穆青, 黄荣, 严加永, 卢占武, 罗银河, 张永谦, 姜小欢, 文宏斌, 魏鹏龙, 周万里
Constraining the crustal structure of the southern segment of the north-south gravity lineament by the receiver function H-κ-c method
MU Qing, HUANG Rong, YAN Jiayong, LU Zhanwu, LUO Yinhe, ZHANG Yongqian, JIANG Xiaohuan, WEN Hongbin, WEI Penglong, ZHOU Wanli
地学前缘 . 2023, (5): 369 -383 .  DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2023.7.31