卢宜冠, 涂家润, 孙凯, 覃鹏, 王华青, 何胜飞, 张航, 龚鹏辉, 郭硕, 方科, 和文言
Cobalt occurrence and ore-forming process in the Chambishi deposit in the Zambian Copperbelt, Central Africa
LU Yiguan, TU Jiarun, SUN Kai, QIN Peng, WANG Huaqing, HE Shengfei, ZHANG Hang, GONG Penghui, GUO Shuo, FANG Ke, HE Wenyan
地学前缘 . 2021, (3): 338 -354 .  DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2021.1.25