei, WANG Huiyan, WANG Qiaolin, YANG Fan
地学前缘    2019, 26 (6): 320-354.   DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2020.2.29
摘要209)      PDF(pc) (21709KB)(121)    收藏

 The Earth's surface is a complex system involving mutual interactions of its many components, including mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasses. The interaction and mutual feedback of chemical elements in Earths surface layer can drive changes in chemical elemental distribution patterns. In this study, we evaluated the mechanisms and interactions driving the distribution patterns of macroelements, probiotics, halogens and heavy metals in soils in Southwest China, based on a systematic geochemical land-quality survey at a scale of 1250000. The results showed that the parent material determines the natural state of chemical elements in land resources. Epigenetic geochemical dynamics reshapes the distribution patterns of chemical elements in top soil; biogeochemical processes drive the evolutionary trends of land quality; and human activities, such as mining, disrupt the natural evolution of chemical elemental distribution patterns. The establishment of an epigenetic geochemical dynamics theory allows the construction of a framework for understanding the Earths surface layer and promoting technological innovations for the comprehensive geochemical investigation of land resources.

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